Console Gaming Vs Pc Gaming : Round 2 !

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hmm? i wasn't comparing any games. i couldn't care less if people liked Halo or CS more. i don't like the kind of CS that's played around here and i hated Halo multiplayer. i was referring to the statement about PC gamers being graphics whores.

about consoles vs PC, i'm kinda neutral myself. i still stand by what i said about the different genres and online multiplayer. i guess i lean towards PC gaming nowadays as i haven't owned a console in a long time but on the other hand i've also spent a lot of money playing games like Soul Calibur 2 at gaming cafes. one thing i know for sure, nothing will ever beat the consoles of the old days :) NES, SNES, Genesis.. i had much more fun playing those games than anything else.
Blade_Runner said:
Lol bluffy is talking abt CS and you say this

So? Are you telling me that every single person who owns CS plays online? Most of my friends are forced to play with bots due to slow net connections.In fact I hardly know more than a handful of people who actually play CS online.Everyone plays either with bots or on LAN.Yeah,he's talking about CS,but he isn't talking multiplayer specific.

And about my previous post: You talked about Halo but completely and conveniently ignored Black.And keep in mind that Black is a multiplatform game,available for the PS2 and the XBox.Assuming the emu is released,even XBox 360 owners will be playing.Since you love the figures so much,tell me how many people own PS2s,XBoxes and 360s?

@ashr:We're talking about the majority of PC gamers,not just hardcore multiplayer gamers.And since you believe PC gamers aren't graphics whores,why does everyone keep boasting about the PC's superiority in graphics over consoles?

Yes we are, and we are not ashamed of it. To be a whore is special quality.

Surprise surprise! 16/30 games are on PC and there's a huge diff in the look of PC games vs anything else .

The PS3 gpu has less memory bandwidth than a 9800 pro. I wonder what sort of games would actually run on it. 1080p... we've seen what sony hype is... before they released the PS2, sony was trumpeting "cinematic" graphics all over the place.

Everyone knows all console games would look/play better on PC

Well all those games that you mentioned can easily be done on a PC (or already have been done on a PC) with ten times better graphics, audio and interactivity.

Those Fight Night pics albeit cool are nothing compared to the CryEngine 2 videos.

Maybe you shouldn't go there...Especially since consoles pwn PCs in every field other than graphics and multiplayer ;)
bluffmaster said:
@KingKrool : BTW u will be real pissed off at the climax of indigo prophecy, what started of as a mindblowing story ends up being very stupid and incomplete !

and deathdemon89

there are 3 ending to the game depends on how you played it.. and who won the battle at the end.
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deathdemon89 said:
Maybe you shouldn't go there...Especially since consoles pwn PCs in every field other than graphics and multiplayer ;)

First, I hope we agree that gameplay, graphics and multiplayer are 3 core qualities/categories/fields that make a great game. You mention that consoles dominate in other fields - I'd like you to list those that are equally important as the 3 I've listed.

Anyway, based on your statement it's clear that consoles don't come near a PC in the graphics and multiplayer category. With gameplay however, the PC and console are entirely different but it's only a matter of getting used to (let's not get into the FPSvRPGvRacing argument)... a PC gamer loves the keyboard/mouse and a Console gamer loves his gamepad or joy-stick (no pun intended LOL) - that said, a PC cannot dominate in this category and the same goes for the console.

Feel free to contradict your previous statements... it's not a new trend in this thread ;)
there is 1 big advantage to PC.

User can select the way he wants to experience the game.

You guys scribe soo much about gamepad but anyone who does not like the keyboard and mouse can go for gamepad. And its cheap. very cheap.

So if the same game is available on both consoles and PC, pc user can experience it as well as a console user can. And mind you gamepad is 1 time peanut investment.

Even i use Xbox controller to play FS2k4 :P
^Dude, the ps2 linux pack comes with a keboard and a mouse, and it is also sold seperately. Even Dreamcast had a huge support for keyboard becuase its the only TV console ever to feature internet surfing. (It actually came close to levelling PC modding, since you could easily download saves(which ranged from all unlocked items to mods from gameshark) from the internet to the memory card. It was state of the art back then.

And joysticks were modelled for the pure purpose of gaming only. PC users have gotten used to a keybaord which evovled from a typewriter. I can't stand keybaords for the single fact of directional support.

Exept Strategy, i love strategy!

