Disable Catalyst AI from CCC and the issue should be fixed.Gannu said:Just a heads-up but has anyone with the ATi 4xxx series cards observed a glitch in the game viz. certain buildings all grayed out, grey grounds at Dr. Zed's house & at Sledge's safehouse etc?
I'm using the 9.12 but without the hotfix. Will applying the hotfix resolve this issue?
Ethan_Hunt said:Disable Catalyst AI from CCC and the issue should be fixed.
nukeu666 said:2 days into the game...lvl24 soldier/tactician
starting to get a bit bored now
Lance soldiers in my opinion are best enemies in this game.You will meet them in old haven and other locations that you visit later.Make sure you do all side missions before entering their area, these guys are hard.One of the reasons why I like them is they come in when you really get bored killing bandits,spiderants,other enemies and you desperately need some change. Just a suggestion use corrosive weapons against them.Gannu said:Lance soldiers? Wow who're these guys now? I've had enough of these mini bosses already but it's so much fun. Managed to reach Lvl 25 now - gets interesting by the day.
Got to complete Bioshock2 and Serious Sam HD after this one.![]()
Roland (Soldier)is well balanced and best class in my opinion.His skill is most effective if you know how to use it.Use Scorpio turret to create distraction,also its fun to be a coward.Run into bunch of enemies,through your action skill and run awayGannu said:Soldier - Roland.
Most of them were lucky using Hunter. But hey once Roland's abilities are pepped up, his deployable turret becomes more powerful. And so does he.
So 36 is the max. level one can achieve? Curious as to how kauzy reached 50 odd. Does the second playthrough kick off from the previous level?