Well did i take any name? but you guessed anyhow didnt youbluffmaster said:Who is making personal attacks ? Deathdemon is just replying to your posts !
Funkymonkey,I'm sorry if anything I said insulted you,but this is a forum,we're supposed to encourage debates,not discourage thembluffmaster said:Who is making personal attacks ? Deathdemon is just replying to your posts !
I was unaware of that.I dunno,maybe you're right about MGS2 doing that,I really dont know.But MGS3 looked so awesome,there's no need to even assume that they added graphical touches to it.Chaos said:But they are touched up with AA and stuff to make it look better than in engine
Yo Dude thats the true Beauty of forumsfunkymonkey said:Well did i take any name? but you guessed anyhow didnt you
There are ways to reply, maturely, immaturely, childishly and arogantly.
This is exactly what i mean. And i am not talking about me, see other sections/ topics in this forum. arguments here and in last thread have resulted in unnacessary conflicts in other threads too between these guys.
funkymonkey said:here are ways to reply, maturely, immaturely, childishly and arogantly.
This is exactly what i mean. And i am not talking about me, see other sections/ topics in this forum. arguments here and in last thread have resulted in unnacessary conflicts in other threads too between these guys.
Params7 said:Deus Ex is not exclusive to the PC. its there for ps2 and Xbox, why are you guys then arguing over a port??
bluffmaster said:I dont think so , i did'nt find any difference between MGS3 cutscenes and the gameplay !
lol do we really need any more supporters anyway Bluff? We're holding our own against the whole of TE anyway!bluffmaster said:Right now i think there are only 3 console supporters { me , deathdemon and param } but you have got the whole TE Community support !
Couldn't Have said better !deathdemon89 said:lol do we really need any more supporters anyway Bluff? We're holding our own against the whole of TE anyway!hyeah:
Exactly what I've been saying all along. It's the marketting and exclusive deals that sell the consoles.params7 said:Its the exclsuives. that give consoels the edge. If they existed on PC it would be selling as much as the consoles.
[D]igital [D]eath said:PC will always surpass the console...not immediately but eventually
deathdemon89 said:I have now officially lost interest.
On second thought,BRING IN THE FLAMETHROWERS!!!!!!!
I said it a hundred times before,I'll say it again.Don't.Get.Sony's.Balls.Into.This.saumilsingh said:I don't mind console games, but Sony should atleast have the balls to not force companies like Rockstar to wait 6 months before releasing a new GTA on pc.
Meh.Name an FPS that the PC has and the console doesn't.Except FEAR.Saumilsingh said:Not that it bothers me much. The pc still dominates the fps, rts and racing genres and those are all I play alongside the occasional rpg.
FFX2? Mouse support?? In the same sentence????!!! Someone please shoot me....Besides,I think Iv realised why you despise consoles so much...I mean heck,FFX2? Dude you'd be better off watching the Powerpuff Girls or something. Try Shin Megami Tensei and the previous FF installations to get an idea of what an RPG REALLY is.Saumilsingh said:Although there are some really nice console exclusive rpg's that I would like to play on my pc. FFX2 is damn irritating without mouse support.
LOTRBFME2 is gonna release for the X360,and guess what? *gasp* ITS AN RTS!!!