Flipkart : Nexus 7 2012 for 9K

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I am not even sure what problem we are talking about. May be i am not noticing anything.

yes, i read how/what you are using the tab for (ie, only for videos-viewing, no wifi, no reading, no browsing). most probably you won't notice it in such a situation; its actually good (for you) then. ;)
not selling, but returning it to Flipkart, alongwith the extended warranty kit that i had got.
I am not even sure what problem we are
talking about. May be i am not noticing anything.
Maybe you are just a normal user who does not uses his devices thoroughly or
You have become iPad N00b
Jokes apart

I'm thinking of getting the Nexus 7 2013 16GB model (thought about iPad Air but its a limiting product) will get it by using friends Amex card as the terms of conditions say they would cashback by Feb 15th should i go ahead with it ?

Is the tablet available anywhere apart from Flipkart ? i.e locally in Mumbai
Please define thorough usage ?
If it means always looking for problems with your devices then I am not such a user. I like to enjoy my devices rather than keep finding defects and getting disheartened all the time.
Coming to iPad not sure what iPad noob means ? I love iPad over nexus for MY USES and it may not be true for everyone.
People want I constant fiddle with their devices they can. I like stuff that just works without me wanting to constantly do this and that to make sure it works optimally.
Btw I do own substandard (by today's standards) android device as well.

My nexus is not used thoroughly but iPad is used for web surfing, forums, YouTube video downloading, torrent downloading, games and all. Is this thorough ?
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Alright alright anyone with AMEX card? IF I get cash by tomorrow (I was supposed to get it a few days ago, I hesitated. Dont even ask why! ) I'll need someone to place a hurried order for me. Anyone listening??
PS: model is the 16GB.[DOUBLEPOST=1386873246][/DOUBLEPOST]
flickering screen at low brightness (a hardware issue). replaced device also had the same issue.
first time i hear of such problem. besides its a minor problem. :/
and this as well:
if you intend to use it for any other thing except for moderate-to-heavy night-time reading or/and browsing, then an absolutely VFM & good deal it is!
honestly i don't understand. all the people, whom i know, who have the N7 (2012) are very happy with them. You are buying something which cost a mere 10k not an iPad. :/
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Alright alright anyone with AMEX card? IF I get cash by tomorrow (I was supposed to get it a few days ago, I hesitated. Dont even ask why! ) I'll need someone to place a hurried order for me. Anyone listening??
PS: model is the 16GB.[DOUBLEPOST=1386873246][/DOUBLEPOST]
first time i hear of such problem. besides its a minor problem. :/
and this as well:

honestly i don't understand. all the people, whom i know, who have the N7 (2012) are very happy with them. You are buying something which cost a mere 10k not an iPad. :/

actually, for the kind of usage i put it too (night-time reading in low-brightness), it was all the more noticeable (the frequent dipping & rising brightness) and certainly gave the impression that all is not well with Asus'/Google's quality-control. a search reveals that this has been a fairly common issue with this device, which never got totally recitifed across the range for all the models (mine was the 32GB model). atleast one reviewer on Flipkart also mentions this issue.

i didn't originally intend on returning it, as, after reading that many users had got free-of-the-issue devices upon replacement, i was also seeking one; plus, i had already spent more than a thousand bucks for its accessories (told them this too, and they were ready to refund for those as well, but then i told them that the accessories weren't purchased from their portal :p ). its when Flipkart expressed its inability to replace for the second time (though they do replace their products a multiple times, and i had clearly told them that if i find the third tab also suffering from the same issue, then i won't be asking for a replacement anymore, accepting that most probably this batch of tabs have this issue, and relegating the reading-tasks to another tab, about which i will write below) and offered me a refund upfront rather without any hesitations, i was then forced to think. till then, the idea of a return/refund hadn't crossed my mind. moreover, this being my first tab, i realised only after using it for reading PDFs, that it feels very constricted for that, owing to its size, when i had already been amply cautioned earlier about this by some forum-members that reading on a small screen won't be very pleasing; i should've heeded their warning earlier. i had by then anyway decided to keep it to be used for my father's work as well as for the portability-factor, while getting another, bigger tab now. however, when Flipkart replied that they won't be able to do another replacement (first they had told that its their policy not to replace products more than once, but when i said that i know about some examples where they have done it for multiple times, i was told that they would get back to me after enquiring with WS Retail, and then got the above reply after more than 24 hours) but would instead offer me a refund, i then thought of going ahead, and accepting the refund.[DOUBLEPOST=1386905592][/DOUBLEPOST]
@Kilroyquasar , I cant start conversation with you. I am intd in that N7 cover and guard.

PMing you.
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Someone in my office also tried replacement 2nd time and he was rejected saying they replace only once.

Btw you can go for iPad 2 or 3 used if you want bigger screen. That is if you are ok with going the iOS way. And you do not intend to watch much videos.
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