Graphic Cards Graphic card buying advice

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Considering my CPU of E-8400, will GX-460 gfx card be a good choice or I will have to upgrade my CPU to utilise full potential of GX-460?

I think my PSU (HX-620) will not be a bottleneck. Among the different Gfx card manufacturers, which are top brands considering the warranty, service specially at Delhi? My previous experience with Palit is bad.
Guys, have anyone here purchased the Sapphire HD6950 1Gb? I am eager to know if it comes bundled with the Crossfire bridge and HDMI cable or not.
Have anyone purchased the Sapphire HD6950 1gb? I want to know about it accessories, particularly whether it comes bundled with crossfire bridge.
ragzdiablo said:
^yes, a crossfire bridge is bundled with it..
actually i have inquired Yantra Online about it and they say the Indian version doesn't comes with Crossfire bridge or HDMI cable. Lynx and ITWares couldn't confirm either. I am planning to crossfire in future and as I presently don't have a bridge it is necessary for me. Are you sure crossfire bridge is bundled? Have you or any of your friends/relatives purchased the same?
@The Missing Accessories Issue : Almost all cards in Bangalore come with the seal broken (except high end cards) I don't know why , but they don't really have all the accessories in them, when I asked the shopkeeper why that's happening , he says I've done no shit- it's come straight from the distributor call em and ask. This way I still dont have a DVI-VGA Adapter / Cross fire bridge.
What is your budget?

8-10k (for both GPU and PSU)

Current rig Specs

CPU - Phenom II X2 550

Motherboard - 790GXBE

RAM - 4gb ddr2

Monitor - HP 20'

Primary use? (Casual gaming, Hardcore gaming, Just for display, Movies/HTPC)

Mediocre gaming

What resolution do you game on?


I think a GTS 450 and a Gigabyte superb 460 is a good idea..

Need more suggestions..
DarkAngel said:
OP has a query :p

HD5770 + Corsair CX400 is also a decent combo if willing to stretch it till the upper limit of 10k.

Thanks for the reply..

Can you enlighten me on the RMA procedure for sapphire cards?
ragzdiablo said:

Thanks for the reply..

Can you enlighten me on the RMA procedure for sapphire cards?
Aditya Infotech. Not sure about the procedures. Also double the parts+labor warranty duration for the Sapphire cards!!(Or for any GPU for that matter)
I have an AMD X2 250 on a Asus M4N 68T,running on 550w green PSU.I am planning to use it as an HTPC.Should i go for ATI or NVIDIA (as the board is NVIDIA 7025).If NVIDIA XFX 9500GT 1GB or PALIT GT 430 and what are the choices under Rs 3500/ -
Will a 6870 fit in my Cabinet? I have a Coolermaster Elite 334, or should I rather go with 6850?
Please let me know asap, I'll be getting either 6870 or 6850 today itself and paying for the same in the afternoon.
Elite 334 - Cooler Master

6870 is 10"-10.5" in length I reckon.
Mephistopheles said:
Will a 6870 fit in my Cabinet? I have a Coolermaster Elite 334, or should I rather go with 6850?

Please let me know asap, I'll be getting either 6870 or 6850 today itself and paying for the same in the afternoon.

Elite 334 - Cooler Master

6870 is 10"-10.5" in length I reckon.

Check the length of ur cabby wid a ruler... I did the same before buying HD6950...

Edit: I did some R&D and found out that CM Elite 334 can take in a 310mm (= 12.2inch) card so i think HD6870 wud easily fit in ur cabby but u may have to remove one HDD from HD6870's way... :)
If I remove my HDD from the way, I have 11" in length

I reckon 6870 ought to fit considering it is ~10", but I'll have to remove my HDD form there and out it somewhere else, it will be a tight fit though
nope u wud have pretty much space left if u wud do dat... 1 inch or so... CM 334 can take in a 12.2inch card... So now i think ur doubt is clear so i think u shud go ahead and buy HD6870... :)


310mm = 12.2inch :)
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