English TV series discussion

Finished watching Wilfred, a very nontraditional sitcom adapted from an Australian series of the same name. The series stars Elijah Wood (from LotR) and is mainly handled by David Zuckerman (Family Guy, American Dad). There are 2 seasons of 13 episodes each broadcasted so far and the 3rd season is already under shooting. I would recommend the show very much, but there's a catch, read on.

The show follows Ryan, a guy who is very depressed at the premise of the show. He starts seeing the neighbour's dog Wilfred as a man and starts conversing with him. The conversations range from mundane topics to very serious ones, some of which are very essential to the protagonist. These conversations with the "dog" are what drives the plot forward and helps the main character in the show evolve further. Some of the actions/dialogues from the dog are outright hilarious and sometimes goofy. The show is a dark comedy and requires a certain kind of sense of humour to appreciate it. I would say that it's like the Mad Men of comedies, not everyone would be able to appreciate it.

I made it sound a little serious, but believe me, if you can get it, you will really be laughing your ass out.
Just 'quite'...
Wait till you finish the first season..:p

It didn't blow me away, if that's what you mean. The concept is unique and oddly enough, Watch Dogs (video game) seems to bear resemblance to this show. Of course this is a very early opinion, which is subjected to change depending on the remaining episodes. From all the adulation it has received in this thread, I'm sure I won't be disappointed.
Although I am asking again, can anyone suggest some good TV series tracking apps for iPhone ?
I am already using iTV Shows 2 which is sort of my primary App to track what I am watching at present.
But at the same time I am already procuring other series which I intend to watch later on. So I need this other app to keep track of what all I am supposed to procure. Require something which has good interface and easy to use.
Forgot to mention, the latest episode of Spartacus was just insane. And I mean INSANE! Probably the best episode of this season and there was so much action and drama. Reminded me of the first season days. The ending left me in awe and tears! :'(

shall be sorely missed. I had hoped he would make it to the finale but the writers decided otherwise. But Manu Bennett did a fantastic role of portraying the character right from the start of the series. After Andy Whitfield, he is perhaps the best of the entire star cast. Long live the undefeated gaul!

Fortunately, Naevia has survived as evident from the teaser of the next episode. I thought the Romans would torture her.

Tiberius is going to get bajaaoed in the finale for sure! He and his father Crassus shall face the wrath of Spartacus and his men.
A question about sherlock.
I see there are 2 seasons and each has 3 episodes with each episode being 1.5 hours long.
I watch TV series daily while commuting to office and returning back home. For Sherlock, should I watch them as I am doing for others now or is it advisible to watch each episode in one go ?
A question about sherlock.
I see there are 2 seasons and each has 3 episodes with each episode being 1.5 hours long.
I watch TV series daily while commuting to office and returning back home. For Sherlock, should I watch them as I am doing for others now or is it advisible to watch each episode in one go ?

I watched all the seasons while commuting. I don't see any harm in it, as long as you don't have an extremely short memory span.
I watched all the seasons while commuting. I don't see any harm in it, as long as you don't have an extremely short memory span.
oh that's not a problem. Just that what will happen is if I start in morning, then i will have watched like 20 min then will watch like 40 min in evening and remaining next day morning.
Let's see. I will probably continue watching while commuting as usual.
oh that's not a problem. Just that what will happen is if I start in morning, then i will have watched like 20 min then will watch like 40 min in evening and remaining next day morning.
Let's see. I will probably continue watching while commuting as usual.

It seems we have a similar commuting time. Don't worry, it shouldn't be a problem.

Oh and @Gannu:

Agron survives the ordeal.
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oh that's not a problem. Just that what will happen is if I start in morning, then i will have watched like 20 min then will watch like 40 min in evening and remaining next day morning.
Let's see. I will probably continue watching while commuting as usual.

It's not advisable to watch them as such, each episode of Sherlock is like a movie. But if you're used to it and find it entertaining nevertheless, then go ahead.