Can someone explain WHY some people want a Telangana state?

Kudos to the spontainous response by non-Telangana politicians after anouncing the start of seperate state Telangana process..

U people won the heart of Non-Telangana citizens ..

No issue if the the Telangana is decleared as a seperate state..Hyderabad should be under unioin territory rule
Nikhil said:
Guys, I really appreciate your views.

If you dont agree with Broadway, dont diss him at least. Lord Nemesis, I have a lot of regard for you, please dont stoop to low levels and call him names. Just because someone has different views doesnt mean you diss him.

Where did I call him names? :S I don't recall doing that anywhere In the the thread. He on the other hand did call Arya an Idiot which I guess Arya must have reported to the mods.

broadway said:
Your simply trolling.

You called Arya an an Idiot because you had no counter to his question and how you call me a troll. That kind of retort is hardly unexpected from you considering your argument was like you you were trying play a game of cards without any cards in your hand. :rofl:

TRS paid goons and students burned buses and other public/private property, threatened shopkeepers and indulged in other acts of violence and disturbed peace. Police cases were registered against them. They ought to be tried and punished by the laws in India. (btw laws are very lax in our country. In my opinion destruction of public property should be punished by making them pay for all the destruction out of their pocket or make them work without pay till the debt is paid out. Its my and the public's hard earning money that they are destroying). You go ahead and support these anti-social elements and their uncalled for violence and destruction.

As soon as center announces that they are considering a formation of a new state, TRS demands that govt take back all the police cases registered against them? Why should the cases be taken back? You your self said that the new state is still part of the country. Yet they do not want to adhere by the laws of the country. Is it really not something to wonder about whether they want to be a separate state or a separate country considering they do not want to honor the laws of our country. Also remember I am not talking about the people when I say this, but about TRS. The Telangana people probably do not want a separate state leave alone a country.
Sorry sorry. I didnt mean you called him names. That was for the general public. But let's not get into personal attacks is what I wanted to convey. I failed I guess! :p
I represent Telangana region.
I also agree that we are all ignored in terms of development.
But were we illtreated by people of other regions? Aren't we having friendly relations till date?
why should we blame and hurt the feeling of andhra and rayalaseema regions?
As their ego was hurt now they are not cooperating us.
Fist of all we need to be strong enough and unite for the cause.
we need to get Telangana at anycost,so we need a stong leader.
A leaded stong enough politically and eduactionally can only get Telangana.
KCR Drama is not going get us telangana.
The most selfish politician i ever seen.
If he had kept the interest of drinking and dining on Telangana we would have surely got it long back.
What did he do when he was a central minister and had enough powers?
Now he doesn't have power so misguiding and wrong motivating people.

We need a stong leader not a clown.
What happens to national integrity if we are go one dividing the nation into peices?
First we are Indians then only people of Telangana.

Jai Telangana!
Lord Nemesis said:
You called Arya an an Idiot because you had no counter to his question
Comparing telangana situation to kashmir is an act of idiocy. "Idiot" is not a derogatory term as some "desi's" might think it is. This site defines it as "a person of subnormal intelligence". I should have used "ignorant" instead.

Lord Nemesis said:
and how you call me a troll.
Why not?You seem to be more interested in the user "broadway" than actually talk about telangana and you keep flame baiting me to engage in your juvenile discussions. Do you have anything serious to contribute to this thread?

Finally, Let me again remind you or any other infatuated individuals out there that im not the subject of discussion.

Spare me the moral science lectures. If andhra cannot deliver to telangana's needs then they have no right to have it. All this talk about a united andhra is a commercial drama. What is important to observe is whether this incident forces the andhra elite to focus on telangana's development or will it use it's democratic advantage to crush the voices, all in the name of "united andhra".
broadway said:
Comparing telangana situation to kashmir is an act of idiocy. "Idiot" is not a derogatory term as some "desi's" might think it is. This site defines it as "a person of subnormal intelligence". I should have used "ignorant" instead.
Why not?You seem to be more interested in the user "broadway" than actually talk about telangana and you keep flame baiting me to engage in your juvenile discussions. Do you have anything serious to contribute to this thread?

Finally, Let me again remind you or any other infatuated individuals out there that im not the subject of discussion.

Spare me the moral science lectures. If andhra cannot deliver to telangana's needs then they have no right to have it. All this talk about a united andhra is a commercial drama. What is important to observe is whether this incident forces the andhra elite to focus on telangana's development or will it use it's democratic advantage to crush the voices, all in the name of "united andhra".

Most likely the voices and a lot of other things are going to get crused in the name of "united andhra". Seriously, do you think they will let the split happen without understanding the repercussions. Even if there is consensus that Telengana will be formed, the issue of what happens to Hyderabad is going to take longer.

All said and done, if Telengana is formed and that KCR loses elections in Telengana to Congress, what do you think will happen. More riots saying that Congress has rigged the elections and that Telengana people only want him to lead the region.

If he wants to show moral responsibility, he must completely withdraw himself and his family and cronies from the regional politics after Telengana is established and must not contest any elections. But knowing the opportunistic fellow that he is, that ain't gonna happen.
broadway said:
What is important to observe is whether this incident forces the andhra elite to focus on telangana's development or will it use it's democratic advantage to crush the voices, all in the name of "united andhra".

This is why i tried to understand your concept of democracy. You are referring to the rights of Telegana supporters superceding those of the rest of the Andhra state.

How do you resolve this puzzle ?

