Console Gaming Vs Pc Gaming : Round 2 !

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Guys please note 1 point.

Those who pray by games exclusive to consoles need to understand that that does not mean a jack to PC gamer. I dont care if RE4 or other games come to PC or not. What a PC gamer care about it that is there good set of games for pc or not? And answer is yes, there are plenty. There are plenty of creative and innovative mods for older games, there is huge online community to for online playing that dont make PC games boring after you complete it once.

About upgrading the machine and stuff like that, well its well worth it if i am getting something new out of it. I mean PC needs upgrading to play new games at better details visually. This does not mean its nacessary.

Even 3 year old machines will play games at similar detail levels at what current xbox games or PS2 has to offer visually.

Its the gamer that wants something better that will upgrade. There are plenty who still enjoy doom3, HL2 on GF3 and GF4 class card as much as i do on 7800GT.

Dont go into this crap of PC needing upgrade to be able to play games. Its individual choice, not necessity. Why do console supporters always forget this point?????
params7 said:
Consoles work on hype? Wtf. Consoles are preffered for most of the genres. People are taking the analogue for a mouse on FPS's (see Black, Re4 etc), Beat 'em ups is dead on PC (No Mortal Kombat, Soul Calibur, DBZ Budokai's etc, Tekken, WWE SM!), then you got Platformers, Survival horror (RE, Fatal Frame, Siren etc). As for adventure, consoles get what PC get + more (though not for racing i guess due to sims) See Red Dead Revolver, Metal Gear Solid, True Crime SolA, Getaway, Beatdown Fist of vengeance, 007 : Everything or Nothing, Sonic Adventure, God Of War, Devil May Cry, Mercenaries, Shadow of the Colossus, 007 : From Russia with love, Resident Evil Code Veronica...there's no stopping (all of these games got good ratings and not even 20% of the full list, these are from the top of mind in hurry as Seed of Chucky has started on HBO)

its no point arguing PC indeed have the better edge over consoles, cards already exist, its only a matter of how fast they cat6ch up and surpass in the mainstream market and sources say that it'll take a year.

in fact i think grpahics don't do PC shit. if PC couldn't budge ps2 given the visuals it gave compared to 6800 ultra...i don't know how in blue hell can it even compete with powerhouses like the Ps3/X360.

Well all those games that you mentioned can easily be done on a PC (or already have been done on a PC) with ten times better graphics, audio and interactivity. Its a fact that the cutting edge technology will always come on PC first and others will play catch up to it. Emergent gameplay which is supposed to be the buzzword these days on consoles has existed on PCs since ages. (If you don't know what that means, you should not be fighting here). The cutting edge in AI/Level design has always been on PC. Console exclusives are the only way consoles can stay. Its cos a megacorp spends a hundred million dollars a year promoting their consoles. Compare that to PC, where gaming is surviving without external life support :P. Beyond this, I haven't even come to stuff such as modding/editing/mapping which are more or less non existent on consoles for obvious reasons. The biggest thing that consoles games miss is a community. If you've played UT/Quakeworld/NWN/Battlefield and myriads of other such games u'd know that the best content more often than not comes from the community and not the developers.

EDIT: Well the final thing i forgot is costs... Granted a console is 200$ or whatever but what about software costs? 3000 bucks for a frickin game is crazy when you can get a better performing/looking/moddable PC port of the same for 1299 bucks. Now dont give me the piracy crap.
Re4 was innovative believe it or not. it was innovative in gameplay, and no source out there says it didn't take Survival Horror on a new generation. Get OVER it already! Its understood you prefer the games which get under 6 from
people will forget them in 10 years? people have already forgotten Farcry and Doom3 and Half Life, Deus Ex flopped, while innovations like Mario, Zelda and Street Fighter, Alone in the Dark (Aitd was the FIRST survival horror in its stle, Capcom copied and produced Resident Evil in '96, Namco copied Resident Evil and produced Silent Hill) of the SNes days are STILL remembered and spawned hit remakes. They were all on consoles.

