God of War III - Discussion thread

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Re: The God of War III thread!

The videos certainly have some good graphics esp. the scenes wherein Kratos' details are rendered. Looks surreal! Like I said before, this game definitely doesn't rival Uncharted 2 graphics. :P
Re: The God of War III thread!

Solid_Snake said:
Where have u reached in GOW3,if its just the beginning then u havent seen nothing yet!!

Got the Boots of Hermes (or rather should I call it the legs of Hermes :P) before I stopped for the day.

Desecrator said:
The videos certainly have some good graphics esp. the scenes wherein Kratos' details are rendered. Looks surreal! Like I said before, this game definitely doesn't rival Uncharted 2 graphics. :P

Closeups like the cut scenes and Quick time action scenarios look great. Its only the regular game play that lacks the detailed graphics.
Re: The God of War III thread!

OMG! My jaw has dropped to the floor and it has shattered. People who think the best looking game is Uncharted 2, need to play God of War III. This game is insane. Not only has it single handedly got the best intro sequence EVER, but it also manages to stretch that fight for a good 45 minutes.

Folks if you ever needed a reason to buy the PS3, this would be it. This makes all the other titles on PS3 looks like mere peasants. For people who have played and marvelled at the E3 demo, the full version has enhanced it 10 folds. The AA level has been polished, frame rates are much smoother, motion blur is added, dynamic lighting effect is introduced and even the depth of field had been bumped up. Kratos feels extremely life like and you can't help but notice the seamless shift from cut-scene to in-game for the gameplay. For once, I had just left the controller feeling it was a cut-scene, but it was all in real time. WTF?

The level of gore and chaos created by Kratos this time round makes Ryu Hayabusa look like a pussy. I'm currently playing on the God difficulty and it's pretty challenging. Almost all of the previous upgrades patterns have been retained. You can even keep collecting for Gorgon's Eye for health increase, Phoenix's feather for magic increase and Minotaur Horn for special attack damage boost.

I'm currently in Chapter 2: The Forge. I have 2 weapons; The Blades of Exile and Bow of Apollo. I also have a new power called "Army of Sparta". This is quite a unique power as it sends down a pair of shields (that surround Kratos) and invoke spears off it. I found this pretty useful against Minotaurs when they come in groups.

The sheer scale on which this game is rendered is mind boggling. You can literally see the draw distance screaming for your attention. The camera work is again a work of brilliance, although free movement of camera would have been appreciated. The amount of work that Santa Monica studios have put for this game really deserves them a medal. They really know how to end the series in style, and I'm not even 1/4 of the way through it.

Believe me, gaming would never be the same after you play this title. The word "EPIC" would feel small in front of it. My recommendation is to just drop everything and get this game ASAP for the PS3. I'm off to sleep right now, but more chaos would reign tomorrow.

Thanks to Gannu for his prompt sending of the title. :)
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Re: The God of War III thread!

He he nicely done mini-review. Just as I would trust you for any other review. :P

Believe me or not, I lost a gold trophy for all the weapons/power upgrades for about 100 odd orbs towards the end of the game. :@ So ensure that you break any pot or rumbles spread around the levels and collect as much orbs as possible.

And once you defeat a boss, ensure that you find a collectible around apart from the power/equipment.

Btw I'm doing a round 2 of the game on a bigger and better screen soon to be at my place. Can't get any better eyegasmic! :ohyeah:
Re: The God of War III thread!

Desecrator said:
He he nicely done mini-review. Just as I would trust you for any other review. :P

Believe me or not, I lost a gold trophy for all the weapons/power upgrades for about 100 odd orbs towards the end of the game. :@ So ensure that you break any pot or rumbles spread around the levels and collect as much orbs as possible.

And once you defeat a boss, ensure that you find a collectible around apart from the power/equipment.

Btw I'm doing a round 2 of the game on a bigger and better screen soon to be at my place. Can't get any better eyegasmic! :ohyeah:
LOL! I wouldn't even call it a mini-review. I was so anxious to post my thoughts that I just rambled all over. But this game really deserves all the praise it has received. This not me speaking as a fan of the game, but even as a neutral gamer, this would be considered nothing less than an epic. For everyone who have played the earlier games, would know how Santa Monica studios have upped the ante with each of it's titles. So this is no exception either.

