SunnyBoi said:
you can notice how my cheeks were getting squashed by the foam of the helmet. maybe i DO have a beeg head :rofl:
my AGV has removable foam..its all velcroed, so u can take it off n wash it incase it gets dirtied. has a scratchproof visor, small scratches dont appear. visibility at night times is as usual poor
. u can even ride it w/o straps,
Not clear in the pic- maybe a slightly more top shot peeping into the visor will help!!
And you are wearing it a tad high!!
Sorry for my noob remark:ashamed: , but cheeks are supposed to get squashed in a new helmet!!
Maybe u have just chubby cheeks(or a wider jawline)!!
Thats one of the pre-requisites of a good fitting helmet!!:cool2:
In fact it should create a better 'POUT' than Angelina Jolie when new!!
And maybe reduced with time to that of maybe a Jessica Alba i think- i hope you get the idea !!:rofl:
And i am sorry but there seems to be some room there in the forehead/skull area!!:ashamed:
You sure its not just tight in the cheek area but snug around the forehead circumference too!!:cool2:
pics can be deceptive but from the amount of compression of cheek and temple foam, and the area around the level of your forehead, you needed one size smaller!!:cool2:
And all AGVs have that i suppose!!
And visibility is not bad, especialy with the clear visor you have!!:cool2:
Maybe you got poor night vision or need glasses!!:rofl:
Try consuming more carrots!!:rofl:
There is no alternative to buying a helmet but to try out difeferent sizes- just like shoe sizes differ slighly with diff makes of same size!!
All fit but to be comfortable, one of them is always the Best amongst them!!
Please do not be misled by my nick- i am a noob in this!!
I am not trying to show off my 'GYAN' but couldn't help it as i have always strongly advocated the need for a good fitting helmet- not just any helmet!!