Tell me one hit PC game of the 80's and 90's that are still played crazy by old school gamers?
saumilsingh said:
Everyone knows all console games would look/play better on PC if only they would just tear up those exclusivity contracts.
People don't really prefer analog sticks to mice for shooters, they just accept them.
Thats a Fact But still does it change anything ? Sure console exclusive games are gonna look better on PC , But the FACT is that the exclusives are never gonna come to PC , so How does it matter if a PC is graphically superior ? It ain't gonna get the games which made consoles famous !:P
Chaos said:
Well all those games that you mentioned can easily be done on a PC (or already have been done on a PC) with ten times better graphics, audio and interactivity. Its a fact that the cutting edge technology will always come on PC first and others will play catch up to it. Emergent gameplay which is supposed to be the buzzword these days on consoles has existed on PCs since ages. (If you don't know what that means, you should not be fighting here). The cutting edge in AI/Level design has always been on PC. Console exclusives are the only way consoles can stay. Its cos a megacorp spends a hundred million dollars a year promoting their consoles. Compare that to PC, where gaming is surviving without external life support :P. Beyond this, I haven't even come to stuff such as modding/editing/mapping which are more or less non existent on consoles for obvious reasons. The biggest thing that consoles games miss is a community. If you've played UT/Quakeworld/NWN/Battlefield and myriads of other such games u'd know that the best content more often than not comes from the community and not the developers.

Those are golden words my friend. I'll agree 100% with that. Its the exclsuives. that give consoels the edge. If they existed on PC it would be selling as much as the consoles.

it is although as if PC has been cursed. It's lost its exclusives to consoles too.

And from the looks of it, its getting worse, worse and worse for the PC fan base day by day as next-gen nears and PC shows no signs of bugging the ps2 's market over. As much as people like Saumil hate to disagree with it, its the market and money and it is the biggest factor. consoles bring in Cash, SOLE reason why Doom3 and Farcry were labelled as killer Apps only fora period of like a year and then ported. Devs wanted to cash in just as much as Capcom and Rockstar on consoles.
params7 said:
Re4 was innovative believe it or not. it was innovative in gameplay, and no source out there says it didn't take Survival Horror on a new generation. Get OVER it already! Its understood you prefer the games which get under 6 from
people will forget them in 10 years? people have already forgotten Farcry and Doom3 and Half Life, Deus Ex flopped, while innovations like Mario, Zelda and Street Fighter, Alone in the Dark (Aitd was the FIRST survival horror in its stle, Capcom copied and produced Resident Evil in '96, Namco copied Resident Evil and produced Silent Hill) of the SNes days are STILL remembered and spawned hit remakes. They were all on consoles.

Tell me one hit PC game of the 80's and 90's that are still played crazy by old school gamers?

Well taking a cue from the music world, the most popular artists are britney and the bubblegum pop gang. Does that make them the best? Its the same in the gaming world... sales doesn't make a game good. The highest selling game ever is Sims. Does it make Sims the best game ever? Equating sales to game quality is ridiculous. DX may have not done well financially. But for anyone who has played and completed it, its easily the best game ever and more importantly, the most intelligent game ever.
FACT : So called Killer games of PC like : Half life 2 , doom 3 , far cry ,quake 4 PORTED To Consoles !

FACT : Exclusive Great's Like : God of war, RE4 , Tekken 5 , Devil may cry 3 , Halo 2 ,etc Remain exclusive to Consoles !

MORAL : No matter what system you have its ultimately the GAME which decides which system is better !
saumilsingh said:
GOW, RE4 and DMC3 have complex & innovative gamplay and are technical accomplishments? Doesn't take much to impress you, does it?
Unlike what any number of rave reviews might say, they're just another games. (Good? Definitely, Deserving of all the super hype? Far from it.)
Innovative? Maybe not.Technical accomplishments? In every sense of the word.Especially considering these are PS2 games we are talking about.And keeping that in mind,these are the most gorgeous games I've seen on the console upto this date.They are most definitely technical accomplishments.

