Console Gaming Vs Pc Gaming : Round 2 !


All Said and Done..

Am frustrated cos I just cant seem to play ps2 using its controllers(for the FPS games that is) , I mean the aiming system ( of killzone ) is so friggin bad...are other FPSs on consoles too like dis??

I mean I have TimeSplitters wid me and havent tried dat...but killzone's aiming system sucks..the graphics and music are awesome though.

uh,what do you mean by the aiming system? If you mean the button configuration,then yes,its really a frustrating configuration,and not at all intuitive.but you get used to it in a while.Other FPS games have much more intuitive configurations.Try Area 51 and Project Snowblind,and check out how you find them ;)

PC Gamers dont lose the discussion becoz of a stupid thread in what people are argueing about something which is a personal choice.

You cant force a decision on some1, if some1 likes the PC, be will like it more than a Console.

Some1 used a console b4 the PC, he will like the Console better.

Itll always stay like that.
f some1 likes the PC, be will like it more than a Console.

Some1 used a console b4 the PC, he will like the Console better.

Not true.The first game I played was Prince Of Persia on my Windows 3.1.That doesn't mean I like PCs better.
Exaxctly ! u know before gettin a ps2 i was a huge pcfanboy !INFACT I OWN MORE THAN 80 PC TITLES ! BUT STILL THE FACT REMAINS THAT THE CONSOLES OWNS PC !
^^ Ahem, arguements will go on.

I like the PC better for FPS games, but Console better for Racing/TPS games.

Im getting a PS3, no doubts. But i will make sure that i get myself a heafty PC upgrade. :).
well everybody is not as lucky as you dude !! They have to make a choice between a hefty PC or a console ! And for those people { which are majority of us mind u } this decesion is very important and thats why i suggest a console over a PC anytime !!
and there r ppl like I who despite having spent on a hefty (almost) PC keep gng back to the console.... :(

But my personal take on this debate would be that consoles r more suited to casual gamers (myself included) while the real serious gamers would prefer a so called hefty PC

(though I wonder what makes one a serious gamer, and if it is sumthng to take pride in)

And I dont think anyoe loses or wins tis battle coz in the end, it is to each his (or her) own
consoles are for casual gamers ????? well u cant say that , i love consoles and i am a hardcore gamer !! I own more than 80 pc games title and more than 50 console titles ! And guess what out of all that i have beaten more than 90% of the games ! so does that make me a casual gamer ?? PC is nice but consoles RULZ atleast for me !! Besides I think there are much better games on console then on PC !!
^^How many of those 80 are legal? We are talking about what is a better platform not the fact that Starvin Marvins don't have enough cash to buy the latest pc :p.
I Think probably 20 something are legal !! When i started gaming i always bought orignal cds !! But then day by day as the prices got rediculous I shifted to piracy !And I have absolutely no regrets for it ! Coz if u want piracy to be reduced in INDIA u gotta sell those games at resonable rates !! Take for example movies , I am a huge collector of movies , i own more than 90 movies as of now and almost 80 of them are orignals !! Why coz a movie is quite affordable its in the range of 150 - 300 and thats not too high , but GAMES they cost u more than 1500 Bucks plus u dont know whether it would run without any hiccups on ur PC ! So I think as long as the developers will not reduce the price of games in INDIA , Piracy will always rule india and rightly so... I mean who in the His right sense would spent more than 1500 bucks on the orignal whenthe same is available for 50 bucks ???? But yeah if the prices are dropped to lets say 400 - 500 , I think most of us will buy Orignals !!
^^Internationally, prices are 50$. Compare that to indian prices, its like 1299 bucks for most games (999 for some). Its exactly the same thing being sold for half the price. Also if you buy from the disty, you get it for even cheaper. You cant expect them to sell it for 50 rupees(1$) can you? FYI DVDs of movies cost 499-799 bucks, which is nearly the international price... 16-19$ :p. You call yourself a gamer and don't respect the ppl who make games. Thats pretty sad!
bluffmaster said:
Console Advantages
The most obvious advantage consoles have over PCs is cost. The Xbox currently sells for around $200, often with a couple games in the bundle, while it's easy to spend that much or more on a quality PC video card alone.

