raksrules said:^^ I come in that 320 kbps bracket
Btw my party too is over since i used to get 1 Mbps on my 320kbps connection for around 6-8 months but now back to the 320kbps thing irrespective of what downlink/uplink the modem page shows.
And yes that speed bump on sunday is enough for me to download whatever i want
Btw i hope MTNL continues this thing even after april...fingers crossed.hyeah:
Yes but the problem with mtnl is landline is a must a most of it dont want it also due to error or good plans by competitors ppl are not staying with mtnl as we all know how service one gets during down time.
I seriously feel by this year end we might see a cheaper 2 mbps plan or an upgrade on cards.May be in august 15 or something.Also speculation of BSNL merging with mtnl again doing rounds.