Saumilsingh said:
Innovations in gameplay don't happen just like that with each new remake or just because a professional reviewer said so - Anyone who has played the truly innovative titles such as Deus Ex, System Shock 2, Warcraft3 will tell you that.
So this is the roster of innovative games you bring up for the PC? In that case,consoles win hands down.No argument there.Check out the games I mentioned above.And those are only mentioning a few.There are many more - Killer7,King Kong(ported to PC after console versions were released),Soul Calibur(still considered as one of the most smooth and gorgeous fighting games to date)...There are a lot more...
Saumilsingh said:
If you go and read the reviews for Deus Ex, they're fairly mellow causing most people to miss which was easily one the best games of the decade.
TBH I found Deus Ex boring,and its interface clunky.I uninstalled it halfway through the first level.If innovation leads to such games,I say we stick to tried and tested stuff.
Saumilsingh said:
10 years from now people won't remember GoW or RE4, but Deus Ex for the innovation (and sheer immersion) and Farcry for the technical accomplishment.
Lets see about that.Oh and while you're at it,could u tell me what my horoscope shows,ten years from now? :P
Saumilsingh said:
As for exclusive titles, while definitely an advantage, they are inherently just marketting and without any real merit to the console itself.
Who better to decide which game will play best on what platform than how many pockets one can stuff.
Its called business.Boo hoo hoo.Too bad not everyone in this world is Robin Hood.
Saumilsingh said:
People don't really prefer analog sticks to mice for shooters, they just accept them.
You assume.I declare your assumption false.
@Chaos: Thanks for enlightening me about that.Very informative.But this..
Chaos said:
Thats what killed the poor dreamcast which was a much better console overall. They tried to push thru the prerendered MGS2 cinematics as ingame . pure trash.
1.MGS2 was for the PS2 all along.One of those "Exclusivity Deals",y'know?
2.That video,although prerendered,was strikingly similiar to the final product.Hell,the graphics of the final MGS2 surpassed the tech demos.Just try and prove me wrong.
funkymonkey said:
Those who pray by games exclusive to consoles need to understand that that does not mean a jack to PC gamer.
Well,likewise,I'm sure. :S
funkymonkey said:
here is huge online community to for online playing that dont make PC games boring after you complete it once.
Its called Xbox Live.Google it.
funkymonkey said:
I mean PC needs upgrading to play new games at better details visually. This does not mean its nacessary.
funkymonkey said:
Its the gamer that wants something better that will upgrade.
well in that case blowing your trumpets about graphics superior to consoles is absolutely not necessary,IMO.Someone with an MX4000 has no right to run around saying "TEH PC BEES T3H L33T!!"
funkymonkey said:
Dont go into this crap of PC needing upgrade to be able to play games. Its individual choice, not necessity. Why do console supporters always forget this point?????
When was the last time we even mentioned upgrades? Did you,like,read the first page and directly post a reply or something?
Chaos said:
Its easily the best game ever and more importantly, the most intelligent game ever.
Clearly you have never played the MGS franchise,to say nothing of Killer7,regarded as one of the most thought-provoking games of the century.
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Its the gamer who decides which system is better for him. Nothing else. And certainly not the games. Because game which may be god for you may not be on my shopping list at all.
deathdemon89 said:
When was the last time we even mentioned upgrades? Did you,like,read the first page and directly post a reply or something?

I dont keep arguing like you guys on every page, i read good 4-5 pages over past several days and posted once.

Whats the point, you will never be able to convince me to do or agre with something. Its me who will decide whats better for me. Same applies to you. I will state my points. No point aruing with anyone, specially with those who are like have me fixed their mind to something.

I will change my mind when and if i can convince myself that 1 thing is better than other.

Oh by the way Xbox live = still no go in india. And we are indian gamers in the end aint we?
Iam talking about majority dude , maybe games like GOW,RE4,DMC,HALO maynot be on your shopping list but does that make those games bad ?No, the majority of people seems to like them !

You have to agree that consoles have more and better games than PC AND That alone makes consoles the winner for me !
deathdemon89 said:

TBH I found Deus Ex boring,and its interface clunky.I uninstalled it halfway through the first level.If innovation leads to such games,I say we stick to tried and tested stuff.

Well you just missed the best game ever... I can just feel sorry for you. Too bad. Give it another try past the first level.

@Chaos: Thanks for enlightening me about that.Very informative.But this.. pure trash.

1.MGS2 was for the PS2 all along.One of those "Exclusivity Deals",y'know?

