leo_club said:if you can include 4-5 10 min breaks(to grab some food and stuff) then mine is around 70 hours a couple of years ago
Game : i doubt if anyone have played it here... DDO
No need to doubt man I have seen that and hardcoregamer can do it.
But they will also say that they did once or twice, not everyday, thats not possible.
Speedz said:ahem.. all u super crazy people out there.. this has to be one of the most insane threads ever.. people i hope u know guys have died after playing fr 12+ hrs.. n here u are playin 30 hours at a stretch... my personal comments would be.. GET A LIFE YOU BUZOS!!....
n yea guys remember gaming is to relax n have fun.. n getting your eyes red n burning isnt really fun.. so DONT TRY WHAT THESE IDIOTS DID AT HOME!!!
Hey thats too rude!! :annoyed: Cool down

everybody had gone and some to go through. This types of event makes an everlasting taste is life, whenever you remember it u will feel moment.It is not possible by everybody everyday, but yes few people had done it once in a lifetime, so what bad in it.
Afterall I bet you nobody can go like this everyday. So enjoy the crazy moment with others.
People can die even when they wake, so will they stop walking. Though I will never encourage such crazy game play. Butkaranboochra said:Ahem Ahem . This is 'NOTHING' .
People have DIED [ yes , died ] playing World Of warcraft for 3 to 4 days @ A stretch ..
Only Some people here have played 50 hours + but seriously , don't do that again . Play for max 6 hours and then sleep . Your eyes will get dry [ same as mine] , and you MAY die or fall ill .
The eye doc told me if i didn't stop doing PC too much , i won't be able to do Computer Engineering or anything related to it , though i still game alot but max 6 hours , though played Fable day before yesterday for 12 hours.
Blink your eyes alot , wash them and look @ a distance after every hour of rigorous gaming .
For what the Dr. said it is +1.
All comments were the rare moments shared buy different guies. Just enjoy!!!

AOE,Rise of Nation,AOM are really addictive, I played the latest one AOE-III: The Asian Dynasty.