The second most obvious advantage is simplicity. Let's face it, PC gaming is a technical nightmare compared to console gaming. People can actually take a console home and be playing a game within minutes. No operating systems to configure or drivers to update, and better still, no purchasing a game only to find out that it isn't compatible with your PC for some obscure reason.

Multiplayer gaming is also made easy and affordable with companies like Microsoft offering online services for their product. The Xbox, for example, comes equipped with a network card, making it a simple matter to hook it up to a DSL or Cable Internet connection and get into a multiplayer game on Xbox Live.

Many people prefer to play games sitting on the couch, or they want to play with friends in the same room. While these things are possible on a PC, consoles are extremely well-suited for this right out of the box.

Console games are more readily rented than PC games, and more easily returned to the retailer if you're not satisfied with them. Generally speaking, it is difficult to return PC games because they are easy to copy.

Console games tend to have a relatively low learning curve. You might need fast thumbs, but you certainly won't need to spend hours in a "tutorial" trying to learn how to operate basic game functions. :tongue:

PC Disadvantages

While PCs have come down considerably in price over the years, they are still quite expensive compared to consoles. Perhaps worse, we seem to be at a point where manufacturers would rather make them more powerful than cheaper, whether we need the speed or not.

Computers are also getting a little more user friendly, but eventually every PC gamer will encounter some technical complication, be it a device driver that needs updating or components that are simply incompatible.

The truth is, installing a game on your computer is always a bit of a gamble. You never really know if it's going to work until you're actually playing the game, and even then, in the back of your mind, you're expecting it to crash at any moment.

Unlike most console games, PC games have the potential to get ridiculously complicated. This can give a game depth, but it can also result in tedious arrays of keyboard commands and lengthy tutorials which one must endure to learn how to play.

PC games are often not well-suited for playing on the couch, especially given that the mouse and keyboard are the preferred PC game controllers. Unlike console games, you also won't find many PC games that support two players on one machine at the same time.:tongue:


you just copied all that :p haha :tongue:
@Chaos : Why are you comparing $ with rupees ??? There they have saliries more than 4000$ , and here we have rs 10000 - 20000, get the difference ??? US is a rich country , but here iam talking about the average Indian costumer !!
And you dont always have to reply to my post negatively , u can sometimes support me as well ! I am stating the obvious here !! How many people in INDIA do you think can afford those 1500 bucks games when there salary is around rs10000 !
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bluffmaster said:
@Sandy : Yep I copied that, so :huh: ?? , Hell even that site agrees with me !:tongue:
Lmao :rofl: You used it quite to your advantage though. Forgot to copy the console disadvantages and PC advantages eh ! :lol:

Also what you are essentially trying to do is force a opinion down others throats. If consoles are god for you well good for ya, but don't expect others to be chanting the same lines as you.
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bluffmaster said:
@Chaos : Why are you comparing $ with rupees ??? There they have saliries more than 4000$ , and here we have rs 10000 - 20000, get the difference ??? US is a rich country , but here iam talking about the average Indian costumer !!
And you dont always have to reply to my post negatively , u can sometimes support me as well ! I am stating the obvious here !! How many people in INDIA do you think can afford those 1500 bucks games when there salary is around rs10000 !

LOL as a rule of thumb, 10000 rupees a month in india = 1000$ a month in the US. Now compare 50$ to 1000$ and it seems much more costly :p. Also remember that the cost of living in india is lots lower. 1299 is an okay price atleast IMHO.
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sorry for going a little off-topic here but in U.S, or at least in SJ, Cali, a kid could earn $50 in a day or two. In 9th grade, its in your curriculum to find a job or else you won't pass. And that job as a waiter in juice bar or mcdonalds would earn you at least 5$/h.
That's what an average middle class indians earn here.

console games generally sell for a lot more than PC games in India. Many ps2 games have hit 20-30$ but they still sell for over Rs.2500 on ebay and those malls.