English TV series discussion

Am I the only one that finds Anil Kapoor's Accent in 24 a bit funny ? It's like hes trying too hard to speak that way.

I have been watching 24 since season 1 and i hate to say it but the guy who is playing the role of CTU Director is the worst actor I've seen on the show. Also I'm hoping they're going somewhere with the Dana Walsh storyline. So far this season has not been so good for me :( I hope it picks up starting Ep 5.
spindoctor said:
i just watched the 3rd episode of hustle and it was very enjoyable. i kind of guessed the ending (i thought it would be dry ice) but still, very nicely written heist/con. easily the best of the season so far. and kelly adams looked damn hot :love:

Hustle is in its own league. Leverage too ain't that bad. The lead actor is really terrific. It was going downhill in season 1 but season 2 so far has been pretty entertaining. But yeah, its definitely not in the league of Hustle.
Asky said:
Am I the only one that finds Anil Kapoor's Accent in 24 a bit funny ? It's like hes trying too hard to speak that way.

I have been watching 24 since season 1 and i hate to say it but the guy who is playing the role of CTU Director is the worst actor I've seen on the show. Also I'm hoping they're going somewhere with the Dana Walsh storyline. So far this season has not been so good for me :( I hope it picks up starting Ep 5.

Look above mate ! I said the same thing :eek:hyeah:

He looks like he wants to be unique however makes himself look like amoron
uefa_007 said:
He looks like he wants to be unique however makes himself look like amoron

it's in his character to be a moron. that's just how it has been written. have you heard this old joke...

"in 24, if everyone just listened to jack bauer, the show would be called 12" :p

this is actually very true. one of the many overused plot devices that the show utilizes is having someone in authority being mired in bureaucracy and red tape, which allows the villains to get away with doing bad things. then there is always a mole inside ctu who is caught in the second half of the season. someone always has to get kidnapped (high probability it will be jack bauer's daughter). then there's always one main good character who has to die in a season (this year it will be chloe o'brien... you heard it here first folks). 24 is all about the cliches :bleh:
log 1 = 0 said:
Kill Chloe O'Brien...I am tried of her murky weirdness.. :eek:

no kidding. i got bored of her in season 1 itself. why the writers kept her alive and decent characters like president palmer and tony almeida were killed off is a mystery to me.
saumilsingh said:
Californication is awesome. It's also the closest I'll ever have to a live-action Transmetropolitan :p.

How are they alike?

Just started on Fringe, seems like a nice show. Definitely not totally dumb like V.
Just started 24 with Season 1 Episode 1.. nothing found like jumping off the chair with joy yet.. but lets see..

@ chiron, Fringe is good.. quite good infact.. but sometimes crosses its limits of humbugness :p Although am still its fan (but on the verge of being "not-so much" fan of fringe)

@ spindoctor.. Spartacus is good.. based on Rome classics but its in the presentation wrapper of 300 (vfx and audio and background score). Although the blood effect looks a bit funny. Also they are using ultra boldness in this show.. dont really know how it turns out to be.. just 3-4 episodes out yet i guess.. "on p2p". One of the boldest series ever.. True Blood will run away in shame :p. Again, not many fans for this show.. many have started making fun of the show already.. not that gr8 review.. but i guess no harm in giving it a try.. Not a pathetic serie either.
Keane 16 said:
Anyone watching Men of a Certain Age? Trying to figure out if it's worth watching.

yep i've been watching it. one of the best new shows of the season for me. it's a comedy where the humor is understated and not always overt, which i really like about it.

b00gieMan said:
@ spindoctor.. Spartacus is good.. based on Rome classics but its in the presentation wrapper of 300 (vfx and audio and background score). Although the blood effect looks a bit funny. Also they are using ultra boldness in this show.. dont really know how it turns out to be.. just 3-4 episodes out yet i guess.. "on p2p". One of the boldest series ever.. True Blood will run away in shame :p. Again, not many fans for this show.. many have started making fun of the show already.. not that gr8 review.. but i guess no harm in giving it a try.. Not a pathetic serie either.

thanks for the info :)
^ Ur welcome doctor. Btw, Spartacus's proper HDTVs arent out yet.. all are tagged as DVDSCR.. checked the samples.. but dont really think that good.. although very close to normal HDTV rips.. But, i'd suggest rather wait for proper rips.

The Big Bang Theory Season 3 Episode 13: Just saw that episode. Was cool.. Sheldon gets a new laptop afterall.. Looks like AlienWare and he's not so happy about "getting Windows 7 over Windows Vista".. lol. The episode was quite hillarious.. specially where he lists the games he plays and the consoles he own.. wont say much, but u have to find out by watching it, to know how they end up getting new laptops and how the listing thing comes up.
No, they arent really the proper ones.. they are Screeners of HDTV :S u cant rely on public p2p.. and thats what is said by the private p2ps.
spindoctor said:
episode 1 of spartacus aired on friday night in america. proper rips are available for it.
b00gieMan said:
No, they arent really the proper ones.. they are Screeners of HDTV :S u cant rely on public p2p.. and thats what is said by the private p2ps.

They are out. You just need to look in the correct places.