Anna Hazare's fast against corruption

Re: Anna Hazare arrested by Delhi police ahead of today's fast.

Indian Govt never change and this is bound to happen, we are born in India :( I Pity myself
Punker said:
Anna Hazare and rest sent to Tihar Jail for 7 days
Re: Anna Hazare arrested by Delhi police ahead of today's fast.

UPA: We did not send Anna to Tihar its Delhi Police. WTH is Delhi Police headed by Pakistani Terrorists or what ??

Sending a man to Tihar Jail who is protesting against the people(the BIG fishes) who are in Tihar Jail .All Hail UPA way to go :mad: :mad:
Re: Anna Hazare arrested by Delhi police ahead of today's fast.

It is the right time to capitalize on the mass hysteria and keep the momentum going unlike the first fast in April. If they let other two-faced parties like BJP take the initiative then all will again be lost.

As summed up on firstpost..

Moments such as this come only once in a generation. By a curious alignment of planets, Anna Hazare has captured the imagination of an India that is crying out for fundamental change. It is time for it to seize the moment, stop being an outsider that has exhausted its influence as a change agent, enter electoral politics, and recreate an India in its own image.



Another article worth reading.. ->

The government seems to have chosen to deliberately provoke and measure the actual visible public support Hazare and his civil society colleagues generate across the country.

It is all going according to plan.

Apparently, the government and its strategists believe that the crowd that gathers around Anna, sends text messages flying across the country, and asks for the lights to be switched off on Independence Day for an hour at 8 pm would not be seen on the streets when push comes to shove.



The angst against corruption could, the Congress-led government calculates, wither away just as it did in 2008 after the Mumbai terror attacks. The initial days saw a huge surge of public protest in the form of candle-holding people around the Gateway of India. But it didn’t last. Such protests, as we have already seen, tend to get snuffed out. The middle class does not even go out to vote against a government that they think is insufferable.
Re: Anna Hazare arrested by Delhi police ahead of today's fast.

now if he does that , i will certainly support him .... when he enters politics and makes a change , till then i will only be fly on the wall
Re: Anna Hazare arrested by Delhi police ahead of today's fast.

^ I just read that pdf and it seems Govt's version is aimed solely at preventing anyone caught engaging in corruption from going to jail. They want the people who voice protests to go to jail in their place though.

Greed in politics knows no bounds!
Re: Anna Hazare arrested by Delhi police ahead of today's fast.

Woo I learnt a new thing now. CBI is kept out of RTI :( when did this happen? I thought all government /controlled bodies are under RTI including PM's office.. am I a Noob..
Re: Anna Hazare arrested by Delhi police ahead of today's fast.

His intentions might be good, but I do not support the way he is doing not (not that I know which way would be better)

Saying that "I shall fast until death" is actually holding a country to ransom.

Saying that "If the government falls, so be it. We don't care" is trying to destroy the democracy in the country and pushing it into anarchy.

Saying that "Fill the jails by courting arrest" is a direct threat to the the country's citizens as instead of taking care of crimes that happen on the street, the police will have to babysit these people.

He is no Gandhi, he better realize that. This is not the 1940s where he can do what he wishes. This is a sovereign, democratic and independent nation which is also one of the biggest powers in the world.

People support him as if they have never bribed a soul in their life to get something they want or get away from a tight stop.
This is just Hippocratic to say the least.

If UPA goes, NDA will come. They will do the same or be worse. As it is NDA is a Hindu centric alliance. They would do more harm than good.

Why can't people understand that the only reason things are not going ahead is because the opposition are idiots. Not letting the parliament do its job.
You can't freaking run before you crawl.

We have got to stand together and not try and destroy each other. Thing will never move on smoothly this way.
Catalysts in this situation are bad, we need lubricants...
Re: Anna Hazare arrested by Delhi police ahead of today's fast.

There is no point sitting at TE and saying its unconstitutional...Its time we join hands in this second freedom struggle and free our country from Corruption...
Another disappointing point is that Anna Hazare is in same Jail no 4 as Kalmadi while Kejriwala is in Jail No 1 same as A.Raja.
This is dictatorship!
Time to unite and show what Democracy is! What say guys?

@Mods: Feel free to delete this post if felt warnings needed :p
Re: Anna Hazare arrested by Delhi police ahead of today's fast.

kindly court arrest rohan ....i guess thats what anna has asked followers to do , so lets hope you follow him

one week ,i wonder if anna can influence kalmadi or vice versa :D
Re: Anna Hazare arrested by Delhi police ahead of today's fast.

