Can someone explain WHY some people want a Telangana state?

Everybody will start demanding a separate state now ... :mad:

Telangana should never be created, else we will see another inter-state war over Hyderabad.

I cant understand why coz of one person they are threatening to plunge the whole country into chaos. They should have let KCR die .. what would have happened, few days of riots and few hundreds crore losses. Still better than thousands of crores that will be wasted in the state creation process.

Infact the suppor for TRS has declined over the years ... in 2004 Assembly there were 4-5 TRS MPs, now there is just 1 or 2 ...... same stats apply to MLAs.
we are strong enough to fight for a separate state.They why not fight for rights and for our demands instead of breaking the country into pieces.
Agreed :)
All the people of the nation should protest breaking the country into pieces.
Don't cut the hands and legs of mother India.I beg,i cry.

Very good, this thought did go through my mind when broadway described the formation of Telengana as a divorce.

Its more like an amputation instead and the reason i term it such is because of what dartcoder said a few pages back, same ppl with same language and customs. WHen you subdivide same from same its an amputation not a divorce.

broadway said:
But a lot of these struggles are to form states within india.
I still fail to understand the basis upon which these struggles can carve out territory over the wishes of others. That it happens indicates to me political expediency by the ruling administration to retain control over the area against the natinal interest. Then again we assume the ruling party has aceded to this particular struggle, its not clear as yet whether this is the case.

You said manageable, and i wonder manageable for whom.

Does the country become manageable with more states being created like a problem become easier to solve if its broken into smaller parts ?

Or does it become harder to govern because there are now more actors & therefore interactions between them.
blr_p said:
Very good, this thought did go through my mind when broadway described the formation of Telengana as a divorce.
All this rona dhona on the "supposed" division or divorce does not stand. The extreme exaggeration, i don't understand. The logic behind the whole "united andhra" sentiment, i will never understand. Is it the english language which is the barrier of misunderstandings between indians? I feel like hitting my head against the wall.

blr_p said:
I still fail to understand the basis upon which these struggles can carve out territory over the wishes of others.
These are not wishes out of nothing. There are reasons behind those wishes and they are reasonable.

blr_p said:
Or does it become harder to govern because there are now more actors & therefore interactions between them.
I don't know if the goods will outweigh the bads but i don't see a reason for the 552 lok sabha seats to increase of decrease because of the formation.
Well, a divorce implies a separation between distinct individuals.

Can you explain why Telegana is distinct and needs to be on its own. What makes Telegana unique from the rest of the Andhra's.

Until you can do that i doubt language is the problem here. In fact thats the irony of this story, you all speak the same language :)

broadway said:
The logic behind the whole "united andhra" sentiment, i will never understand.
To non-andhra's, its simple, it defines the borders of your state as unique from its adjacent neighbours.
What makes Telegana unique from the rest of the Andhra's
Taking metaphors at face value again. The institution of marriage or divorce cannot be applied to this scenario.

Similarity in culture and language cannot be the only basis for those two to stay together.
all this just shows that when people only complain about politicians being corrupt and dont do anything about it, and blindly go and vote for the ones standing in the elections, we get bit in the leg.

time a new gandhi came forward within the masses to root out corruption and evil politicians. but that's asking too much now i guess. maybe in a hundred years someone will come forward when the place is in tatters.
india's downfall = regional politics ... how different are we from europe ...different countries speaking different languages and here different states doing the same ...,what binds us together into one nation? just because we were all ruled by british and then we joined forces and said we will be one ...

broadway i dont know what makes it that you are so in for telagana , you havent answered as to what makes telgana different from AP , or maybe you just want to stand out in the crowd and be different , whatever rocks your boat .... but smaller states just leads to corruption and more regionalism , whereas what we need is some sense of nationalism
I can not say much about the Telangana issue, but I can say this much, that after the formation of Uttarakhand Dehradun has seen massive amounts of improvement. Roads have been constructed and other infrastructure projects have come up. Also the Pantnagar University has come up. Overall it has been a net positive effect for Uttarakhand to be separated from Uttar Pradesh.

I am not speaking this under emotional influences but based on actual ground realities.

