eBay India Hot Deals and Coupons

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Thanks dude.
How do you find such deal.
Actually I am more interested in Books deals. Someone once posted few awesome books on sale for very low price (~300 selling at ~70+/-).

Books deals are a rarity on ebay. Even if there are , you wont find the hot sellers for such prices.
But i guess, you should look at homeshop 18 for books. its the best place to buy. coupons are always around so you can get it cheaper compared to other sites plus freebies:p
about that 70 bucks book , do you remember which book was it? Not sure if the actual price was 300(never go by MRP) , the actual price is usually much lower
if you are looking for some books in particular, post them here, we'll try to find a good deal for you
Books deals are a rarity on ebay. Even if there are , you wont find the hot sellers for such prices.
But i guess, you should look at homeshop 18 for books. its the best place to buy. coupons are always around so you can get it cheaper compared to other sites plus freebies:p
about that 70 bucks book , do you remember which book was it? Not sure if the actual price was 300(never go by MRP) , the actual price is usually much lower
if you are looking for some books in particular, post them here, we'll try to find a good deal for you

I bought two books
The Sins of the Father by Jeffrey Archer - for 88 bucks
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins - for 69 bucks.
(seller was ubspd)

And yeah, I don't go by MRP of course. Just relatively - those books as on today flipkart listed for 245 & 221 rs respectively.
HS18 is cheaper I know. So does indiatimes, landkmark et al.
But those kinda ebay deals are so lucrative. :p
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