Thanks for your feedback.
Actually I was going to submit this then I thought some more work should be done on them. However you can make suggestions too if you have any good ideas or you can post your own skins here too!
BTW before submitting I would certainly ask for your views.
Got it from a trader in No it's BattleScarred, 0.511 float. FT's cost much more, didn't want to spend so much on one skin. I paid 9 keys for it.
Yeah 9 keys Bought them for about $2 each though, so it's a little less. This is a pretty stable skin, I can sell it and get back keys though. Skip a couple of movies and popcorn and you can save it up easily haha.
I am still learning however I would like to share some from my experiences (& some advice from other better players).
Alright here are some points from my experiences in competitive matches.Few points were already told by others (krugur especially).
1. Never ever peak into the open.(90% of the time I got shot while peeking)This is where the footsteps comes in to play.
2. Never get too greedy for kills. Its a team play. Co-ordination matters not individual score. Always move in twos if possible. support your teammate. Don't go alone.
3. This game is campers delight! There is no crime in camping when your team is performing bad but make sure you hide in such a place where you cannot be spotted easily.
4. Now this is tricky. The first two rounds are just testing rounds ! Don't get too happy if you have won them! (I have observed good players first study your attacking pattern in these two rounds). Don' t give away everything in these rounds.
5. Form a team I mean all the above is possible only when you have your own team or players you are familiar with (even the cs guideline says this) otherwise listen to your players if they are giving some good advice.
One useful tip is ... sometimes you can see the shadow of a person when he is coming across a corner (not all corners, it depends on outside and sun location). That is also helpful to get the first shot in.
^^Yes thats something new which I have to observe.
Btw guys please decide a time and lets practice. I think even if 4 people are ready we can do competitive. Which practice maps you guys use?
The only way you can become better at this game is by playing with your friends whom you understand (in a single team) otherwise its useless. Infact you can try out new things peacefully & its more fun!
Right on to good stuff Karas are costly. They start at above at about $100-$110 but the quickly go up as you go for the crimson webs, fades, slaughters, dopplers, rubies, sapphire etc. The high tier karas won't be listed in the market as the market cap is $400.