English TV series discussion

as much as the storyline and the premise could offer,the shock factor,and the dare,was somehow not there.
two more things bro
1. We r on the same side

2.watch shameless,u will understand :)

I wasn't having a go at you. It's just that you used that word and switched the comparison to Shameless, which I believe, has a completely different plot. So didn't quite understand what your expectations were. If you would have said Oz, then I could make a connection. I suppose that is where the edginess lies. Orange is the New Black, like dexBG rightly put it (quoting him), is "a feel good show with occasional shock 'visual' moment or some dark realization". If you're looking for "edginess" with similar theme as Orange is the New Black, then I suggest watching 'Bad Girls'. It has the "edginess" you need, minus the nudity and excessive swearing. Believe me, it's way better than OITNB.
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Another awesome episode of BrBa. The change of timeline mid-way through the episode was kind of a surprise, and the ending has once again left all the options open. Just 4 more episodes to go.
Another awesome episode of BrBa. The change of timeline mid-way through the episode was kind of a surprise, and the ending has once again left all the options open. Just 4 more episodes to go.

Which point are you exactly referring to?
Seemed like the show picked up from last time around and continued in the same vein throughout its duration.
Which point are you exactly referring to?
Seemed like the show picked up from last time around and continued in the same vein throughout its duration.
The episode should have started with Jesse and Hank's confrontation, but instead of that it showed us things from Walt's POV first. Later, they shifted back to show where Jesse really went.
It was an interesting decision from the editor. If they had continued it from where the last episode ended, there wouldn't have been much suspense.
Which point are you exactly referring to?
Seemed like the show picked up from last time around and continued in the same vein throughout its duration.

Yeah i too was wondering the same about the timeline shift. I thought he meant...

The shift was about the scene where Walt is wearing jacket and having hair and thick glasses and this Walt where he is Bald and all. There was no such sift in s05e12.
Oh well, I too thought the same as raks above on reading your post first. However, BrBa has always used both options to good effect. I remember in earlier seasons they used to have a sneak view of fantastic ending sequences at the episodes' beginning before cutting back to earlier events leading up to the said ending sequences.

However, I felt this episode to be rather slow considering the time left on the show. Was expecting more development with less than 4 hours on the show remaining. One of the next episodes is going to be adrenaline-fueled for sure!
Homeland S03E1 has leaked. There are a few audio glitches and also a few "green screen" VFX addition placeholders but nothing substantial. A very nice start to the season too.

I somehow feel that this season will be the last where the original plot is continued and hope that this will not go the "Prison Break" way where we wish it should have ended a season or two earlier.
Yeah i too was wondering the same about the timeline shift. I thought he meant...

The shift was about the scene where Walt is wearing jacket and having hair and thick glasses and this Walt where he is Bald and all. There was no such sift in s05e12.

Did you start watching this season of BrBa already? I thought you were waiting for the season to conclude or so you said somewhere.
Did you start watching this season of BrBa already? I thought you were waiting for the season to conclude or so you said somewhere.

Yes i was planning to watch after it ended and had decided to not even visit this thread lest someone revealed some spoilers. But then i bulged and started it. I watched S05E01 just few days back so the first 9 episodes were done over the weekend. Also i am watching Under the dome in similar fashion (because my wife too watches it) and same with Dexter. I figured that rather than waiting and watching just one TV series entire time, it is better to have a variety.
Like yesterday we watched Under the dome in evening and later i watched Chuck (which is the main ongoing TV series i watch daily).
On the 5th episode of Spooks and it has been great so far. The plots are fairly dramatic but the show is less flashy compared typical secret agent shows. I guess anyone who liked Person of Interest would like this as well.
Homeland S03E1 has leaked. There are a few audio glitches and also a few "green screen" VFX addition placeholders but nothing substantial. A very nice start to the season too.

I somehow feel that this season will be the last where the original plot is continued and hope that this will not go the "Prison Break" way where we wish it should have ended a season or two earlier.

damn, interested, seems to be hard to find, please pm me details ;)
Saw Homeland's leaked season 3 premiere and I guess we have a good start. The episode lacked opening credits and there were these minor visual glitches (pixels appearing on the corner during scene changes) but other than that the episode had no major issues.

The next episode airs after a month! :banhappy:

OITNB has too much nudity? I am planning to watch this when no one's around?

Yes it does.
rare u say ? I started watching it this morning, had to close it within 2 mins .. (coz of the nudity as everyone was around..otherwise i dont mind it at all :D :p) !

That's just for the intro part. If you run a count on the entire season, you'll barely have a handful of scenes containing nudity.