saumilsingh said:
Those Fight Night pics albeit cool are nothing compared to the CryEngine 2 videos.
Doesn't take much to render just 2 really detailed characters in front of a blurry 2d crowd and a low detail ring.
The ring is
anything but low-detail.
I hadn't heard of CryEngine2 before this,but I poked my nose around and I'm pretty impressed.But tell me Saumil...
Saumilsingh said:
And CryEngine2 is DX10, way beyond anything any nex-gen console can handle.
What consumer CPU can handle DX10 anyway? There's still plenty of time for that to become mainstream.Just because "that one guy somewhere" has a killer PC you cant consider PC gamers as a whole superior to console gamers.And I also found this...
/GameStar/dev: Are you staying with SM3.0 or are you jumping to SM4.0 straight away?
Cevat Yerli: We're gonna support SM2.0 and above
/GameStar/dev: And above?
Cevat Yerli: And above
Its not like SM 3.0 is obsolete y'know

There's no reason Crysis won't look just as good as the majority of consumer PCs out there.
bluffmaster said:
Now this is The limit saumil , please stop posting crap !
He isn't posting crap.Its true.But...
Chaos said:
BTW X360 does use a version of DX that is pretty close to DX Next. I don't see a problem with Crysis running well on consoles too.
Chaos said:
Well the big thing about GPUs is that the console GPUs are being supplied by NV and ATI. Now its obvious that they'd not be putting their best tech into the consoles or else their desktop gpu marketshare which is their bread and butter is gonna get eroded. These companies obviously wouldn't wanna go bankrupt . Its simply the dynamics of economy that'll keep the console GPU at a much inferior level than the desktop GPUs. I think I'd posted regarding this aspect before in some other thread.
:huh: Im sorry Chaos,Im afraid I don't follow you.So what if their main business is r&d on PC GPUs? Its not like they're giving away the GPUs for the consoles for charity or anything is it? I mean,they're getting paid for it right? So how does it matter for them whether consoles or CPUs sell better?
freefrag said:
obiviously it will take time........1 year maximum but ps3 will only be able to push itself tht much as computer graphics will keep on evolving.......
You're missing the point.Video gaming has now reached a certain threshold beyond which marginal improvements in graphics mean nothing.Now its upto the game developers to keep the industry alive by being innovative in their ideas and having a fresh approach towards gaming.And it so happens that most new innovative ideas are exclusive to consoles.Computer graphics will evolve...but to what extent? After a certain limit,it hardly makes a difference.If someone decides to order an X1800XT today,one of the the most powerful cards right now,well,its gonna be obsolete before it even arrives,cuz the X1900 has already been announced!

Lets say that person is me.I have a 15" LCD.Now the max resolution at which I play is 1024*768.At such a resoluion does it even matter whether I'm using an X1800 or an X1900 or anything even better than that? Thats just a small example of course,consider the entire gaming comunity.Its the same condition everywhere.
Blade_Runner said:
The crysis project and a lot of other projects will be built around this new directx i believe.
Yes,but they've also stated that they will be supporting everything from SM2.0 and higher,and the DX in consoles apparently is almost similiar to DX10.Also keep in mind that since the PS3 hasn't been released yet,they can still change the hardware specs.Somehow I seriously doubt Sony is just sitting there staring at the PS3's elegant curves.

Ken Kutaragi also stated that the PS3 should be capable of anything new that comes out before launch....45nm processing,120 fps in games(and he actually stated these two as examples..),if its in the market,it should be on the PS3. So Im sure Sony is addressing the GPU thing already.