@BlackvsCs - The market favours consoles way heavily of PC's. An avg sports title on consoles like Nba Shootout, Fifa Street etc levels the sale of hits on PC like Half-Life 2. While CS may have more player playing online, but there's a good chance Black will be played offline in a much larger scale.

The launch of Black will at least sell 30,000 units of ps2 (a good avg of awaited titles on consoles. Re4 solde over 650,000 units on gamecube alone by Dec. that's a whooping 60,000 units per month. Ps2 has surpassed 100,000 units in 3 months, could've been better if Capcom hadn't taken a year to port it)) + AT LEAST 15,000 Xbox units. estimates, i'll keep my eye on it. Now CS at any given point has 100,000 players online approx (all versions), even if CS had 50% of players playing online, Cs must have at least 300,000 players offline (can somebody bring me its sales figures?) and Black can surpass that pretty easy in a matter of 6 months if the reviews we are hoping don't dissapoint.
well thats my point.

I want console games to have proper support for keyboard and mouse. I mean the games should be playable with keyboard and mouse. be it optional. I would purchase that. For that matter i will be disappointed if PS3 and Xbox 360 does not get official support for kb and mouse in games.

I want shooters to be enjoyable on consoles and i would buy next gen. I tried hard. i played halo on xbox for hours and made real hard try to like that game. but i didnt.

The only game that i really enjoyed on xbox was burnout 3. That too after blade said you gota try this game a while ago. So i did and i liked it.

but i play lots of shooters and even for some racing games i prefew the keyboard. i like the accuracy of keyboard :P

yeah i know console players hate Tap tap on keybaord but i am used to it. And i prefer that these days.

In the days of NES and sega master the games were such that there was no need for kb and mouse. And i used to play for hours on these two systems as kid. But today consoles need these two additions.
deathdemon89 said:
@ashr:We're talking about the majority of PC gamers,not just hardcore multiplayer gamers.And since you believe PC gamers aren't graphics whores,why does everyone keep boasting about the PC's superiority in graphics over consoles?

so was i. take starcraft, possibly the world's most popular online multiplayer game today. outdated graphics. a lot of casual players. about the boasting bit, i guess they do that because it could be true. other than this Black game (that too judging by screenshots) i really haven't seen any console game that has made me go wow in terms of graphics. many PC games have gotten that reaction from me though. people talk about PC gfx superiority because that really is one thing they have as an advantage. PC games can have both great gameplay and graphics. Console games can match up and in many cases, even be ahead on the gameplay front but they really are lacking when it comes to gfx. however, you can't call PC gamers 'graphics whores' just because they're stating something that's blatantly obvious. a 'graphic whore' would be someone who plays a game only because it looks pretty, even if it has the worst gameplay and is buggy as hell.

@Params7, this Black may surpass those statistics but how long will it last? will people play the same single player game everyday for years? CS has maintained this number for a very very long time now. i don't know many Indian console players who play online either.

anyway this thread doesnt seem to be getting anywhere so i'm out.
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RiO said:
a PC gamer loves the keyboard/mouse and a Console gamer loves his gamepad or joy-stick (no pun intended LOL) - that said, a PC cannot dominate in this category and the same goes for the console.
Let me correct that for you:
RiO said:
a PC gamer loves the keyboard/mouse and a Console gamer loves his extensive selection of gamepads and keyboards/mice and his arcade joypads and gun controllers. - that said, a PC cannot dominate in this category.Period.
Much better.
Funkymonkey said:
You guys scribe soo much about gamepad but anyone who does not like the keyboard and mouse can go for gamepad. And its cheap. very cheap.
LOL what are you talking about Funky...I know your tolerance level for huge posts is extremely low,but sometimes reading all the posts is a good thing.
Funkymonkey said:
I want console games to have proper support for keyboard and mouse. I mean the games should be playable with keyboard and mouse. be it optional. I would purchase that. For that matter i will be disappointed if PS3 and Xbox 360 does not get official support for kb and mouse in games.
KB/mice are available for consoles,man.Along with extensive third party support for other such accessories too.What have we been talkng about all this time?
@ashr:READ MY POST.WE AREN'T TALKING ONLY ABOUT MULTIPLAYER HERE,BUT GAMING AS A WHOLE.Again you talk about CS and Starcraft but completely ignore all the new single player games that have come out.In this day and age,if a new SP game comes out with GFX like CS,no matter how good the gameplay,don't try convincing me it would stand a chance.
ashr said: can't call PC gamers 'graphics whores' just because they're stating something that's blatant. a 'graphic whore' would be someone who plays a game only because it looks pretty, even if it has the worst gameplay...
Got it.Ill keep that in mind.*cough*D3*cough*Q4*cough*DX2*cough*
Ill definitely keep that in mind.
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This discussion will go nowhere. With PC Fanboys supporting the PC and Console fanboys supporting the Consoles.

