Another One Bites The Dust ......

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:S Everyone doesn't have the same skull size!!

I know that you are into bikes and biking in a major way but you sure on this??:(

lemme elaborate.

AGV comes in 3 sizes, 58, 60 62. I have the biggest, i.e., 62. the first time i put it on, was really tight

this pic was taken on the day i bought the helmet. you can notice how my cheeks were getting squashed by the foam of the helmet. maybe i DO have a beeg head :rofl:


anyways... my AGV has removable foam..its all velcroed, so u can take it off n wash it incase it gets dirtied. has a scratchproof visor, small scratches dont appear. visibility at night times is as usual poor :(

you get a sweat cap (mistook it for a bikini the first time i saw it :ashamed: ) after wearing it, its really really tight...

after a month, it will fit u PERFECTLY. u can even ride it w/o straps, and it wont come off even if u have an accident
SunnyBoi said:
. you can notice how my cheeks were getting squashed by the foam of the helmet. maybe i DO have a beeg head :rofl:


anyways... my AGV has removable foam..its all velcroed, so u can take it off n wash it incase it gets dirtied. has a scratchproof visor, small scratches dont appear. visibility at night times is as usual poor :(

. u can even ride it w/o straps,
Not clear in the pic- maybe a slightly more top shot peeping into the visor will help!!
And you are wearing it a tad high!!

Sorry for my noob remark:ashamed: , but cheeks are supposed to get squashed in a new helmet!!
Maybe u have just chubby cheeks(or a wider jawline)!!

Thats one of the pre-requisites of a good fitting helmet!!:cool2:
In fact it should create a better 'POUT' than Angelina Jolie when new!!:P
And maybe reduced with time to that of maybe a Jessica Alba i think- i hope you get the idea !!:rofl:

And i am sorry but there seems to be some room there in the forehead/skull area!!:ashamed:
You sure its not just tight in the cheek area but snug around the forehead circumference too!!:cool2:

pics can be deceptive but from the amount of compression of cheek and temple foam, and the area around the level of your forehead, you needed one size smaller!!:cool2:

And all AGVs have that i suppose!!

And visibility is not bad, especialy with the clear visor you have!!:cool2:
Maybe you got poor night vision or need glasses!!:rofl:
Try consuming more carrots!!:rofl:

There is no alternative to buying a helmet but to try out difeferent sizes- just like shoe sizes differ slighly with diff makes of same size!!
All fit but to be comfortable, one of them is always the Best amongst them!!

Please do not be misled by my nick- i am a noob in this!!
I am not trying to show off my 'GYAN' but couldn't help it as i have always strongly advocated the need for a good fitting helmet- not just any helmet!!
Yes i discussed this matter wit sanket bout the helmetz size .
first i thought to ask u all bout this problem but sanket read my conversation wit u all bout the helmet and ruined my surprize .This fella needz my help even to get up but i was surprised to see dat he can do anythig to check up his mail box or to visit techenclave while i was out 4 my AIEEE EXAM.

Guyz finally he had his DIGITAL XRAY done of his right shoulder
The results were normal and he will start studing 4m today itself his right foot is alright the plaster is just 4 precautionary measures.

He is crin to hav some fast food , plz tell him not to behave as a child as itz 4 his own good,I HAV PROMISED HIM A GREAT TREAT AFTER HE IZ fit and fine . Itz true dat in such condition ppl behave very stubborn...

Edit :


FINALLY i hav decided to buy helmet wit him when he recovers
Since Quad will be inactive for quite a few days, ask him to avoid all fast food coz it may cause him a bad stomach...and believe me...having a bad stomach in his condition would be nothing short of a nightmare:P if not worse:bleh:

If he insists too much, u can be so kind as to give him one bite of a buger which you can eat:P

Ask him to drink some fresh juice and warm haldi walla milk...will help him recover soon. And since he has a fracture, he also needs to eat foods with some good calcium content. Thus, fruits are the best for him atm. Make him some fruit chaat.

All this will help him recover soon. Till then its better if he refrains from eating fast food and sticks to home made food.
We r askin him to do the same thing but he behaves good when dadz at home but today as both mom and dad r out and he is dancing on my head behaving as a 2 year old requesting 4 silly stuff which is a big no no 4 him now :no: :no: .
Thanks 4 that diet advise .
BTW r u a diet advisor or u hav gone thru the same situation as him cauz doc has advised him the same diet.
............NE WAYZ THANKS
XTerminator said:
No i had a fractured leg too.

you too ??

So, what is the list now?? Me, Bikey, Quaddy and you..... 4 and coutning...

What abt chic_magnet? He broke his leg or what :P ??

@ankita --- Let him eat :P .... Eating junk/fast food is not really harmful unless within limits...

Of course, the negative point is weight :P .... Poor chap cant do any of the other usual stuff.... let him as well indulge in eating :P ....
I said i had a fractured leg.
I didnt mention how.:P
Stop presuming things:) I got it while playing football. A good amt of ligament tear on left ankle with a fracture. It was mightily painful.

As for the list due to accidents on 2 wheelers:
You, Quad, Rishi, Sunnyboi, Chic_magnet (Fractured Rib :P ) and maybe more.

