Battlefield 3 - Discussion Thread

^^Pings and Bandwidth (minus the FUP DL crap) are always fantastic. Not even a single outage since June.

BTW if anybody wants a co-op session I'm game.
The moral of the story is if you ain't playing on Indian servers it's better not to buy this game.

It's sooo bad to not to buy this game T_T
Bluffmaster said:
Played for a few minutes. Thankfully, its very much playable but I am getting my ass handed to me here. The moment I spot an enemy, I am dead. Sometimes I don;t even realize who hit me. How can a game be this hard? :S Where can I learn the basics of BF3 multiplayer, its like I don't have a clue of whats going on or what I am supposed to do.

Try to get on the Asian servers first (Singapore/Malaysia/Taiwan etc). Initially stick to the assault class. Also spam those healing kits to rack up the points to unlock the weapon upgrades.

I would caution against the 64 player maps initially since they have a lot of rubberbanding. The bazaar map is a good map to get started on especially if vehicles aren't ur cup of tea. Keep at it. You may suck initially as the learning curve is a tad higher on Battlefield especially since you need to know the map to be effective.
Bluffmaster said:
Thankfully, its very much playable but I am getting my ass handed to me here. The moment I spot an enemy, I am dead. Sometimes I don;t even realize who hit me.

Dont worry thats normal for beginners. Stick with it and you will do fine. The reason for the above usually is -

1) Other players have better guns and equipment whereas you still have to unlock the good stuff
2) They have been playing a while and know the map layout whereas you dont
3) With so many players in the game, its very easy to get shot from various directions due to multiple opponents

Don't let any of the above get to you. Everyone goes through it though the "pros" tend to adapt much faster.

Bluffmaster said:
How can a game be this hard? :S Where can I learn the basics of BF3 multiplayer, its like I don't have a clue of whats going on or what I am supposed to do.

Some suggestions -

1) Consider holding back rather than rushing initially till you are comfortable with your weapons recoil and the maps layout
2) Its perfectly acceptable if you just stay put and hold a flag rather than go out and capture one. Both are equally important.
3) Stick with fellow players whenever possible. There is strength in nos.
4) If you play assault, remember to revive and use your medkit
5) Get used to "prone" - it will save your life more than any other posture will
6) Every class has its pros and cons. I would advise new players to pick one class and stick to it at least initially. You can always branch out later.

Hope that helps....
Bluffmaster said:
Played for a few minutes. Thankfully, its very much playable but I am getting my ass handed to me here. The moment I spot an enemy, I am dead. Sometimes I don;t even realize who hit me. How can a game be this hard? :S Where can I learn the basics of BF3 multiplayer, its like I don't have a clue of whats going on or what I am supposed to do.

there is no better way to learn than to play and get pwned :p just go through some youtube videos for basic tips. it is overwhelming at first but will ease out slowly.

pings are less crucial to this game (till a point) than say cs 1.6 bcos of totally different netcode. even with a very low ping one can totally suck.


I would say some parts of your reply are misleading. the netcode of this game does not work like what you think.

there are problems with BF3's netcode but ping is not the main thing among those.
Thanks for some tips Rickyk! Will help me too. :p

I really need to get used to using prone. I never do that, max I do is crouch around.

I tried to use different classes, but now I stick to just one since I unlocked the red dot sight for it. I really love red dot and helps me a lot. :)

@Bluffy - Don't worry, even I have no idea many times where I get shot and killed from. :p
Finally after having this thing installed on my system over a week, got a chance to click on the icon. Played 10-15 minutes of the SP. Some initial impressions

*The cut scenes are impressive and are integrated within the action.

*The face and character decals are extremely enhanced -- I could see green eye pigment. Which is just amazing.

*The game play is fluid and quite close to real life play.

*Team movement is good and coordinated.

*Weapon recoil is slightly less, and they do not feel that meaty. Though I have not encountered many so early in the game.

*Music is excellent and has a pulse.

*The FB engine really really shines. Buildings are detailed and finite.

*The AI seems watered down, similar to Cry 2 -- but again too early for me to have any commitments here.

The game is not using my first accelerator at all. Guess will need to move to 11.9 & CAP 10.0 tomorrow. Uses a whooping 2.2GB of hardware RAM though. Amazing.
asingh said:
The game is not using my first accelerator at all. Guess will need to move to 11.9 & CAP 10.0 tomorrow. Uses a whooping 2.2GB of hardware RAM though. Amazing.

11.10 is out so try that.

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37 ms ping on Indian server! :D
Indian server sucks most of the time..Lags / rubber bands and what not..

The only thing i hate in this game is going prone..:mad:

And please ask some one to remove team deathmatch from the map rotation list It sucks as*!
I get dropped quite a lot from the indian server. ( twice right after rey3z knife me :( )

My 2 cents.

1) Check every corner. the enemy might be where u least expect him to be.

2) Stick with your squad. Gives u more points in actions and

3) Spot enemies, it might not give u much but is adds a lot towards winning. ( i spend two whole rounds spotting enemies with mav :cool2: )

4) Getting killed a lot -> Camp . will get u that one cruical kill that can get u rolling back.

5) press c in jet and heli (if u driving) to see wht u are actually doing.

6) Learn all class. Every if u are best at assault u will never know when the other might be required.
krugur said:
I get dropped quite a lot from the indian server. ( twice right after rey3z knife me :( )

That guy is a b**ch.

krugur said:
I get dropped quite a lot from the indian server.

Give the indian server some time. As is it, it is catering to a lot of people, maybe in the future after some server patches the lag will reduce.

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Now ther're 3 indian servers! AWESOME!