bluffmaster said:
My bad ! I was talking about consoles there , MGS 3 is an awesome fps for Ps2 and not xbox , sorry for the misunderstanding !
Hmmm...There seems to be another misunderstanding.This...
is Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater.As you can see its
not an FPS.Its a third person stealth action game.
is an FPS. :cool2:
Anyway,back on topic.I just went through this entire thread and Im shocked at how many radical misconceptions so many people have about consoles!
killeraim said:
depends on wat kinda game na,fpses suk on consoles unless they make some gun kinda controller
Well,according to Gamespot,they've made an exact replica of the Revolution controller for the PS2....That good enough? And just for the record,I really dunno y ppl hate FPSes on the PS2,cuz personally I enjoyed Project : Snowblind,Area 51 and Killzone to death.
freefrag said:
who knows with the way technological advances r goin u might start gettin newer versions of consoles every 1-2 years
Highly unlikely.The most accomplished video game developers like Hideo Kojima of Metal Gear Solid fame have admitted that the next gen consoles have so much horsepower that even though the PS3 is slightly more powerful than the X360,the graphics at their peak are still nearly indistinguishable.i.e. near-photorealistic.Just in case u guys didn't know,that MGS4 footage was developed on a prototype PS3 SDK.A
prototype!And Kojima stated that they were still improving upon the graphics!!At such a rate,there's no way one could possibly improve upon the graphics anyway,cuz there wont
be anything to improve upon! That hardware is capable of almost anything you throw at it! Thats why graphical horsepower isn't everything.It has to stop
somewhere,and most believe that that time is now.Thats why Nintendo are focusing on innovation over graphics.They realise that if you keep updating the looks of the games,this industry is gonna die out.Development costs are soaring off the roof anyway...
killeraim said:
aiming with joystick sux big time!!even though they have killer fps games with sexy graphix and stuff the control sux.
Joysticks on consoles? Thats a new one. :huh: And killeraim,just think for a moment: If first person shooters on consoles sucked so bad,why would anyone bother making them?
bluffmaster said:
Sorry mate i dont agree with you ! U know its just a matter of adjusting to the controls ! Agreed that playing fps on a pc with a mouse is much easier but hey playing it on console is'nt bad either ! Once u r adjusted to the controls it all becomes really easy !
Thats debatable.And I mean one of those endless debates which go on for years and noone emerges victorious. :hap5:
Bluffmaster said:
You get a totally different experience on a console which is not that bad !
Rite u r.*Hands Bluffmaster a cookie*
funkymonkey said:
And many console FPS games use autoaim, sucks to be honest.
The only game I have ever played on the console with Autoaim was Max Payne 2.And thats cuz the crappy crosshair was so small I could hardly see it.I can assure you that games like Halo and Killzone do NOT use autoaim.Well,in Halo you dont need autoaim anyway,cuz the damn assault rifle crosshair almost covers the whole screen! :rofl:
funkymonkey said:
Why cant they just make official support for keyboard and mouse. This should have been done last generation only.
Noone expected these consoles to have first person shooters,forget having so many! Halo was truly revolutionary.But thats gonna be rectified in the next gen of consoles,though....Which got me thinking....Once we console lovers
do get keyboard and mouse support,what are you PC fanboys gonna whine about then? :bleh:
bluffmaster said:
ok now consoles biggest strength lies in its game library !
rite u r again.*hands him another cookie*
params7 said:
Auot aim may suck but more and more FPS's are going to consoles. Three killers on PC (Farcry, Doom3 and HF2) have also gone to the consoles, one of the only good exclsuive PC has is Fear.
bluffmaster said:
Big example : Resident evil 4 { argubaly the best manual aiming game on a console }
well ppl,I have run out of cookies

saumilsingh said:
Who cares even if all PC games get ported over to consoles. The most popular PC titles are multi-platformed because PCs are an open market constantly revolutionalizing the gaming industry unlike the closed console market with nothing but exclusivity deals to hold on to.
uh.....right. :S Dude thats retarded.Maybe you should actually find out more about consoles before you start bashing them.
Chaos said:
Well without going to the hardware specifics, I'll just put it in this way... the current triple core x360 is slower than an athlon 64 3000+ even after using all the available cores.
Thats completely irrelevant,because those consoles will do what they're meant to do better than PCs anyway.This has all been said before and we all know it....Background processes and all that...The whole enchilada...But in terms of raw horsepower,well,PCs win!(Although that doesn't hep much,cuz consoles still look just as good if not better..)
Chaos said:
bluffy lets try playing q4 with me on a pc and you on an x360.
That would boil down to who is better at the game,cuz Bluffy's x360 supports QWERTY and mouse! And since you don't seem to be particularly good at it,the CONSOLES win this round! :bleh:
Saumilsingh said:
Let those who can't handle PC gaming buy consoles, and those who want the better experience and quality can stick to PCs.
greyhawk84 said:
a pc with tailor-made(hardware specific/application specific) OS.would be 10000 times better(performance wise/quality wise/shelf-life wise) than consoles. but unfortunately thats not going to happen..
Wouldn't that just make it a console that looks like a PC? :S
Goldenfrag said:
I feel a console is only useful for Racing Games, than anything.
I cant see a the Console Market making as much money as the PC Market (talking of the Games ofcourse).
TEKKEN series.
^these guys say so,not me.
'nuff said.
archish said:
in computers u can play from the latest games to old dos games, can u do that on consoles?
I've got two words for you,my friend:"Mod Chips".I have the entire NES ROM compilation in one DVD.Old school don't get no better than that! :hap2:
Blade_Runner said:
As a matter of fact 2005 was a great year for PC gamers with AAA titles like Hl2, Farcry, Bf2, FEAR, COD2, Quake 4, etc.
Well,five of the six you mentioned were released for consoles too.In fact,Far Cry:Instincts was better than the original! AND PC gmaers can only boast of these half dozen games with the occasional AOE3.But we got a variety of games from other genres too.Doesn't that make 2005 a better year for console gamers? :hap5:
aces170 said:
LOL wotever you guys say but autoaim anyone !!!
Look,I have played only one shooter on a console
with auotaim in my LIFE!Believe it or not,dual analogs are
very precise! Look no further than Resident Evil 4 for proof of that!
This game prolly would be tougher to play with a keyboard and mouse for me!
EDIT:I was just going through my old PSOne pamphlet and you guys won't imagine what I found:
an official Sony licensed mouse for the PSOne! Now if the PSone can have a mouse,although I haven't seen any yet,I have reason to believe that the PS2 could have mouse support too.
BTW thanks a lot for making this thread,Bluffy,I wasn't around to voice my opinions during round one. :cool2: