English TV series discussion

Finale was the least interesting episode in S1 but it was not bad...

The finale completely ruined an otherwise fantastic series! :(

Completed E6 of Season 2 - Asylum and it has been good this far. Some unexpected twists in the plot. I was told the finale was good this time. Let's hope it indeed is.
Freaking finally!!!

^^ Apparently the first episode will be titled "The Empty Hearse".
Huh. Maybe it'll be loosely based on the short story titled The Adventure of the Empty House?! Hearse..excellent pun.
^^ Apparently the first episode will be titled "The Empty Hearse".
Huh. Maybe it'll be loosely based on the short story titled The Adventure of the Empty House?! Hearse..excellent pun.
Yes it is. Almost all episodes have names that are taken from original Holmes stories.
And in the original story,
Sherlock Holmes returns after his apparent death.
TWD's last episode was amazing! :eek:

I thought Andrea would...

...make it to the prison after escaping that encounter with the Governor. Sad sad luck! It was a SAW moment before the episode ended. :(

I hope she survives!
The finale completely ruined an otherwise fantastic series! :(

Completed E6 of Season 2 - Asylum and it has been good this far. Some unexpected twists in the plot. I was told the finale was good this time. Let's hope it indeed is.
It did seem like the finale was added as an after thought.

I too completed E06 of S02 last night and yes it is getting more interesting but not as much as S01.
Do not see the spoiler if you have not watched Twin Peaks. You have been warned.

Completed E02S10 of Twin Peaks and....

It has already been revealed who killed Laura Palmer but still the story is continuing with like 12 episodes more to go. Wondering what else might be there and will it be worth it. :confused:
Was not a TV series fan before. But ever since I have started watching FRIENDS, BBT and 2 and half men, I found Sitcoms very interesting :) Suggest some other sitcoms and suspense thrillers.
Anyone here watching Vikings?
Nothing out of the ordinary. Historically inaccurate, ok acting.

Just don't have anything else to watch these days :-(