I'm destroying everything which is possible. Fortunately, I'm not a trophy/achievement person, so I don't bother much about it. ;)

I'll try my second run again, either by renting it or buying it. :ohyeah:
Re: The God of War III thread!

So you finally got it ..

MGS4 have to wait now ;-)
Re: The God of War III thread!

This game is too BLooDy for me....

Just completed watching the whole walk-through on youtube!...

The game is amazing :hap2:
Re: The God of War III thread!

Ethan_Hunt said:
LOL! I wouldn't even call it a mini-review. I was so anxious to post my thoughts that I just rambled all over. But this game really deserves all the praise it has received. This not me speaking as a fan of the game, but even as a neutral gamer, this would be considered nothing less than an epic. For everyone who have played the earlier games, would know how Santa Monica studios have upped the ante with each of it's titles. So this is no exception either.

I'm destroying everything which is possible. Fortunately, I'm not a trophy/achievement person, so I don't bother much about it. ;)

I'll try my second run again, either by renting it or buying it. :ohyeah:
So u didnt buy the game??? :S
Re: The God of War III thread!

@Ethan, man if u call that ramblings then thats the best one i've seen. Im holding my horses till i finish GOW I and II but ur ramblings want me to go for it first. :S
Re: The God of War III thread!

I knew the game would be superb,but GOW3 beating most games in the just the first 45 mins......OMGOW INDEED!!!!!!
Re: The God of War III thread!

Ethan_Hunt said:
People who think the best looking game is Uncharted 2, need to play God of War III. This game is insane.

Uncharted 2 still retains that title (At least in my personal opinion.) The level of detail during game play in Uncharted 2 is unrivaled even by GOW3. The detail in GOW3 is focused mainly in the cut scenes and quick time events only.
Re: The God of War III thread!

memnom said:
@Ethan, man if u call that ramblings then thats the best one i've seen. Im holding my horses till i finish GOW I and II but ur ramblings want me to go for it first. :S

Please don't do that mistake. You're dam lucky to get the GOW collection on the PS3. My desire of play this game had made me buy the PS2. Either way, you need to complete the first two games and then approach the finale. Trust me, the experience would be complete. ;)

Solid_Snake said:
I knew the game would be superb,but GOW3 beating most games in the just the first 45 mins......OMGOW INDEED!!!!!!

Yesh! It surpassed the start from UC2 and also the Colossus fight in God of War 2.

Lord Nemesis said:
Uncharted 2 still retains that title (At least in my personal opinion.) The level of detail during game play in Uncharted 2 is unrivaled even by GOW3. The detail in GOW3 is focused mainly in the cut scenes and quick time events only.

Of course. Each to his own. UC2 has the advantage of varied locations which rely on a lot of colour gradation. God of War III on the other hand tends to focus on darker areas with detailed environments and character modelling. The lighting effects for God of War III is unrivalled. Kratos has way better character detailing as opposed to Drake. UC2 has splendid draw distance and God of War III is very close. UC2 triumphs in physics effects all the way, God of War III has good cloth and body physics, but poor environment destruction effects. Water effects for God of War III again is a highlight and you can clearly notice that in The River of Styx. Both games are extremely high on graphics, so I'll just leave it at that and won't dig into taking down either one.
Re: The God of War III thread!

Both games are evenly matched(UC2 and GOW3),But GOW3 takes a slight edge over the fact that its does things on an EPICER scale...something never before seen before in gaming before

PS3-It Only does Epic games!!

Good to see Sony Devs pushing the bar for videogames!!
Re: The God of War III thread!

Guy's did any of you manage to clear the 1000 hit combo in the game? I managed to get only 700 odd hits in a combo. There are simply not enough enemies at one location for me to get a clear the 1000 hit combo.
Re: The God of War III thread!

Nope neither did I. The best I was able to pull out was somewhere around the 500 mark.
Re: The God of War III thread!

500 I'm even struggling to get a 70 combo.

P.S - Not a hack slash gamer
Re: The God of War III thread!

I just started the game.
I have got upto 95 combo till now, but 1000 seems to be too much. :fear:
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