2.That video,although prerendered,was strikingly similiar to the final product.Hell,the graphics of the final MGS2 surpassed the tech demos.Just try and prove me wrong.

I never said MGS2 was not PS2 all along. All I said was that Sony killed the dreamcast only thru FUD. That video was a cinematic in MGS2, however to be true, the final product looked quite good for a ps2 game.
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funkymonkey said:
Its the gamer who decides which system is better for him. Nothing else. And certainly not the games. Because game which may be god for you may not be on my shopping list at all.
Thanks for the update.Remind me never to buy you a game as a birthday gift.
funkymonkey said:
dont keep arguing like you guys on every page, i read good 4-5 pages over past several days and posted once.
What genius! Now why did I never think of that before? *Punishes himself and reminds himself never to try putting forward a point in a freaking forum ever again*
funkymonkey said:
Whats the point, you will never be able to convince me to do or agre with something.
I never tried,and I never want to.I prefer interacting with open-minded people.
funkymonkey said:
Its me who will decide whats better for me. Same applies to you. I will state my points. No point aruing with anyone, specially with those who are like me fixed their mind to something.
I have no objection of you stating your points,but the way in which you're stating them is completely ignorant and not very forum-friendly,imo.
funkymonkey said:
Its me who will decide whats better for me.
What do you expect me to say to that...? Well,good for you,man,keep it up. :|
funkymonkey said:
I dont keep arguing like you guys on every page, i read good 4-5 pages over past several days and posted once.

Whats the point, you will never be able to convince me to do or agre with something. Its me who will decide whats better for me. Same applies to you. I will state my points. No point aruing with anyone, specially with those who are like have me fixed their mind to something.
I will change my mind when and if i can convince myself that 1 thing is better than other.

Oh by the way Xbox live = still no go in india. And we are indian gamers in the end aint we?

:) This is a Debate Dude ! Nobody is convincing you to do anything :hap5: , we are the supporter of consoles and you are the supporter of PC ! And yeah next time if you participate in some debate its better you first read wats its about !:cool2:
funkymonkey said:
I dont keep arguing like you guys on every page, i read good 4-5 pages over past several days and posted once.

Whats the point, you will never be able to convince me to do or agre with something. Its me who will decide whats better for me. Same applies to you. I will state my points. No point aruing with anyone, specially with those who are like have me fixed their mind to something.
I will change my mind when and if i can convince myself that 1 thing is better than other.

Oh by the way Xbox live = still no go in india. And we are indian gamers in the end aint we?

:) This is a Debate Dude ! Nobody is convincing you to do anything :hap5: , we are the supporter of consoles and you are the supporter of PC ! And yeah next time if you participate in some debate its better you first read wats its about !:cool2:

And well about xboxlive , when we say that consoles are better than a PC we are not taking INDIA into account , we are talking in general ! Same goes with xbox live !:cool2:
bluffmaster said:
:) This is a Debate Dude ! Nobody is convincing you to do anything :hap5: , we are the supporter of consoles and you are the supporter of PC ! And yeah next time if you participate in some debate its better you first read wats its about !:cool2:
Well i dont deny whatever you have to say. I respect whatever you have to say. I stated my point of view on why i prefer PC.
Its a debate till it stays like that and does not start personal attacks all over the forum.
I dont go making personal attacks or childish immature quotes with 1337 launguage like some other people do ;)
Chaos said:
Well you just missed the best game ever... I can just feel sorry for you. Too bad. Give it another try past the first level.

Maybe I will,someday.

Chaos said:
I never said MGS2 was not PS2 all along. All I said was that Sony killed the dreamcast only thru FUD. That video was a cinematic in MGS2, however to be true, the final product looked quite good for a ps2 game.

The Metal Gear Solid series have traditionally used the game engine itself for rendering cinematics.MGS2 was no different.The cinematic graphics were the gameplay graphics.
deathdemon89 said:
Maybe I will,someday.
The Metal Gear Solid series have traditionally used the in-game engine for rendering cinematics.MGS2 was no different.The cinematic graphics were gameplay graphics.
But they are touched up with AA and stuff to make it look better than in engine :)
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