All newbie/starter entry level DSLR information

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Parv said:
Thinking of buying this,

eBay India: Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 Lens New (item 390181290445 end time 17-Apr-2010 22:22:26 IST)

Are there any variants of 50mm F1.8, asking because I thought there is only one 50mm F1.8 II, while this is just 50mm F1.8 (though the picture is 50mm F1.8 II) :S

Also I have just starting using the DSLR with 18-55 IS kit lens, So is it too early to buy a prime?

Currently there is no variant for 50mm f/1.8 mark II, the one which you are asking for is a very old lens(from '90s, so a trusted design) i feel it's much better than the new one coz it has distance scale and the optics are same as the new one.:)

I tried getting it but could not find one in bangalore so took a new 1.8 mark II:ohyeah:

And ya to buy or not to buy is a personal preference, the thing is once you buy a SLR, the feeling of buying more lenses will grow..:) but try to use the current lens to its max, learn it's pro and cons so that when u upgrade; you will know what + points your new purchase has.;)
_pappu_ said:
ok, who here has a gorilla pod? :)

I do.
(But that's the obvious answer. :P)

I don't find much user for it, to be very very honest. But it is nice to have in the bag, just in case. :)

If you're planning to buy one, try to get it with the Ballhead attachment - it's much more expensive but it adds a LOT to the versatility of the thing.
-D.Payne- said:
I do.
(But that's the obvious answer. :P)

I don't find much user for it, to be very very honest. But it is nice to have in the bag, just in case. :)

If you're planning to buy one, try to get it with the Ballhead attachment - it's much more expensive but it adds a LOT to the versatility of the thing.

ook, and from where to shop? :)
could you point me to a reliable one, weight wise? i see there are many different sizes available.
i want to buy it, since i know i wont be lugging around a tripod anywhere i go.
i had totally madeup my mind for buying nikon d3000 but then wen i saw the popular photography magzine.. those ppl said canon 1000d was better than nikon d3000.. now i am again confused... some 1 help..

the article was in april issue..
I doubt if anyone can help you in this issue...

All we can do is list the merits and demerits of the two cameras [which U can find in net also] and can share the personal experiences...
the final decision is to be made by you...

also, none of the two cameras is bad.. both are very good..
its the job of magazine guys to compare two cams and then expresses the view on the better one they find... however, it doesnt mean that the one they rated less than the other is a bad one.......

So better to decide your needs and buy the cam...
thing will be easier if you are biased to any one of the two brands..:ohyeah:
leviathan16 said:
i had totally madeup my mind for buying nikon d3000 but then wen i saw the popular photography magzine.. those ppl said canon 1000d was better than nikon d3000.. now i am again confused... some 1 help..

the article was in april issue..

after consulting many many people and some pro's and a couple of studio / freelance photographers , 1000D > D3000

im just waiting for some good deal , offer , emi scheme to slurge on the 1000d
^^ You'd have bought it in 1st week of April, when it was in DOW with notout coupons.

I and Zhopudey bought it then.
^^ We bought the same from same seller for 20850/- (plus a Nikon L21 free).

If you can wait, you should wait, because I guess 1000D price is going to reduce as it's more than 2 years old now.
leviathan16 said:
i had totally madeup my mind for buying nikon d3000 but then wen i saw the popular photography magzine.. those ppl said canon 1000d was better than nikon d3000.. now i am again confused... some 1 help..

the article was in april issue..

As babul said, its a personal choice, the once which feel good for you can be purchased.

on another note, canon has some advantages with regard to sensor and noise handling but nikon has 11 point AF.

But in india, if you see the total package which you will get with both these cams is really diff, nikon kit lens is way much better than the lens given in canon's kit :@ but it should not be a major show stopping factor for you.

All d best for ur purchase:hap2:
sh@sh! said:
As babul said, its a personal choice, the once which feel good for you can be purchased.

on another note, canon has some advantages with regard to sensor and noise handling but nikon has 11 point AF.

But in india, if you see the total package which you will get with both these cams is really diff, nikon kit lens is way much better than the lens given in canon's kit :@ but it should not be a major show stopping factor for you.

All d best for ur purchase:hap2:

if you opt for the canon 1000d, you can ask the seller to give you the IS lens, for 2k extra

its already written in the last few pages of this thread, if you check :)
^^^All BS.

Don't trust what others say, go try them yourself and you ll understand.

11 points are used to detect and lock on to a subject when you use Auto focus feature of your lens.

@ leviathan16, and all other newbies buying DSLR..

as you can see, we generally ask to go to shop and use both of them, and opt for the one you feel better..

but then, there is a humble request from my side, that before you go to any shop, plz gain some basic knowledge of DSLR, and how to use some basic things in them...

I m saying this because yesterday when I was doing timepass in one cam shop, two guys came there and asked to show a cheap DSLR, the shoppy showed then D3000... however they didnt knew anything about how to use it.. Hence they were just clicking buttons without knowing what will happen.. thus in this case the buyer generally make wrong decision because of their own fault of having no knowledge of the cam..
leviathan16 said:
i heard nikon has can capture better high contrast pics.. and wat exactly is 11 point atuofocus

when u use a dslr, most users set it such that, you have to choose the focus point, where the camera will auto-focus. in the d3000, you get 11 focus points. like a 3x3 matrix, + 2 extra ones, on the extremes of the horizontal line.
OT: I might sell my Canon S3 IS in an attempt to buy a Canon 1000D. Any estimate as to how much I could get for selling the S3 IS?
Parv said:
Thinking of buying this,

eBay India: Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 Lens New (item 390181290445 end time 17-Apr-2010 22:22:26 IST)

Are there any variants of 50mm F1.8, asking because I thought there is only one 50mm F1.8 II, while this is just 50mm F1.8 (though the picture is 50mm F1.8 II) :S

Also I have just starting using the DSLR with 18-55 IS kit lens, So is it too early to buy a prime?

Going to buying this,

eBay India: Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 Lens New with 2yrs mfg wrty (item 390183748650 end time 23-Apr-2010 21:32:25 IST)

Using ICICI coupon it'd be 4222/- with 2 year Canon India warranty :ohyeah:

I guess few others are also going to buy now. zhopudey, Aces170 :hap5:
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