Please note that this isnt a list you want to be on. Its nothing great to have an accident, but quite opposite to it. Very painful and stressful.
hi quad,

hey don't eat fast food yaar. u are gonna gain weight since u won't be moving ur body too much. i.e day to day normal physical activities. consume stuff that has calcium i.e milk, eggs, non-veg (if u are one). fast food does nothing but will grow a bridgestone around ur waist ;) stay away from it until u resume ur normal physical activities.

just my opinion.
XT said:
Please note that this isnt a list you want to be on. Its nothing great to have an accident, but quite opposite to it. Very painful and stressful.

True.... but once you have met with an accident, it can be fun to share your experience with others..... look at it as a good thing also.....

When I broke my back and was on bed rest for 4 weeks (when I was in 8th std), I had NOTHING to do but read, listen to music and watch TV... Had the time of my life :P

This time it wasnt so good..... Had to study for my exams and stuff :( ..

maverick said:
hey don't eat fast food yaar. u are gonna gain weight since u won't be moving ur body too much. i.e day to day normal physical activities. consume stuff that has calcium i.e milk, eggs, non-veg (if u are one). fast food does nothing but will grow a bridgestone around ur waist stay away from it until u resume ur normal physical activities.

Again true.... but it is not possible to starve yourself for such a long time especially if you love food.

That is why I said, eat fast food but ocassionally and not on a regular basis.
Taking Calcium/Protein supplements (after consulting the doctor) would also be a good idea.

but today as both mom and dad r out and he is dancing on my head behaving as a 2 year old requesting 4 silly stuff

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
@nikhil.. ya i fractured my rib.. dunnno how i didnt fracture any other part of my body. but well i`m happy .lol..
anyways.. sanket..
do not drink anything cold either.. you dont want your muscles contracting and releasing so fast they you`d cry out in pain ;)
plus ya follow the diet the doc gave you .. trust me its the best!! eat loads of fruits... loads of them.. drink lots of water.. take your medicines on time. and more imp dont thinkg of your pain. think of the exam you have to give (err ya that`s painful most of us here, dunno abt yuo though :bleh:)
and oh its ok man you dont have to aviod fast food completed.. but dont have anything spicy .. have it mild much better for you now..
and more importantly get well soon.
@nikhil.. ya i fractured my rib.. dunnno how i didnt fracture any other part of my body. but well i`m happy .lol..
anyways.. sanket..
do not drink anything cold either.. you dont want your muscles contracting and releasing so fast they you`d cry out in pain ;)
plus ya follow the diet the doc gave you .. trust me its the best!! eat loads of fruits... loads of them.. drink lots of water.. take your medicines on time. and more imp dont thinkg of your pain. think of the exam you have to give (err ya that`s painful most of us here, dunno abt yuo though :bleh:)
and oh its ok man you dont have to aviod fast food completed.. but dont have anything spicy .. have it mild much better for you now..
and more importantly get well soon.
Quad Master said:
he behaves good when dadz at home but today as both mom and dad r out and he is dancing on my head behaving as a 2 year old requesting 4 silly stuff
Like XT would say- 'Chance pe Dance'!!:ohyeah:
Hi to all
As I mentioned in my last posts we got his digital Xray done and his shoulder iz just fine. Even his wounds r healing quickly .

After quaddyz accident lot of things hav changed at home like b4 accident i use to rule on him 4 several things but now dad sayz whenever bhai calls me i hav to b there in a sec ,and hez enjoing every bit of it ,and know wat hez dancing one each and every chance :no: :no: :no:

But the biggest change in our house is B4 his accident I use to giv him all the update from T.V,that whoz who iz getting married ,bout new movies ,bout new T.V soaps , B4 each promo is hardly began I use to mention itz name ,and he use to say dat how can u manage to do all this anku,and I use to lift my collar up and say [he he he ye to mere baye hath ka khel hai jo remote ctrl pakad ta hai :ohyeah: ] But now all this is done by him, i cant imagine ,but wat the heck he knowz every thing .

And his job was to sit in front of PC 4 hrs ,side by side mom,dad ,aji [grandmom]and I use to shout at him why do u sit there 4 such along time,he use to 4get even bout his food and now itz me at his place and every 1 iz behind me shouting wat r u doin there .
But I would like to say dat TECHENCLAVE iz the best site I hav ever visited in my life itz fun ,updated wit tech newz and many more things,there iz something 4 every one who visits it.

Thanks a lot

.........................ANKITA.:hap2: :hap2: :hap2:
good to see that Sanket is healing well :) ...

And I think that bossing your sis around is the best part of being bed ridden :P ...

But I could NEVER watch those saas bahu melodramas :P Good going Sanket...

@Ankita ---- You cant complain :P .... there is nothing you can do to stop him from bossing you around :D ..... But dont worry.... you will get your revenge soon once he has recovered :P
Hehehe, Me too had a nice time when i was bed ridden for a good 4 weeks

Sadly, after that my case was taken well

Just normal :P.... after every fracture, my sis has taken her pound of flesh :P... this time all the more so :P
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