English TV series discussion

Anyone here watching Vikings?
Nothing out of the ordinary. Historically inaccurate, ok acting.

Just don't have anything else to watch these days :-(
I'm thinking of going through 'Buffy' and 'Angel' after my vacations are over.

To quote TvTropes,

At two episodes a week, it would take a year and a half to finish all of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. (On the other hand, 144 episodes at around 45 minutes per episode only makes for 105 hours of continuous viewing. Allowing time to sleep, you could still watch the whole show in less than a week, if only barely.) If all you did for one week was watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer and sleep, you would have about 63 hours total to sleep, which comes out to 15 hours of television a day.
  • If you try to watch everything from the Buffyverse, ''Angel adds in another 110 episodes.

TWD's last episode was amazing! :eek:

I thought Andrea would...

...make it to the prison after escaping that encounter with the Governor. Sad sad luck! It was a SAW moment before the episode ended. :(

I hope she survives!
They're setting up Andrea as the Michonne from Comics, as the Governor hasn't been all that badass until now. To be honest, if he hadn't done that to Andrea, there was no emotional appeal of Rick and his group going after him with full force.
For all fans of Arrested Development, season 4 is going to start 05th May. It will probably be Netflix exclusive and all episodes will be available on the first day itself.
I knew something huge is coming , makes me think i should watch Spartacus too

Spartacus has been a disappointment after the first season and the mini season that aired later and ever since the main character that portrayed Spartacus - Andy Whitfield expired due to cancer. This was the saddest part since the replacement guy seems to be an amateur compared to the original character. I still miss him so much! :(

Nudity and gore - that is all that this show has to offer this far. It has however changed a bit since the last episode that has aired.
I still remember the first season finale of Spartacus, what a rush.

And that shield jump! :woot:

I've been watching Dexter for a while and finally finished Season 5. After the insane Season 4 finale i found the S5 finale a bit of a dud. Lets see what S6 has in store.
Finished watching Twin Peaks (not seen the movie and not planning to either) and i must say i wasted my time. No idea how this show has 9.0 rating on IMDB. I have my reasons for not liking the show...

It is very very slow. Probably that was how it was back then in 1990 but if one is used to watching fast paced shows of today, this feels too slow.
Laura's killer is revealed before mid-half of season 2 and then it is all drag from there. I always thought the show would end when the killer was revealed but guess i was wrong, it keeps continuing (dragging) after that.
Never understood those super natural, black lodge, white lodge sh1t.
Finale sucked big time. What the hell was that, scenes inside black lodge.
Also it ends in a cliffhanger with no closure to so many things.
Waste of time, PoS show.

No offense to fans of this show.
Did you go by the IMDb ratings alone? Who recommended this show to you? Give him/her/them a piece of your mind. :rolleyes:

Unfortunately yes. I usually check ratings and see the synopsis on first page of IMDB. I deliberately do not read anything else with the fear that it will spoil my viewing somehow. But this show was useless and bakwaas. :mad:[DOUBLEPOST=1363932190][/DOUBLEPOST]Also before i start, want to know how is Jericho ? It is just 2 seasons with first season of 22 or so episodes while the 2nd one is only 8 episodes ??
Seems abrupt, was it like cancelled prematurely or something ?
Twin Peaks is my favourite TV show, up there with The Wire and Flying Circus. It is also very unique for a TV show, driven largely by atmosphere and character interactions, than plot/story, so I can understand its limited appeal. Likewise, I know a lot of people who hate David Lynch's movies. If you like Lynch, Twin Peaks is as good as it gets.