Uttar Pradesh was not spending any money on the hill regions which led to the demand for a separate state in the first place. I think it is something similar with Telangana. Ofcourse not knowing the ground realities I could be wrong.
broadway said:
Taking metaphors at face value again. The institution of marriage or divorce cannot be applied to this scenario.

Similarity in culture and language cannot be the only basis for those two to stay together.

Then tell me this, in the map you posted in the previous page, what defines Telengana's southern & eastern borders. Why are those lines where they are and not further east/west with Andhras or north south with Rayalseema ?

X-Rebel said:
I cant understand why coz of one person they are threatening to plunge the whole country into chaos. They should have let KCR die .. what would have happened, few days of riots and few hundreds crore losses. Still better than thousands of crores that will be wasted in the state creation process.

i think its to do with keeping andhra in the congress camp or lose it to the opposition. Andhra if you recall was a very important win in the previous national elections.

vanishing nerd said:
that after the formation of Uttarakhand Dehradun has seen massive amounts of improvement. Roads have been constructed and other infrastructure projects have come up. Also the Pantnagar University has come up. Overall it has been a net positive effect for Uttarakhand to be separated from Uttar Pradesh.

I am not speaking this under emotional influences but based on actual ground realities.
Do you recall the resaons given to create uttarakhand ?
blr_p said:
Can you explain why Telegana is distinct and needs to be on its own. What makes Telegana unique from the rest of the Andhra's.

There is no justifiable reason. The few Telangana people other than the politically motivated parties who really want a separate state want it either because they are blatantly ignorant of whats really going on or in some cases going by what I have observed, maybe because some of these people have a massive inferiority complex.

I was reading an article written by a telangana guy on the division of AP and his Inferiority complex reflected in every word he wrote. He really seems to have it somewhere in the back of his mind that somehow telangana people are inferior to the coastal andhra people. He most particularly seemed to mind the dialect of telugu that he himself spoke and says that its looked down upon. The fact of the matter is that he himself is undermining it. A division will not change the attitude of such people. I have myself been in various parts of AP and a few other states and heard various dialects of Telugu and Hindi and my own accent of Telugu and Hindi ended up being a mixture of every variation I heard. Yet in all these places I have never seen anyone who undermines their own dialect of a language.

The truth of the matter is that the Telangana region and even rayalaseema region suffers from infertile land compared to costal Andhra region. So pretty obviously Coastal Andhra has more investment and revenue generation capability than the rest. So Telangana is also heavily dependent on the coastal andhra. Contrary to what Mr. Broadway mentioned, a lot of revenue earned from coastal andhra does go to the development of the Telangana region. Otherwise it would be in a lot worse situation. The way I see it, this region is probably better for industry rather than for growing crops. With Hyd being the capital city, it saw rapid development owing it majorly to the Pharma and other industries established by business people from Coastal Andhra region. Currently a substantial part of the revenue earned by the govt in Hyd comes from the industry established by the Coastal Andhra people. This also enabled the govt to encourage the development of IT industry in the city.

This is why even TRS is very particular about Hyd. For them Telangana is Hyd and vice-versa. The rest of the region does not matter to them. They also most particularly made statements that the Coastal Andhra investors in Hyd should not leave Hyd after the division. Even though that's never going to happen, the point to note is that if such investors leave, Hyd will not be able to sustain the rest of its industry for long. Its a cycle that should not be broken. They would not agree to even making Hyd an UT (Like Chandigarh here which is the capital of both Haryana and Punjab while being an UT) although a majority of its residents want to to be made an UT in case AP splits. I am willing to bet even Mr. Broadway who said in one of his posts that if the people of a region wish to separate, they should be allowed to would not welcome the idea of Hyd becoming an independent UT even if its residents wished it to be so.

The way I see it, if a split happens, both regions will suffer with Telangana even more than The rest. Telangana will loose the benefit of the revenue it gets from Andhra and Constal Andhra will loose a majority of the investors from its own region who have invested in Hyd as well as benefits from the same. Andhra may recover quickly because it has fertile lands as well as decent industry in Vizag, Education and IT infrastructure in Vijayawada and Guntur and if Rayalaseema doesnt break out, there's Tirupati and Nellore as well.

