Battlefield 3 - Discussion Thread

devesh38 said:
And i am getting worst pings today..:@


Haha, you get my pings :P

Also, i am not downloading the patch currently. Will update later this week i think.
Err 2Mbps/8 should give you around 256 KBps download, you are getting 514 KBps. Which ISP is this that gives away free bandwidth ??? Well, good for you :)
Yup for torrents and other downloads it gives ~ 230 to 255 KBps, but for Origin I get above 500KBps :) Genstar
jc36lect3r said:
Err 2Mbps/8 should give you around 256 KBps download, you are getting 514 KBps. Which ISP is this that gives away free bandwidth ??? Well, good for you :)
Wait this update actually seems to be BTK itself, not just some fixes. :O

And look at my speed: :P

This is only upto a limit of 20 GB, though. After that it goes to lousy 512 kbps speed. :(
...those getting low speeds, just pause the download for about 10 seconds and resume, this has been an issue for me since Origin first started..

..before pause it is baout 100Kbps...after pausing and resuming it is 450+ :)
Some 5 minute feedback regarding the patch -

1) Chat has been moved to the top left corner where it should have been from day one!
2) You can see player pings in game now. Dont yell "Yahoo" just yet. For some reason, Dice/EA lets you see EVERYONE ELSE'S PING BUT NOT YOUR OWN! Is that smart or what?

And last but not least - India is not considered part of Asia anymore according to Dice/EA. When you choose region Asia, you see Taiwan, Japan, HK and Sing. So we arent Asians anymore apparently. Whatever.....
just came to home and saw this 3.9GB huge update. No BF3 for next 24 hrs at my speed. :(

Nice time to catch up with other games (LA Noire :))

Edit : Just checked servers, The indian servers are empty anyway, so even if had a way to download the update faster i wouldnt have been able to play today.:)
Am facing massive texture tearing issues on some maps with the new patch. Are you guys using the BETA driver for BF3? I am using the older WHQL ones. They never gave me any sort of tearing issue earlier. Its so bad on some maps that its completely unplayable.

Similar to what this guy posted on youtube -

Strange thing is, I am facing the exact same problem on the very same map - Noshahr Canal.....
Ok guys, I finished the SP game with the ahem version, but have bot the game for the MP, can i simply use the ahem version for MP?, I dont see any MP option in the game, do i have to a fresh install with the legit dvd?
krugur said:
there are servers were u could do that. u have to search a bit for it. I found a server last saturday with 8 players. It was basically for fight training.
It was a very funny server. People had 800 life and huge regen. Only way to kill someone was though knife and headshots. Found a tank at b in caspian border, ran towards the tank. he kept trying to kill me, got near it and blew it up :). Search for learn or something like that and u might get lucky.
coool... I didn't know that.. Thanks :)
Jasku said:
Ok guys, I finished the SP game with the ahem version, but have bot the game for the MP, can i simply use the ahem version for MP?, I dont see any MP option in the game, do i have to a fresh install with the legit dvd?
yup .... you have to install from scratch
and good that you bought this game its definitely worth it.. :)
There is a server filter for Antarctica but no India. WTF! :@

@Jasku The ahem version is probably not integrated with origin or battlelog, both of which are essential for playing MP. So just uninstall the ahem version and do a clean install from the dvd.
kvikram said:
There is a server filter for Antarctica but no India. WTF! :@

Just guessing but thats probably because they have divided regions based on continents....

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---


India has been added in the list of Asian countries! It shows up now. :)

Jasku said:
Ok guys, I finished the SP game with the ahem version, but have bot the game for the MP, can i simply use the ahem version for MP?, I dont see any MP option in the game, do i have to a fresh install with the legit dvd?

you need origin for MP so need to install from DVD, update it and also install browser plugin.

kRuSnIk said:
Sh*tty Origin...My download reached 100% and then reset to 3.2GB. Had to re-download 700MB.:@

I downloaded some 1.5 gb but had to shutdown for some reason, so paused origin and it restarts from 400mb :@

^^ But you should get double d/l speeds on Origin, I'm getting 500+ KBPS on a 2Mbps connection. Check a few posts back more members have the same scenario. (not that I'm complaining) :)