Are Kiran Bedi, Justic Hegde, Bhushan & Kejriwal foolish to support Anna blindly?

You few just oppos Anna becuase NDA stood in support of Anna but at same time YOU ignore that ANNA "Fight Against Corruption" & not for VOTE & wanted to seat in Parliament & though he seats in parliament I'm sure will do lot better than our film stars & those yadavs & singhs.

Hamam main sabhi nangey hain mere bhai :(
Re: Anna Hazare arrested by Delhi police ahead of today's fast.

broadway said:
Do the methods matter if the intention is to eradicate corruption?

Gandhian way or the democratic way or the violent way? Ethical and unethical? What does it matter?
Should means justify the ends or ends justify the means ?
broadway said:
The purpose of Lokpal bill is to give ultimate power to a third party which is neither the incumbent government nor the opposition.
What do you make of this creation of a body with ultimate power ?

What do ppl want ? more accountability & transparency.

Simple as that.

A good question to ask is why do ppl think lok pal is the best vehicle with which to achieve this.

What are the alternatives

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

blufox said:
I was in Maha for 4 years. Never heard of him,
Wiki shows him actively involved in issues in maha over the decades.

blufox said:
so I doubt if he is considered a father figure.
I don't know, you tell me, this is what i heard elsewhere.

blufox said:
What made you propose this theory of targeting only Maharashtrian people?
Testing the theory

only corroborating fact i have is support for him would be strongest from that state given his active invovlement in issues there over the years. So the idea of putting him in jail can be a very emotional issue for some. This is the problem when ppl become larger than life.

blufox said:
Ridiculous? don't you think?
cannot say, until more ppl either confirm or deny. Even then its anecdotal.

I appreciate that generalisations are usually bad form & weak.
Re: Anna Hazare arrested by Delhi police ahead of today's fast.

chiron said:
A respectable article would provide links or references regarding the things mentioned at the end though.

I dont think Government Bill are posted online for your so called reference....Article is simply perfect dont judge it plz
Re: Anna Hazare arrested by Delhi police ahead of today's fast.

^^ I disagree with almost as much of the stuff mentioned in the Jan Lokpal bill as with the things in the Govt's Draft. Eg: I think the Govt is right in restricting the lokpal to just the centre - there are already plenty of rules and agencies already made to redress grievances against govt officials already. However, I feel there is a need to have a separate independent body to address complaints against the elected repersentatives who need to have far more accountability to the people than an employee.

All your comment does is give credence to blr_p's claim about father figures :p

tbh at this point I'm so paranoid about stuff like this I'll even believe it if somone says all this drama is a charade being played out by Govt, Hazare and opposition all in collusion :(
Re: Anna Hazare arrested by Delhi police ahead of today's fast.

chiron said:
^^ I disagree with almost as much of the stuff mentioned in the Jan Lokpal bill as with the things in the Govt's Draft. Eg: I think the Govt is right in restricting the lokpal to just the centre - there are already plenty of rules and agencies already made to redress grievances against govt officials already. However, I feel there is a need to have a separate independent body to address complaints against the elected repersentatives who need to have far more accountability to the people than an employee.

All your comment does is give credence to blr_p's claim about father figures :p

tbh at this point I'm so paranoid about stuff like this I'll even believe it if somone says all this drama is a charade being played out by Govt, Hazare and opposition all in collusion :(

Actually its opposite, I wonder why some people here think that he is getting support because of so called "father figure" status in Maharashtra.

That is completely false statement to begin with.

Most people from the urban maharashtra wouldnt have even known about Hazare until recently with his RTI and now Lokpal movement. All his work concentrated on the problems faced by rural populations. Even the high profile sugar mafia bust was from rural area. The reason he gets such support is because he stands behind nothing but the truth and welfare of common man. Nothing else.

Unlike many pseudo activists who spend hours in front of camera and working in urban areas, this man has actually done something for rural Maharashtra. And even government of Maharashtra (that included both NDA and congress ) couldnt not sling mud on him because there was nothing to defame him with.

Dont be blind sided because NDA is trying to benefit from current situation. Its what these all parties do. Look what UPA is doing in UP. When they see chinks in the armor of opposite party, they will home in for the kill ;)

If you are questioning him because of your paranoia, its your problem and I feel sorry for you, but you and few others are judging others because they support him and are going to lengths of accusing people of regionalism.

P.S. I am not Maharashtrian either. I am from GOA BTW :p
Re: Anna Hazare arrested by Delhi police ahead of today's fast.

They releasing ANNA at Night.. we hope nothing could happened with him & his supporters like with Baba Ramdev & his Supporters in Night :(