What is your budget?
15k max (GPU+PSU)
Current rig Specs
CPU:C2D E7400(2.8Ghz)@3.3GHz
Motherboard: Asus P5 KPL-AM/PS
RAM:2GB 800Mhz Transcend
Monitor:17"CRT..Upgrade in 3mths 20-22 LCD.
Which PSU/SMPS will you be using?thinking of VX450or550 suggestions required..
Primary use:Games like Fifa,PES and COD.
What resolution do you game on?1280x1024..coz for monitor
Interested in Crossfire/SLI?no
Open to both Nvidia/ATI? yes
15k max (GPU+PSU)
Current rig Specs
CPU:C2D E7400(2.8Ghz)@3.3GHz
Motherboard: Asus P5 KPL-AM/PS
RAM:2GB 800Mhz Transcend
Monitor:17"CRT..Upgrade in 3mths 20-22 LCD.
Which PSU/SMPS will you be using?thinking of VX450or550 suggestions required..
Primary use:Games like Fifa,PES and COD.
What resolution do you game on?1280x1024..coz for monitor
Interested in Crossfire/SLI?no
Open to both Nvidia/ATI? yes