English TV series discussion

I watch and recommend the following:

1) Flash Forward

2) Fringe

3) Studio 60 on The Sunset Strip (Matthew Perry)

4) Cougar Town (Courtney Cox)

5) Nostradamus Effects

6) Heroes

7) How I Met Your Mother

8) The Big Bang Theory

9) Leverage

10) UFO Hunters

11) Reaper (old now.. just 2 season series)

12) F.R.I.E.N.D.S (EVER-GREEN, i watch it even 2day!)

13) Nigella Express (Hot & Sauceyyy)

EDIT: Following is the list of what i used to watch and what happened

1) Terminator Sarah Connor.. Yawn made me sleep in the 2nd episode of season 1 itself.. still dragged and struggled to watch more but naaah.. its stupid piece of shit.. Terminator is lost now.. be it movies or this stupid serie

2) LOST ... really made me lost! went off track in the name of showing history / background of the characters.. dint really make me stick to it. LOST made my interest LOST in LOST lol

3) Supernatural.. yea i remember another name.. nothing interesting in the serie that would make me grip to it.

..many other crappy series i used to see.. which made me sleep.. dont even remember the names.. will put them up if i recollect the names.
yea, dexter. my friend was promoting it to me relentlessly. thus, i started watching it 3 days ago. now, i'm bloody hooked.

if you still haven't, WATCH IT!

oh, and prison break was goddamn awesome. my all time favourite.

Heroes was a friggin waste of time tho. I gave up eventually.
I have watched all the below series and i do recommend u all to see that its good

1) chuck


3)how i met your mother

4)man vs wild

5)mind your language


7)Pride and Prejudice [1995] (the bbc series)

8)prison break

9)the big bang theory
^^ Numb3rs i used to watch.. but at a point it started becoming humbug and pointless and one coudlnt tell that what they were showing ie. solving the cases using high complex mathematics and that guy who does it was bluffing or there was some real sense behind it.. dint keep me hooked up with the show.. hence drop the series off my list.

Mind your language is quite old and its the original of Indian "Zaban Sambhalke".. decent one.. not that funny either. Found the indian version ie. Zaban Sambhalke much funnier than Mind Your Language. Not just coz of the Languages used in Indian version..
Just finished SOA season 2 ...

It blew my head off totally...

Wow ! What a Episode ! What a Series !

The Best open ending i have ever seen in all english tv shows !

Thanks Guys ! I started watching it after too many people here were ranking it very highly . (Still not sure abt Trueblood, cant get past the 1st episode)

This just beat House to my fav series !
oh man i just watched the season finale of sons of anarchy. you're right mate, this is seriously the best show on tv. house is a bit more subtle but god damn this show has everything. when the stones' 'gimme shelter' kicked in my jaw was on the floor all the way through. brilliant end to a brilliant season, easily beats out dexter and pretty much everything else on tv right now.
I'd suggest whosoever likes good comedy tv shows, should def watch

1. The Office (US Version)

2. Modern Family

3. How I met your mother
True Blood is OK to be really really honest.. nothing special bout it at all.

I guess its the 1st TV series that has porno type sex scenes in it and yet not cencored.

I started watching it and wasnt aware that it had so much of X-Rated contents.. and i was watching it in my hall.. Good God Lord of Sweet Mother Nature! i had to shut it off :rofl: but the story and plot and all not tht appealing :( For me its a struggler.. ie. i have to struggly myself to watch it and be gripped to it.
uefa_007 said:
Just finished SOA season 2 ...

It blew my head off totally...

Wow ! What a Episode ! What a Series !

The Best open ending i have ever seen in all english tv shows !

Thanks Guys ! I started watching it after too many people here were ranking it very highly . (Still not sure abt Trueblood, cant get past the 1st episode)

This just beat House to my fav series !
^^ Here we go.. from Mr. Ridiculously Judgementy.. i'd rather keep away from your replies. Dont bother to reply my posts in Movies or TV Show thread buddy.

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