I suggest that noshahar canals be renamed as bermuda triangle... the jet stalls soooo many times for no fking reason 

DigitalDude said:I suggest that noshahar canals be renamed as bermuda triangle... the jet stalls soooo many times for no fking reason
chiragsthakur said:Hahahaha... absolutely true... I used to feel that I cant fly a jet in that map but now you have cleared what the prob is![]()
Earned a lot of points playing 3 on 3 in kharg island with you and devesh....![]()
chiragsthakur said:Hahahaha... absolutely true... I used to feel that I cant fly a jet in that map but now you have cleared what the prob is![]()
Earned a lot of points playing 3 on 3 in kharg island with you and devesh....![]()
chiragsthakur said:Yeah yeah right.. it was operation firestorm... Photon killed me first, then I was driving a tank and I saw two enemies, had a shot at them and to my surprise I killed both at once and one of them was Photon bhai... :clap:
I was asking photon and some other enemy member (name was ga****ph*** - embarassing to pronounce it) to distribute points without war...
hyeah:, but they didnt listen to my proposal.
Are my stats seen in the image you have shared above?? I am unable to see it here.
devesh38 said:^yes.. u scored 8302 points in the game with 7 kills and 3 deaths. And i scored 7955 points 13 kills to 0 deaths.
guess u captured more flags and destroyed more vehicles in tank while i was running around trying to find enemies to kill.![]()
BlitzCraig said:I was named aim king? are you serious... I didnt kill anyone..
DigitalDude said:haha!! definitely lag and glitches take a lot of fun out of this game
btw if not for xerogenx, who was on a mission to bring my jet & heli down, I would have been just flying all the while instead of running around in vehicleswas also trying to cap flags with heli but xero made sure no one was in air.
DigitalDude said:haha!! definitely lag and glitches take a lot of fun out of this game
btw if not for xerogenx, who was on a mission to bring my jet & heli down, I would have been just flying all the while instead of running around in vehicleswas also trying to cap flags with heli but xero made sure no one was in air.
BlitzCraig said:LOL.. Stinger ftw. Sometimes it locks through buildings and trees!!
quixand said:goint to hit 100 Pages of BattleField 3 very soon, goes to show the level of interest it has generated and how much people are loving it.
Note: I started MW3 and switched it off in 10 minutes, same old same old. It'll have to wait till all the other kickass games UC3, Skyrim, Batman get completed.