Calling all Street Fighter 4 Live Players

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dunno shadoken and whitey played him at this place called blur and got their asses handed to them apparently. although they didn't know the Vega match up.
Is there a PC version for the arcade stick "Mad Catz street Fighter IV FightStick Tournament Edition"..
I searched the net but could not find any results...
Just found results for x360 and PS3...don't wanna buy a xbox just to play SF4:ohyeah:
one of the versions works totally on a PC. i'm not sure if it's the xbox or ps3 though. look around.
Got the info after doing a search in shoryken forums:) 360 is compatible with all PC USB's ...PS3 has some issues though:)

any idea where I can get this online in US? friend is there for 2 more weeks:)... wanna get this before he comes back here:)
ashr said:
pretty much everywhere. try amazon.
duh... i meant cheapest for online buy:)... Never mind though as I looked in bestbuy and deals2buy and saw it for 130$...hopefully they have stock till I order it:)

BTW ashr, u are never online nowadys..i can always see floccy online
i'm playing more Quake Live these days. i got bored with SF4 cuz online, everyone's playing Ryu and doing the same patterns over and over again. that doesn't push me to get better... but i'll probably get on for some SF today.
Floccy has learnt FADC and is quite good at it...I haven't seen anyone else using FADC in TE or 95% or the games that I play online...

BTW: I started playing with boxer and abel....looking to play them on regular basis:)
ashr said:
i'm playing more Quake Live these days. i got bored with SF4 cuz online, everyone's playing Ryu and doing the same patterns over and over again. that doesn't push me to get better... but i'll probably get on for some SF today.
FADC is really easy. floccy and i have been doing it for months now. it's really like riding a bicycle. seems daunting at first but once you get it down, you'll be able to do it without thinking about it.
Yup, its just a stupid mental block that people have about FADC'ing.You just need to get the timing of the SRK>FA-dash down and you then all you need is to input the ultra.
The problem is I play with xbox 360 controller:(keyboard is too tacky and I want to sit me my bed aaramn se:))...

I can use only 5 keys ( have mapped lp,lk, FA and lp+mp+hp , lk+mk+hk)....

now, I use the stick in the when I to the FADC...i end up somehow doing the ultra too soon or end up doing a EX-DP:(:(....

Another disadvantage with the x360 controller is that since i haven't mapped 'MP' I miss out on ultra Juggles....

Anyone here who plays in x360 controller and can kick Floccy's A$$.... tell me ur key mapping:D

Else I think I am gonna move to keyboard:( (not sure what I am gonna do when I play the game in my xbox:()

F|0ccY said:
Yup, its just a stupid mental block that people have about FADC'ing.You just need to get the timing of the SRK>FA-dash down and you then all you need is to input the ultra.
xbox 360 controller is shit for fighting games. period. no point in struggling with it. even the keyboard is not the best option but way better than the xbox 360 pad.
vercetti said:
Another disadvantage with the x360 controller is that since i haven't mapped 'MP' I miss out on ultra Juggles....

What ultra juggles? The only possible Ryu ultra juggle is hp>lp.SRK>Ex SRK>FADC>Ultra but its freaking worthless. (Note: the initial hp is a standing hp to lp.SRK link, not crouching)

EDIT: Nvm, understood what you mean by that - the midair MP to ultra setup, it isn't really a juggle.
By juggle I sort of mean...if u have the mp then the opponent is always wary of jumping for mid air duels fearing the ultra ...with me...since I only use kicks i lose out on this:(

BTW: Lost again with floccy today...

M moving to keyboard now...See u guys after a weeks practice:)

BTW: can anyone tell me their key mappings for the keyboard
F|0ccY said:
EDIT: Nvm, understood what you mean by that - the midair MP to ultra setup, it isn't really a juggle.
vercetti said:
BTW: can anyone tell me their key mappings for the keyboard

Mostly defaults, enable F and V for PPP and KKK respectively.That's all I have binded since the keyboard (or at least mine) just doesn't recognize a 3 key input.I press lp+lk for grab and mk+mp for FA.
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