English TV series discussion

My updated TV show love list

F.R.I.E.N.D.S --> 10/10 Love this...in my top 5

Scrubs --> 8/10

The OC --> never bothered to watch

Seinfeld --> 10/10

Prison Break --> for first 2 seasons 9/10 then 6/10 maybe

Malcolm In the Middle -->8/10

Joey --> 8/10 love joey

Will & Grace --> 8/10

Everybody Loves Raymond --> 6/10 i only like frank and marie...hate raymond

King Of Queens --> 7/10.. there ware no plots/sub plots.

Fresh Prince Of BelAir --> 7/10

House --> Love this...in my top 5

Arrrested Development --> 8/10 ...hilarious

Couplings --> 9/10

That 70's Show --> first 5 or so seasons was awesome.... 8/10 ... then it sucked...

Beauty & Geek --> love this

My Name Is Earl --> 9/10

30 Rock --> 9/10

Entourage ---> 9/10

How I met your Mother --> 10/10 Awe...........some

Grey's Anatomy --> never watched

Bionic Woman --> never watched

*** And The City --> Not on this life time

Heroes --> i saw super man returns instead

Lost --> i was lost after watching this... honestly. but yeah it was a quite a new direction in tv series for me

South Park --> Never watched actually. planned to but..

Dexter -> Got all, but havent watched yet. kinda put off by the genre

The Sopranos -> Love this .....in my top 5. the production qlty is just amazing.

According to Jim -> 6~7/10... No idea what the show is abt. Love andy though

Fringe -> In the To be seen list.

Hells Kitchen -> Love to watch in a time pass

Anthony bourdain No Reservations -> Very foody show. :S

The simpsons -> D'oh.:D. ... Love this...in my top 5

The Office -> LOVE Mr Scott.Love this...in my top 5

The Big Bang Theory -> Bazinga... 9/10.

Chuck -> 4th season and he still whines a lot. kinda getting on nerves. but love this show.

and there are quite a few more.. forgot what all..:S

Firefly, west wing, battle star, the IT crowd, Physch and some...

what to see now???

Give a watch to Frasier, Its always Sunny in Philadelphia and Modern Family. They are in my favorite sitcom lists, my list is quite similar to yours except I would switch Friends, and HIMYM with Scrubs.
Aces170 said:

Give a watch to Frasier, Its always Sunny in Philadelphia and Modern Family. They are in my favorite sitcom lists, my list is quite similar to yours except I would switch Friends, and HIMYM with Scrubs.
:D.. similar tastes.

thats the nth recommendation for its always sunny in phily. btw isnt mathew perry the creator?.

Will get that and frasier then. was getting Curb your enthusiasm. But Modern family, isnt that kinda animation. :S. saw some kinda trailer in youtube. didnt find attractive. but loads recommend them. whats it abt anyways?.

And btw.. this list was updated. the HIMYM 10/10 was for the first 2 seasons only. after that i am not loving it. but yea scrubs was pretty awesome till JD was there. after that stopped watching.
Modern family is not animation , that's family guy , which is also awesome , better than The Simpsons IMO . I don't think matthew Perry is the creator of Philly . Do checkout community also , it's good . Among animated one's , Archer is brilliant , someone recommended that show here , its awesome .
m-jeri said:
thats the nth recommendation for its always sunny in phily. btw isnt mathew perry the creator?.
no he is not. the actors on the show (charlie, mac & dennis) are the creators & writers of its always sunny.

I would suggest Fawlty towers (an Old british sitcom) 12 episodes. Absolutely hilarious. This was aired on doordarshan loooong time back.
Finished first season of Spartacus - Blood and Sand, nice 1 time watch.....Ignore the first couple of episodes, they are full of nudity for no reason, after that the episodes pick up the story....
Finished Second Season Marathon of Castle along with The Third...Now The First Season :) Nathan Fillion is Very good but isn't Stana Katic Adorable + Droolable ?

Much Better than the Bones Pedophile aunty :)

Turns Out They are on twitter too - Twitter | Twitter | Twitter

BTW Anything else as fun as Castle People?

Walking the Dead Pilot Was Awesome