eBay India Hot Deals and Coupons

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bitsandpieces said:
hmm...usually free gifts will be shipped after about 30-45 days of the offer getting over.
i got my valentine days gift which expired on 14 feb three days back :)

Did they contact u regarding the gift anytime?
utsav said:
Did they contact u regarding the gift anytime?
ebay never contacts you regarding any assured gift. they will directly ship it to your registration address. if you have not updated it, then the gift will not be shipped and ebay will not even message you about that.

but yeah, if you get in touch with them latter they will ship it out after you update the registration address
TheITWares said:
Guys let me know if u need anything from EBay i will list those items there @ Best Prices!!

hey i dont mind buying a buffalo router which is listed in the market by some one at a good price let me know i will definately buy it its roughly about 3.2please pm me if u can
Pm me with the details like Model No.

Will Reply tomm with the best poss price from my side:)

kunalthesarkar said:
hey i dont mind buying a buffalo router which is listed in the market by some one at a good price let me know i will definately buy it its roughly about 3.2k
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