Hi Mods
I have a sincere request. I do not know if you will agree or understand or do anything about this, but i have to try.
I am a very religious supporter of Manchester United and as you would know, we just got knocked out of the champions league and already a thread has come up regarding that.
Same thing happened when Arsenal lost to United.
I do not know about other football supporters on the forum, though there would not be many, but, I am very attached to the club and the game.
At this time when I am hurt and angry in the truest sense of the words, I really do not appreciate any member posting things which try and rub salt in my wounds, which if would have happened in person would result in a very big brawl.
I understand the sanctity of this forum thus I have refrained from replying to people's threads and posts which I do not find appropriate at this time.
I would really appreciate if these things are not allowed anymore.
I do not want the member(s) to get an infractions or anything, I just want them to know that please be mindful of some people's feelings while posting things and not just start a rant which sparks a word war.
Thats it.