Botton line is.

FPS games better on the PC.

Graphics are better on the PC.

Gameplay is better on the PC.

You can do anything and everything on a PC, while a console only allows you to game.

Console only has the Easy feel to it.. all you have to do it put in the cd and voila, your playing a game.
goldenfrag said:
Console only has the Easy feel to it.. all you have to do it put in the cd and voila, your playing a game.

haha goldy ;)
consoles are for noobs who dont know how to use PC :bleh: ;)
Well deathdemon89. Multiplayer gaming is GAMING experience. And its the one of the better ways to enjoy games. how could not that be part of gaming?

For my GTA sucks but in the era of GFX like Farcry GTA still turned out to be successful game. So what you said about SP game comming out with crappy GFX may not succedd is also not true.

Whatever anyone say PC community will always thrive on advancement. Thats why this industry still exsist.

What sandy has said is actiually main reason for console's success. Anyone can just plug it in and play. PC needs more expert maintainence and knowledgable user. That does not mean its inferior platform in gaming. its superior to consoles. It has always been and it will always be. Console can stay on top for hardly 3-5 months in technical superiority.

And gameplay is upto individual to decide.

For me PC is perfect for gameplay experience. Now what can change that???? Nothing u said or could say ;)
deathdemon89 said:
So? Are you telling me that every single person who owns CS plays online? Most of my friends are forced to play with bots due to slow net connections.In fact I hardly know more than a handful of people who actually play CS online.Everyone plays either with bots or on LAN.Yeah,he's talking about CS,but he isn't talking multiplayer specific.

And about my previous post: You talked about Halo but completely and conveniently ignored Black.And keep in mind that Black is a multiplatform game,available for the PS2 and the XBox.Assuming the emu is released,even XBox 360 owners will be playing.Since you love the figures so much,tell me how many people own PS2s,XBoxes and 360s?

@ashr:We're talking about the majority of PC gamers,not just hardcore multiplayer gamers.And since you believe PC gamers aren't graphics whores,why does everyone keep boasting about the PC's superiority in graphics over consoles?

Maybe you shouldn't go there...Especially since consoles pwn PCs in every field other than graphics and multiplayer ;)

Ok so since you said its not only about online and that ppl play offline as well. So imagine if 100,000 people are playing online can you gauge the number of people playing offline, in private lans, in cafes ;) The number must be quite huge.

Its not my problem that you know only a few ppl who play online is it ? Doesnt mean the rest of the world or india is the same as them. Similarly i could say i know a very few people who even brought a ps2 but meh its a lame argument.

Yes i love figures but you are forgetting the fact that there is no real way to determine how many PCs have been sold worldwide to this date and how many of them have been used for gaming ;).

About the consoles owning pcs i'll reiterate what rio posted :D

First, I hope we agree that gameplay, graphics and multiplayer are 3 core qualities/categories/fields that make a great game. You mention that consoles dominate in other fields - I'd like you to list those that are equally important as the 3 I've listed.

Anyway, based on your statement it's clear that consoles don't come near a PC in the graphics and multiplayer category. With gameplay however, the PC and console are entirely different but it's only a matter of getting used to (let's not get into the FPSvRPGvRacing argument)... a PC gamer loves the keyboard/mouse and a Console gamer loves his gamepad or joy-stick (no pun intended LOL) - that said, a PC cannot dominate in this category and the same goes for the console.
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^^ To what Rio said.

You can even hook up your xBox/PS2 gamepad to a PC.

So i dont know how there should be a problem of Comfort.

A PC is everything.

A Console is only Gaming.
DX2 has good graphics? lol, maybe to console gamers...
And Quake4 singleplayer has nice gameplay, one of the best fps's of 2005.

Comparing how Black may or may not sell to CS sales is stupid and says nothing about gameplay longetitivty.
Sales is such a bogus figure, Doom3 sold more than HL2 if you didn't know.

CS is 'Free', there is nothing to sell. And CS sees more players on a daily basis than Black will ever see past the first month. How many will play the game more than once or twice?