Can a group just break away because it wants to. I think your analogy of divorce might not be as comprehensive.

neoronin said:
All said and done, if Telengana is formed and that KCR loses elections in Telengana to Congress, what do you think will happen. More riots saying that Congress has rigged the elections and that Telengana people only want him to lead the region.

Exactly, there is no way Telegana can win with numbers alone. There need not be a specific referendum just the TRS party losing asembly elections will amount to a refusal by the Andhra's to allow Telengana to break away. i dont think riots will make any difference.

What Congress has done is strictly damage control in the interest of maintaining peace & order. They got KCR off his fast so there won't be unrest. KCR saves face and all Congress will do is stall for time as they try to consildate their support.
blr_p said:
This is why i tried to understand your concept of democracy.
The system of democracy applied to our country of such wide diversity leaves many unhappy and angry. Our states are mostly carved on the basis of language but we all know there is much more to it than that. There are several sects and ethnicity's in those and every states. Add to that, the already several millions of uneducated and illiterate democratic voters who are entrusted to elect there leaders to guide the country. All this sounds like a masala of perceptual uncertainty and mayhem to me.

Im not saying democracy isn't working for us. Im saying it's taking us like forever. Development has lost pace. In that time we may increase infighting and border states might ask to leave. China has showed how development could be one of the keys to crush separatism.

How do you resolve this puzzle ?
Im all in favour of diving the states to "manageable sizes". Immediate kick start of development should be given more priority that the idea of "unity" or several other patriotic terms used to portray god knows what image.
China has showed how development could be one of the keys to crush separatism.
China crushes any separatism, period. They is no way any grp can split in any manner whatsoever. As the ppl have no say in these matters.

Im all in favour of diving the states to "manageable sizes".
Define "manageable" :)

All this sounds like a masala of perceptual uncertainty and mayhem to me.
I'm conflicted here, this 'masala' i think also acts as a safety valve as well. This episode has shown its possible to get the centre's attention. If that were not possible then i think chances of uncertainty & mayhem increase and become violent explosions.

number of different communities x chances of unhappiness for whatever reason + iron fist response from the centre = civil war :)
blr_p said:
Define "manageable" :)
Ekk, semantics. Do not take metaphors at face value. Lot of things. Lack of police chowkes in villages, hospitals, schools collages etc etc. Even simple supervision is out of reach in many towns.
I think (amongst others) that this is a fight for the cash cow (Hyderabad) and a larger share of its revenue. This is where funds for 'development' is supposed to come from ?

But revenue is a function of productivity, lower developed areas have lower revenue. Mineral rich areas have the least development.

So If telengana gets hyderabad, what can the others do ?

Just FYI, telangana and rayalaseema lack fertile agricultural grounds due to lack of irrigation. Telangana has a good share of dams and water projects in it's turf though still lacks irrigation. Rayalaseema is dependent on others for water. Though both are rich in mining of minerals and ores. Both regions are land locked and hence no ports.

Coastal andhra has rich fertile grounds because of the way it's geographically located.

Telangana Domino Effect
Mayawati for trifurcation of Uttar Pradesh

"I have written to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh urging him to give us clearance for creating independent states of Budelkhand and Harit Pradesh out of a giant-sized and unmanageable Uttar Pradesh," Mayawati told a hurriedly convened press conference here Friday evening.

Demand for a separate Gorkhaland

“We do not want to stay with West Bengal. We want to be liberated from the colonial rule of the West Bengal government,†GJM general secretary Roshan Giri told reporters.

Vidarbha statehood, say leaders in one voice

Nagpur MP and Congress leader Vilas Muttemwar dashed off a letter to party president Sonia Gandhi and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh ... "Our demand is over 50 years old and has always come up for discussion at meetings of the State Reorganisation Commission. We made repeated demands before the commission in vain," he said. Muttemwar said that KCR's success story has come as a shot in the arm for Vidarbha politicians. "We need to leave aside our personal differences and political obligations. It is a public demand and we are with the people of Vidarbha," he stated.

BJP state president Nitin Gadkari, who also hails from Vidarbha, said the decision to support the struggle for Vidarbha state has been taken by BJP at a national level. "We will make every effort to make the Centre concede to our demands. After Telangana, it will certainly be Vidarbha," he stated.
That chinese article is deeply flawed. They think the tamils, the assamese etc etc want to separate from india. I wonder if there assessments are based on paki and BBC journalism. I don't doubt that there are several separatism movements in india. But a lot of these struggles are to form states within india. Not outside india.

Kashmir and nagaland are the only two states i know which has large separatist followers.
Some people of Kashmir may want Kashmir to be separated from India.

Shall we allow that? Can we allow that?

we are posing a huge risk for the national integrity.

we are strong enough to fight for a separate state.They why not fight for rights and for our demands instead of breaking the country into pieces.

If we break the country into pieces.we finally lack unity.

Lets be brothers and lets be unite.

We are Indians first.

As an Indian i don't allow any part of the country,let it be Telangana,Kashmir or Vidarbha to be cut to pieces.

Instead of saying Jai Telangana or Jai Andhara lets all unite and say Jai Hind

All the people of the nation should protest breaking the country into pieces.

Don't cut the hands and legs of mother India.I beg,i cry.

P.S:I am born and brought up in Telangana.least to be mentioned.
chidambaram should divide whole country into 1000 pieces as long as he's at it.

maybe even small cities will become managable states then.

mumbai guys staying in each suburb should ask for it to become a state now.

Bandra state, churchgate state, vasai state, virar state etc.
Err I want to be the chief minister of my backyard and I want that to be converted into a state. I'm going on <beep>hunger strike<beep> until this happens :rofl: :rofl:.