They've actually rated Halo3 more than the hype of Ps3. There are other tons of sites i could pull out that would only have a couple of PC games in top 20.
Take last year for example, hardly a couple PC games made it to the final 10 in the two most credible sources -, Spike TV's offical VGA awards. Rest including GT.TV, IGN, even Gamespy

Re4 and GoW made to the final 5 in all of them, Re4 won the GOTY in all of them too exept in Gamespy, they gave the spot to Civ4 which isn't even a genre of console, Re4 on 2.
I think those 16 games are being hyped because console don't have much to offer as of now, its dawn before the day like they say. Ps3 and Rev will take time to release. The Main attractions and killers like Re5, MGS4 and even HALO3 (rated no.1 most awaited by your gamespy) have been slated to 2007 and onwards. X360 has just released with no killers. While Ps2 is still holding up with still so many much awaited titles by mid-2006. (see Ps2 sticky) even with heat from X18-19000's.
In 2007's and on's much awaited list, PC games will be heavily overshadowed by the hype being recieved from war between Ps3, X360 and Revolution, just like this gen but much bigger. Count on It!