English TV series discussion

Into Season 4 of Breaking Bad. No wonder it's so highly rated! The ending of Season 3 and beginning of Season 4 made you feel so much about Gale who would have had say 30 - 40 minutes of screen time?

Each one of these shows just drags the story line with twists and turns and just thicken the plot so much in the initial few seasons and when its time to pack up, the way they end seems so hurried and forced..

This happened with Dexter too - Seasons with Lumen especially was pointless beyond anything I can imagine...

Now I'm struggling to recall a recent show which ended on a 'decent' note - not hurried/rushed/forced..

Oh btw @sharktale1212 this is the last season of The Mentalist.
Dexter ended pretty well. And Breaking bad had a popularly like ending. There's also Spartacus.
Dexter ended pretty well.

:rolleyes::eek: :wtf: :banghead: :rage:

The emoticons best reflected my feelings towards the Dexter ending; they are arranged as per my reactions to the final episode at different stages![DOUBLEPOST=1383107226][/DOUBLEPOST]
Into Season 4 of Breaking Bad. No wonder it's so highly rated! The ending of Season 3 and beginning of Season 4 made you feel so much about Gale who would have had say 30 - 40 minutes of screen time?

Am re-watching from S4 along with my sis, who's been left quite shell-shocked with all that's happened in the series so far, and can't wait to see her react to this season's signature moments!
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TWD is progressing quite well but I wonder what's the Governer upto. And any idea who's feeding those rats to the walkers through the fence?

Homeland is also going good but they have sidelined Brody for now.

Into Season 4 of Breaking Bad. No wonder it's so highly rated! The ending of Season 3 and beginning of Season 4 made you feel so much about Gale who would have had say 30 - 40 minutes of screen time?

Finale of Season 4! Please post back your reactions. :p
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Just wrapped up House of Cards.
Whatte show!

It definitely has more than its fair share of plotholes, but it still kept me glued all the way.
I totally liked this show. And he breaks the fourth wall with all his smirks and sarcasms, that was just awesome. Waiting for season 2.
You should try The Blacklist, I like the way they are running the show incorporating the larger arc within the episode. So you have sight of the season ending and the episodic nature of the series instead of suddenly bombarding the arc in some 2-3 key episodes.

Blacklist has been solid so far. Not seen the latest episode yet though.
Have stopped watching Parks and Recreation, TWD, TBBT, The Blacklist, It's always sunny in Philadelphia, but procuring them is on. Will watch all together in one go after they are complete (season).
It is supernatural for now.
I binge watched House of Cards and it got on my nerves more than a couple of times. Come to think of it, the entire show is a Kevin Spacey vehicle. Take him out and there's nothing. Robin Wright running is a treat to the eyes though!

Currently procuring the original UK version of the show as I read it's quite good and best of all, has just 4 episodes per season.

Also finished watching Orange is the New Black. Thoroughly fun to watch :D. Characters are really memorable.
PoI back with a bang .. the last two episodes have been amazing .. more than made up for the slow start.
we're back into unpredictable territory ..
PoI is getting more and more awesome and unpredictable with new factions and team ups of old ones.
Oh, Shaw and Root....
Started watching Blacklist yesterday since I wanted to save the last 3 episodes of POI for the long weekend...I think I have found another show which I will follow...

Like the setting of the show as well as the overall story...hope it gets more awesome as new characters are added
Not many truly good shows left to watch at the moment.

Game of Thrones
House of Cards
Modern Family

That's pretty much it in the must-watch department unless I am missing something.
The Blacklist seems 'ok' so far. Gonna give Orange is the new Black a try.

Is Persons of Interest really as good as this thread suggests? I only saw the first season and it was the usual procedural stuff with a somewhat interesting Elias ending thrown in.
Does it get extra awesome later on or something?
Not many truly good shows left to watch at the moment.

Is Persons of Interest really as good as this thread suggests? I only saw the first season and it was the usual procedural stuff with a somewhat interesting Elias ending thrown in.
Does it get extra awesome later on or something?

It gets much better in the Second season.
Not many truly good shows left to watch at the moment.

Game of Thrones
House of Cards
Modern Family

I've been meaning to pick up Modern Family. However, I'd like to know if there is any current show you could closely associate it with? Is it consistent with the humour?
I've been meaning to pick up Modern Family. However, I'd like to know if there is any current show you could closely associate it with? Is it consistent with the humour?

Its basically a family comedy in the style of the office or parks and rec. The characters are good and S1 is stellar. For me it is better than most other comedies out there currently even though IMO it has lost the spark it had early on, but is still very watchable (I love Julie Bowen). It has more of an edge as compared to other family sitcoms, but in the end it still follows the trope of "awww" ending for most episode (not as bad as Full house though :D).

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