just disable whatsapp pics from saving into camera roll.. ? (Its in whatsapp settings> chats)I am definitely not an apple fanboy but will still say that the face id implementation is so good that you wont ever miss the fp sensor. Unless of course you have a mask on. There are many many UX flaws in apple devices, but the face id unlock isnt one if them. If you can, please borrow an iphone for a week. I will go back to android for my next phone as if apple isnt better on privacy then its not worth the money imo. But if I do go back, I will miss the face id.
Just curious, do you also get mad that you cant separate camera pics from the trillion whatsapp memes. College groups send thousand memes a week (which i happily download), but then my own camera pics get lost in those memes. Very annoying. Am i the only one annoyed at this or are there more like me who would rather have a dedicated camera roll folder.