eBay India Hot Deals and Coupons

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2 things here.

1- dont you think it is possible that ebay keeps an eye on forums like these? and with a few of us bragging about 15+ accounts, what did you think was going to happen?

2- @ajab.ghajab- ebay India, from what i made of it, had a long term goal in mind of establishing online shopping as a preferred medium for people. And as broadband (!) permeation increases, it only made sense to go target the masses. However, what i did not think/ hope for was for them to have SUCH a short term outlook. they withdrew these to curtail their losses, and in my view compromising their long term benefits.

Ebay, globally, is a big name. They can afford to lose some money in the first few years, or the gestation period, as it is affectionately called by some (wonder why!). This move is thus quite surprising.
chetansha said:
forget DVD players. Go in for Media players, like xtreamer, asus, WD, Eaget
Then please suggest me the model no or post the ebay link, theres one by amkette and its quiet cheap, but is it good enough?
akg7091 said:
Discounted price is shown before payment is made. That is why I asked

What is the code i will give it a try i need to get a mobile phone.Even if it fails i dont mind doing the payment .Btw does this Stan char also has to be a new ebay account :S or will any account do :ashamed:
STANCEBAY5, and has to be from the first time this is being used in a new account. You can use the ones created for ICICI coupon.
Metalspree said:
What is the code i will give it a try i need to get a mobile phone.Even if it fails i dont mind doing the payment .Btw does this Stan char also has to be a new ebay account :S or will any account do :ashamed:

Let me know , if anybody wants help with BUYING using Stanchi.

I got Stanchi card. :)
Looks like stan chart coupon is not working.I just created an account and applied the code i get the usual error message :

The gift voucher STANCEBAY5 could not be found. You may have entered an invalid voucher code. Please try another voucher or continue with your payment.
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