Dishonored - Discussion Thread

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After ~8 hours of play, two chapters are done. Now in the third chapter.

The game is the first stealth title I have played since Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory (baap Splinter Cell game) which I finished c.2006 -->2007. And as I have never touched the Hitman and Thief series (lack of system and inclination) this is the first Harvey Smith title I am experiencing.

The game itself does not have a most unique storyline, what is impressive is the scope of the mission(s) itself and the setting of the world. The environment once you land in it at once recognizable and bizarrely, grotesquely alien at the same time. This is further accentuated by the textures used in the game, apart from the blue-steel structures almost everything feels it is in a temporal motion; this does not exempt the fact that I would like to demand a HD-resolution texture pack for us PC gamers.

Moving onto gameplay the game as already I have mentioned has a mission structure and within this there is a framework for other sub-missions to be done with / without a pre-defined order. You are free to burgle houses as you go for the kill OR the reverse, burgle houses as you move to exfiltrate the ops area. Combat and Outsider-powers scale really well, the game treats you like a modern day Spec Ops trooper not a super-natural assassin in my opinion, yes you can go all out like an iDiot shooting, stabbing and maiming anything-body that falls into your FOV (more on this in a bit) but all that apart from building a dark outcome also make your life much harder, enemies become more vigilant and prepare to face more ingenious defence mechanisms. The stealth methodology although not very well exposited is definitely my preferred way of turning things, occasional slip-ups and sloppy blinking allow me the pleasure of a surprise kill to keep my presence undetected. Apart from this the AI is robust (under most cases) and frustratingly random; you may take an over-watch position to take out say guard Y when he approaches you from the left (after pro-longed observation of pattern) at 7'O clock and as he approaches you suddenly note that guard X ingress to a position where he can see you take down Y and Y will see me if I try to eliminate X. So tact and trail is a must.

The game has built itself around the title and you can actually punish your opponents in far worse ways than killing them, you can DISHONOUR them and cast them out of the society in overtly cruel ways.

This is it for now. Maybe I will do a review but for now to finish the game. Ah! where, just one more thing keep the FOV above 75 I kept mine at ~70 -->65 and within 2 hours of game-time I had a throbbing temple and a feverish urge to retch.

Btw, my save games all lack a timestamp, it gets confusing when I try to continue the game. Anyone else facing this?

No such issues with my game, it is a legit copy.

Haha that's hilarious! The AI is sometimes shitty. I mean really bad! And I thought those in DXHR were bad! :lol:

Deus Ex allowed you to dupe the enemy AI by talking to them (under certain circumstances) but I do agree there were some hilarious moments with them too (same leaning around corner mechanisms); this I feel is getting old a basic cover system should have been implemented.
I finished the game again last light. I got the most evil ending.

I spared daud, martin, pendleton, killed piero and that painter guy in the second last level and did not save emily.

In my 3rd playthrough, i will try to keep my overall chaos level low. ;)
This game is awesome ! I tried the *ahem* version first since I am not a big fan of stealth games but I have thoroughly enjoyed this game so far. Its a game I am definitely purchasing. :)
This game is awesome ! I tried the *ahem* version first since I am not a big fan of stealth games but I have thoroughly enjoyed this game so far. Its a game I am definitely purchasing. :)

True, thanks to BETHESDA's awesome pricing tactics this game has faced a lot of flak (at-least here). I am glad I did not fold last year and held through for now is the time to party.

6 games a year is great for me. Just that they should be enjoyable and memorable.
@ALPHA17 Well I am waiting for the price to come down before buying. :P Can't afford 2.4k for a PC game when I paid 999 for Mass Effect 3 !
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You are not kidding about the dishonored part

Sopiler alert from here on out

You know in the chapter where you have to kill campbell? well you dont need to neccessarily kill him you can brand him as an heretic and strip him off the overseer do i came to know about this? whilst i was sneaking around i overheard two npc's talking about it . i didnt get to mark him as a heretic because i simply switched the glasses and saw him get killed thereby i saved crunow(Which is a sidequest).

Thanks to dishonored i had to put BL2 on hold
You are not kidding about the dishonored part

Sopiler alert from here on out

You know in the chapter where you have to kill campbell? well you dont need to neccessarily kill him you can brand him as an heretic and strip him off the overseer do i came to know about this? whilst i was sneaking around i overheard two npc's talking about it . i didnt get to mark him as a heretic because i simply switched the glasses and saw him get killed thereby i saved crunow(Which is a sidequest).

Thanks to dishonored i had to put BL2 on hold

The game drops hints in a subtle way, it is not forced on us; one of the best gameplay mechanics I have noted in a few recent games.

Brink's cover was also good, but what a fail game that was.

Aman, I never played BRINK so will not comment on that but this game is serious stuff. It puts the STEALTH back in the S-T-E-A-L-T-H; most current generation first person shooters end up like Crysis OR CoD clones.

This game does not, sure it gives you a tight coterie of powers to toy with but a lot of balance checks so that the challenge does not slack off.

Try to go toe-toe with guards and be prepared to have your a** handed to you on a silver platter. Sneak around and play it Splinter Cell / Thief style and prepare to enjoy the game and its nuances.
This game definitely looks tempting,my only problem is time
If i get time,i would surely want to check this one out !!
Aman, I never played BRINK so will not comment on that but this game is serious stuff. It puts the STEALTH back in the S-T-E-A-L-T-H; most current generation first person shooters end up like Crysis OR CoD clones.

This game is next for me after i complete Uncharted 3 >.<

Haven't even tried this game yet :ph34r: Guess am losing interest in games fast these days :(

Ram, get this game, beg, borrow, steal *buy* (cough cough). Somehow just get it and experience it, pray it gets a HD-resolution texture pack and set the FOV over 70 and go out on an adventure that will get you interested in gaming all over again.

This is definitely one of the best sleeper-hit titles this year along with Spec Ops: The Line for me. These games might not have reinvented the wheel but they sure have pimped it out.
First chapter was damn easy which i have completed yesterday.I am in the middle of the chapter 2.One thing is sure there is innovation.This game has modified a little the stealth genre.I Will not compare it with 47 now because i have not completed it but as per my initial impressions hitman is far better.
Completed two more chapters and reached the last one. Chaos Level - High! :facepalm:

I am not sure but I guess Corvo went completely haywire in one of those chapters and ended up getting a high chaos level towards the end of it. I should have paid attention but nvm let's see how the last chapter and the conclusion fares.

Guess am losing interest in games fast these days :(

Try this one or Mark of the Ninja. You should be back in no time. :)
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