I am myself region neutral with my parents being from different regions and having lived in all three regions of AP. So I would rather have a single state which constantly and gradually progresses rather than two or three splits that are going to struggle for the next 10~15 years.
blr_p said:
Do you recall the resaons given to create uttarakhand ?
The demand was raised initially because there was no development in the hill regions and all of the money was getting spent on eastern UP. After formation of a separate state, the state got special status and therefore a lot of funds. I am not saying that there is not a massive amount corruption going around, but the fact is that even if half the funds get spent that is still more than what was being spent earlier (which was practically zero).
Also IIT Roorkee got the best deal out of the whole thing, because of the rule one IIT in one state. UP already had Kanpur. The moment Uttaranchal was born they said we are making IIT Roorkee. Also because of one NIT in one state Uttarakhand also got NIT Pantnagar.
PS: The state when it was born was called Uttaranchal and then after a few years was renamed to Uttarakhand, which was a mammoth waste of money. 400 crore spent on changing the name for all the sign boards and on government documents.:mad:
I think this problem shall be solved by allotting more Industries and few administrative headquarters to those regions and bring overall development.

Dividing the country will never be a solution.

then every one will start protest for new states for lame reasons.

No government will be stable.

all the income generated will be wasted for elections and new states formation.

Public property will be damaged in protests and finally nation will be burning with internal wars.

Finally India will be another Afghanistan or Iraq killing each other everyday.
Let me explain the actual shit these F*&Kers are after its not Telangana or development of Telangana that they are after, all they want is Hyderabad coz its the only poperly developed city in this region. Also if these **** faces knew what actually should be done to develop Telangana the they would fight for water projects coz at the end of the day its the farmers in Telangana who get the bad deal out of all this. Personally i am from Telangana and i don't see a point in making another state in all this better give water and develop the state rather than fight over it.
Lord Nemesis said:
Yet in all these places I have never seen anyone who undermines their own dialect of a language.

I have never been to AP so I don't really know how things work there as far as language is concerned. But as far my state is concerned, I have seen LOTS of such examples where people have inferiority complex due to dialect of their language. And I think it's quite obvious as well.

Again, regarding telangana issue, I don't have much to contribute. But if it is quite similar to separate Vidarbha as in Maharashtra then at least I am in favour of that. A separate Vidarbha will surely be in a much better shape than it is now. In fact, Maharashta will suffer a lot as it will lose the coal mines and the power plants. Vidarbha has never got its fair share of revenues as it doesn't have any good and strong leader in the state assembly. If the case of Telangana similar to it, then I support separate Telangana.

And I also agree with broadway that smaller states are better than large underdeveloped states. Just have a look at this wiki link of India's states with their respective GDP's: States of India by GDP - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Arrange them by per capita and you will see that in Top 10 states all are small states (though not smallest) except Maharashtra which is of course due to mumbai, so I guess that can be an exception. I guess this proves that smaller states prosper more than larger ones. These are largest states in india by size: List of states and territories of India by area - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I'm not sure if that characterisation is very meaningful.

If you consider uttarkhand, chattisgarh & Jharkhand a day before & after creation. Naturally the GDP per capita will shoot up because the population has dropped.

But nothing has changed on the ground for these states as yet, has it :)
blr_p said:
If you consider uttarkhand, chattisgarh & Jharkhand a day before & after creation. Naturally the GDP per capita will shoot up because the population has dropped.

But how can you compare the GDP per capita before and after their formation? Funds are allocated by the center to states. Before formation they were a part of a state and funds were allocated by that state. These funds were of course in relation to the population of that region. So if the center has allocated SAME amount of funds after their formation as well, then they should still have the same GDP per capita. I hope you got my point :) So I don't think drop in post-separation population should be considered as a plus point for the increase in their GDP per capita. I think if the GDP per capita is greater than earlier, then it sure means that now they have got more funds and if it is less, well then it's a loss for them to get separated.
But how can you compare the GDP per capita before and after their formation?
To make the point that the overall difference economically speaking is not much post state creation :)

GDP has nothing to do with how much is allocated by the centre but rather goods & services created in the state.

