Yeah, I feel the show is very underrated. Whenever anyone asks for comedy Frasier and Seinfeld have been my staple recommendations.After the recommendation of @Aman27deep to start fraiser, i obliged last week and it has been terrific.
Finished season 1 in just 2 days.
The characters are fantastic.
Yeah they brought different Jack Russel Terriers after first season i guess.I absolutely adored that Jack Russell Terrier when I watched the show..
Its a different kind of bro-comedy
And besides, most logos of the products are blanked out - in particular, Reese’ Nikon D5100 is missing the Nikon logo, almost all iPhones have a cover that covers the Apple logo on the back of the phone, several Macbooks have a weird sticker stuck on top of the Apple logo behind the display, all Dell displays in the NYPD have the Dell logo behind the display covered with some bar code, Harold’s HP laptop has the HP logo blanked. Any idea why they do that? Do these guys have to pay something to the manufacturers if they need to show the logo?
Also, managed to catch up with Da Vinci's Demons first episode and this was again quite good. The CGI feels ripped out of an Assassin's Creed II trailer. There is a part in the first episode right at the beginning when the Pope is approaching to the cathedral with his guards. The camera pans in from top and you can clearly notice that the characters too have been CGI modeled. But the over-all look is quite artistic. This is as close as it gets to an Assassin's Creed experience, minus the accent.
^I think its the other way around. The companies have to pay them for product placement. Maybe it was a creative decision to not include any brands in the show. These days some shows can get pretty cheap with that.
JusI also happened to notice something peculiar - profanity in the show is almost nil! I never happened to come across the usage of the F word, not once! I came across one ‘Kiss my a**’ but that was just once but other than that, almost nothing. And besides, most logos of the products are blanked out - in particular, Reese’ Nikon D5100 is missing the Nikon logo, almost all iPhones have a cover that covers the Apple logo on the back of the phone, several Macbooks have a weird sticker stuck on top of the Apple logo behind the display, all Dell displays in the NYPD have the Dell logo behind the display covered with some bar code, Harold’s HP laptop has the HP logo blanked. Any idea why they do that? Do these guys have to pay something to the manufacturers if they need to show the logo?