English TV series discussion

^^ PB was just nice in 1st season. Overall Castle seems to be much better then PB. More then the chemistry I feel its the acting of Nathan Fillion, and a very well written script.
Aces170 said:
^^ PB was just nice in 1st season. Overall Castle seems to be much better then PB. More then the chemistry I feel its the acting of Nathan Fillion, and a very well written script.
lol are you serious. although castle is good, its nowhere close to prison break s1-4
stormblast said:
lol are you serious. although castle is good, its nowhere close to prison break s1-4

Lol Rahul, PB season 1 was one of the best series I have seen till date, but Season 2 just went downhill, infact so much so that I stopped watching it altogether in Season 3. Thats the problem with non 1 episode series, they do not know when to end the series. Same with Heroes, season 1 was simply awesome but slowly it became one of the worst series I have seen in some time...

Lie to me is another good show on right now, give it a watch..
well guys suggest me some good series....i have just finished HIMYM,TBBT,Castle,Chuck,Flashforward and Human Target....Use to watch 90210 but lost interest in ending of season 1.... is season 2 worth watching?
No doubt Castle is pretty good, one of the best shows around at the moment... But NOWHERE near Prison Break ;-)...(IMO) Infact I don't think both can be compared.. Totally different genre..
^ Now way guys, Have you people watched Bones? Go watch it

PB only 1st season was rock solid and later they just took us for a ride

Lost was way too good untill Season 5 and later i was Lost

24-> Just above all..stands tall..

castle was like ok type when you compare with bones (per episode) same single guy and single women, work together yet act independently.

You people have to watch Lock, Stock... The British TV Series.. Short but very very good one for sure

wingmysoul said:
^^hell yeah man, the boys are back soon. cannot wait for season 7 to start.

also started season 9 of scrubs and i do not really like what they have done to the show, liked the earlier setting better.
raptor3624 said:
so am I......

yeah me too waiting for them...
Scrubs S9 is not good at all. I feel like the new Protagonist overacts a lot and she just cant equal Zach Braff..
stalker said:
Just finished watching Jericho. Can't believe they canned something like this.. :(
It does get cheesey in bits (ok.. maybe a little more than just bits).. but on the whole its just such an awesome story :(
Now to hunt down the comic through which they are completing the story.

If you liked Jericho check out Jeremiah. Better in every way.
dipen01 said:
Watched Pilot of Rubicon - Too slow.. Although actors are good..
rubicon is, without a hint of doubt, the worst pilot i have seen in many years. how could they take such an interesting idea and turn it into this boring and slow shit is completely beyond me.

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