My point was the value of those goods has not changed post creation but the population has dropped by a much larger amount, so naturally GDP per capita for these new states will rise. But they themselves have not got any richer.
kippu said:
you havent answered as to what makes telgana different from AP
Apart from a varied accent, there are some cultural differences. Some pray to gods and goddesses you've never heard about. Apparently those gods had once roamed the telangana region.

After independence the state was forced to join the rest of andhra and thereafter, the region was neglected for years, even after separatism movement were initiated, the state hardly received any infrastructure development. That's 40 years of agitation and hope. A generation lost in optimism. Patriots and nationalists press for a united andhra but they won't fall for that BS again. Why does the ultra nationalist BJP support the cause? If any patriots out there getting heart burns then these guys should be first in line. But there aren't.
kippu said:
but smaller states just leads to corruption and more regionalism , whereas what we need is some sense of nationalism
That's desi mentality. Logic derived from sense of unknown. If that logic were to be applied elsewhere, telecom indutries would never have been privatised. 1 paise per second would have been a myth. Don't take metaphors at face value.
blr_p said:
Then tell me this, in the map you posted in the previous page, what defines Telengana's southern & eastern borders. Why are those lines where they are and not further east/west with Andhras or north south with Rayalseema ?
That region was under the nizam rule until 1948. Regions beyond those borders were ruled by other rulers.
Lord Nemesis said:
some of these people have a massive inferiority complex.
Telangana came under various islamic rulers for hundreds of years and were subject to brutal persecution. If they had been broken like you say then they would have converted to islam long time ago but the majority didn't. There still hindu and there still fighting. I don't see any inferiority in them. They live simple lives cause there poor. There poor cause they decided to trust there blood.
Lord Nemesis said:
He really seems to have it somewhere in the back of his mind that somehow telangana people are inferior to the coastal andhra people.
Years of islamic rule, what do you expect.
Lord Nemesis said:
The truth of the matter is that the Telangana region and even rayalaseema region suffers from infertile land compared to coastal Andhra region. So pretty obviously Coastal Andhra has more investment and revenue generation capability than the rest.
Quite opposite. The region of telangana are very rich in minerals and resources but the people are farmers. Guess who people own the mines in telangana and rayalaseema region. Guess who owns reality in posh hyderabad regions. Guess who are gobbling up huge farmer lands in telangana.

Lord Nemesis said:
So Telangana is also heavily dependent on the coastal andhra.
You have no idea what your talking about. The day the region gets divided, and it will be inevitable(mark those words), all the rich coastal hoonchoos will be crying mad because they'll have to go back to farming there agricultural lands back in coastal andhra. Ask yourself, what is profitable? Agriculture in coastal? or mining in telangana and rayalaseema?
Lord Nemesis said:
a lot of revenue earned from coastal andhra does go to the development of the Telangana region.
HAHA a lot of revenue is earned from agriculture? Seriously, are you representing the AP congress party on this forum?

So the peanut agriculture money made from coastal andhra is spend in telangana and the mining money made in rayalaseema and telanagana is spent on coastal. I wonder which part of the people are responsible to make such a brilliant system?
Lord Nemesis said:
Otherwise it would be in a lot worse situation.
Thank you ji, for the peanut money and the brilliant system you have commissioned for the welfare of AP. It calms us.
Lord Nemesis said:
This is why even TRS is very particular about Hyd.
Hyderabad is right in middle of telangana. The honeypot from where the rabid islamic rulers oversee there persecution activities. The city is in question not because of history but because of the reality the coastals own in the city.
Lord Nemesis said:
Its a cycle that should not be broken.
Oh my.
Lord Nemesis said:
Telangana will loose ... Andhra may recover quickly because it has fertile lands
I won't blame you man. Ignorance is a bliss. For the sense of superiority.
blr_p said:
To make the point that the overall difference economically speaking is not much post state creation :)

GDP has nothing to do with how much is allocated by the centre but rather goods & services created in the state.

My point was the value of those goods has not changed post creation but the population has dropped by a much larger amount, so naturally GDP per capita for these new states will rise. But they themselves have not got any richer.

Hmm... Yes you are right. I was wrong to calculate GDP per capita that way. But still I am not convinced on this point. (I want to write more but gotta go for now :p.)