Starcraft (a 10 year old game) could devour Black in under a week.
WoW? That's an entirely different beast.

And these are just 3 games, not taking into account eq2, guildwars, warcraft3, dawn of war, bf2, bf1942, ut2004, dod, quake3, ut99, lfs, diablo2, etc.

Seems like Black is just the new crown jewel now that RE4 is no longer a console exclusive. Previously all I read in this thread was how great RE4 is and how much it 'sold'. That certainly died fast...
Consoles will always be better than gaming PCs for one simple reason... no compatability problems as the game developers know the EXACT hardware configuration of the machine that will run the game they are creating.

I don't want to throw Rs. 10000/year into my PC just to play the latest games... I really don't see any logic in doing that.

Consoles are also better because of the first-party games that you will never play on your PC.

As far as online gaming goes...I Think Where once the personal computer dominated the online gaming scene, now it appears that handhelds and consoles are giving the PC a run for its money. According to a new statistics report from the marketing firm In-Stat, consoles and portable gaming units are "greatly expanding the market" when it comes to online gaming. In-Stat's report says the number of online subscribers using handhelds and consoles numbered 3.4 million in 2004 and predicts that number could multiply 10 times by 2009 to more than 30 million subscribers. While the exact numbers for the future could be debated, it is interesting to note that all major gaming hardware makers have taken notice of the benefits of online gaming. Nintendo, for example, has recently enjoyed increased sales of Nintendo DS titles such as Mario Kart DS and Animal Crossing: Wild World, due to the introduction of Nintendo's new Wi-Fi service. :)
Speaking of DX2, poor game got absolutely destroyed by major consolitis.
Had such geat potential if it didn't need to be dumbed down so much for the console crowd. Unified ammunition, rotflol... What the Ratchet & Clank public can't handle even a little complexity in gameplay?

Even Oblivion has suffered from consolitis. The stealth enhancing shadows we saw in the promos are now removed entirely because a certain nex-gen console couldn't handle them.

Consoles, why must they hold us back...

Bluffmaster said:
In-Stat's report says the number of online subscribers using handhelds and consoles numbered 3.4 million in 2004 and predicts that number could multiply 10 times by 2009 to more than 30 million subscribers.
WoW alone has 5million+ subscriptions at this very moment.
Fine then.What Rio posted:
Rio said:
First, I hope we agree that gameplay, graphics and multiplayer are 3 core qualities/categories/fields that make a great game. You mention that consoles dominate in other fields - I'd like you to list those that are equally important as the 3 I've listed.
1.A good story is equally as important as any other factor in gaming.And the fact remains that consoles have always had the upper hand when it comes to story.Mention games like Deus Ex if you will,just keep in mind that it was a multiplatform game.RE4,MGS2 and the rest are later ported to the PC,after being released on consoles.The MGS2 port is crap as compared to the console version,the Psychonauts PC port was comparitively the worst of the three platforms it was released on,and the RE games have a history of comparitively bad PC ports.Lets see how RE4 turns out.Anyway,the PC can only boast of a handful of exclusive games(maybe less) with stories which could compete with the likes of Killer7,MGS series,RE series,FF series etc.
2.This topic has been covered before(read the full thread please),and PC games don't hold a candle against all the new innovative games that keep coming out for consoles.
3.Say that its for n00bs.Say what you will,but the fact remains that consoles are plug-and-play,and completely accessible to everybody.Consoles have a complete advantage when it comes to ease of use.

About multiplayer: The XBox was the first console to actually take multiplayer seriously.It was also the last console to come out this generation.Multiplayer gaming is still a fledgeling feature in consoles.XBox Live has improved by leaps and bounds from when it first started,and the PS3 is gonna be competing against XBL feature to feature(and then some).I don't see the PC reigning over the consoles in multiplayer in the (very) near future.Its only a matter of time before that killer multiplayer game comes out for one of the next-gen consoles.Already,FF11,one of the most popular MMORPGs,is being ported to the 360.

Saumilsingh said:
Seems like Black is just the new crown jewel now that RE4 is no longer a console exclusive. Previously all I read in this thread was how great RE4 is and how much it 'sold'. That certainly died fast...
Nope,RE4 still hasn't come out for the PC so noone can comment on it,thats all.But considering Capcom's track record of RE PC ports,I wouldn't hope for much if I were you.But no matter how the port turns out,it would still sell a crapload on the PC,since PC gamers are so famished of good games anyway...
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