^ Where did that name come from
I know i am probably seeing only one side of the coin but kept me thinking.
This has to be the best post on this whole thread. Really liked the points about the mental instability + porn thing. Still I think not only better policing (prevention) but a quicker, more accountable judgement system (cure) needs to be there too. How many times we have seen cases languishing for ages even after good police work. While police should have their asses handed to them, courts/lawyers have done no better. The lethargic-ness in our system is just mind boggling.Death penalties won't bring the rape % down one bit. Maybe initially but it'll go back up to normal. Maybe with more murders this time since they'll be trying to cover their tracks. You can't conquer out-of-control nature with fear. The western civilizations tried mass public executions as Sunday picnic events for the whole family a 1000 years ago and it failed to stop any crime. This period was also known as the dark ages for a reason in our civilization's past.
India NEEDS better and quicker responding policing system. Period. Severe crackdown on female foeticide second. Ban on lower class/poor families having more than 2 kids (the upper class doesn't have more than 2 usually these days either) - so those kids are guaranteed dedicated upbringing and attention for the most part from their parents. Improve free public education to the level of privatized schools and improve the quality of education in privated schools themselves.
Death penalties is going to achieve nothing. The mentally ill, the depraved and the sexually frustrated need our pity more and rage less. I'm not sympathizing with the rapists, and they should be behind bars for the rest of their lives for what they did, but know that the cause of rape problem in India is a lot more deeprooted than just 'evil tharki men who all need to hanged in a line and then India will be free of rapes'.
And throw in free internet 3g service on mobile for all the poor so they can just rub one out with porn the next time instead of gang raping a girl in a bus. Ever notice rapes are down in western civs while they also produce a crap load of porn? While in conservative societies which demonize sex/porn like in all Islamic countries/India rape is a problem? Yeah, gives something to think about doesn't it?
Says former IPS officer and anti-corruption activist Kiran Bedi: "He (Ram Singh) had come to my show and had alleged that his employer had not financially assisted him with hospital bills following the accident.But the employer refused to pay any compensation as he alleged that Singh had a history of irresponsible behaviour.Singh did not get any compensation at the end of the show."
BJP also to take step in Rajasthan, demanding ban on skirts in schools.
^ lol, very funny. islamic law also punishes the woman that was raped, often more severely than the assailant.
Religion itself is one of the stupidity that needs to be wiped out of mankind. There are other ways to deal with the culprits.
every three hours a women is murdered in the USA (half the time by an ex or a current); every three minutes a woman is raped in the USA; and every 15 seconds a woman is beaten in the USA.She only replied.... "At least she won't get raped" :O
every three hours a women is murdered in the USA (half the time by an ex or a current); every three minutes a woman is raped in the USA; and every 15 seconds a woman is beaten in the USA.
just saying
In the necessity/need to punish inhuman behavior/acts, we as a society must resist the urge to act in an inhumane/animalistic way ourselves. Justice and revenge are two separate things.
It would not be justice if the girl's unfortunate/painful demise leads to just a death sentence for these men. It's an easy way out for not only those men, but also the society at large. The degradation of morality and respect towards women has been exposed in a very crude manner with this incident. The society would rather have its scum and muck washed away rather than introspect as what led to it in the first place. Every moment those men stay alive, people will feel disgusted. And that should be the case till change within is brought about by a shameful realization of the sorry state of women.