Will be buying new rig by this month-end.:hap2: So all this month is the most exciting part - deciding the config hyeah:
Most probably, I'll be going for a loan, so Lam Rd is out.
Heres the quotation I got today form mnemonics. All prices are approx -
Asus A8N-E 7350
Athlon64 3000+ 7300
TwinMos 2x1GB 10500
2x80GB SATA Maxtor D+ 9 6200
ViewSonic E90 19" 12750
Altec Lansing MX5021 13900 :S
Zalman 5.1 Headphones 3000
Benq 1640 DVD-RW 3100
Pinnacle TV Tuner 1900
Logitech Optical Duo 900
VIP ZB01 w/Powersafe 450W 6750
To this I'll be adding:
Sapphire x800 gto2 (hopefully moddable)
M-Audio Revo 7.1
Seagate 7200.7 160GB PATA.
What do you guys think? I feel the prices are way too high. How much do you think he'll reduce? Also, any suggestions/changes in config?
Ohh....I forgot to add Fans. Does the zb01 allow fans for drive bays?
Most probably, I'll be going for a loan, so Lam Rd is out.
Heres the quotation I got today form mnemonics. All prices are approx -
Asus A8N-E 7350
Athlon64 3000+ 7300
TwinMos 2x1GB 10500
2x80GB SATA Maxtor D+ 9 6200
ViewSonic E90 19" 12750
Altec Lansing MX5021 13900 :S
Zalman 5.1 Headphones 3000
Benq 1640 DVD-RW 3100
Pinnacle TV Tuner 1900
Logitech Optical Duo 900
VIP ZB01 w/Powersafe 450W 6750
To this I'll be adding:
Sapphire x800 gto2 (hopefully moddable)
M-Audio Revo 7.1
Seagate 7200.7 160GB PATA.
What do you guys think? I feel the prices are way too high. How much do you think he'll reduce? Also, any suggestions/changes in config?
Ohh....I forgot to add Fans. Does the zb01 allow fans for drive bays?