Roxtin said:What capacity micro sd card can we use with this player and has anyone installed Rockbox in it. I need step by step info. please![]()
need to check it ... will do once i get back my player ..gangulysaptak said:^ does the record button work in rockbox?? i couldnt get it to work on mine.
gangulysaptak said:^ does the record button work in rockbox?? i couldnt get it to work on mine.
Supra said:KMD is anything left
vajm1234 said:sansa 260 is avail for 48 all inclusive in newegg also its not refurbished
sansa 260 is avail for 48 all inclusive in newegg also its not refurbished
vajm1234 said:lol by the time i posd it was there now suddnly gone with a 69$ tag bad luck i think![]()
ny ways wat u think abt this
Sandisk Sansa e260 4GB MP3 Player, FM tuner, FM on-the-fly Recording, Built-in microphone, Video, Expandable Memory - Refurbished - e260SDMX44096 -
anupamsinha said:This is available for $39.99 and for around $5 more we get this player with 2 GB of extra storage.