Graphic Cards Graphic card buying advice

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Well, that is a tough one to be honest.

The 5850 is around 10% better than the 6850 when it comes to performance.

but the 6850 consumes less power and makes less noise.

I got myself a HD6850 due to PSU limitations, but you have a VX550, so that should not be a problem.

So its all on you, Whether you want more performance or want to settle with a new gen card.

sorry, could not be of any help.
Oh...ok, I never considered the UPS as a key component. I mean if the power goes off, I will have to shutdown the system immediately and any UPS worth its money can provide back up for 4 minutes. Please correct me if I am wrong. :)
Urgent advise needed

Need a GPU+PSU

1. What is your budget?


2. Current rig Specs

CPU - i5 2400 SB

Motherboard -Intel original

RAM - 4GB DDR3 corsair

Monitor - LG LED 22"

3. Which PSU/SMPS will you be using? Rating + Brand

Currently using coolermaster 350, want to upgrade within budget

4. Primary use? (Casual gaming, Hardcore gaming, Just for display, Movies/HTPC)

Casual Gaming,Watching HD Movies, Rendering, Lots of photoshop, rhino, grasshoper, 3ds max work.

5. What resolution do you game on?

HD Resolution

6. Interested in Crossfire/SLI?


7. Open to both Nvidia/ATI?

ATI prefered.
twinturbo said:
I am thinking on the lines of 6950 2GB, and extend budget up by 1.5k, confused about the psu.
dont get confused,,,its simple... if you are thinking to get 6950 2gb then get it + corsair VX550 ...thats all... 18K + 1.5K + i say about 700bucks more and you have your wish come true. If you want you can also take coolermaster GX 550 (but dont know much about its reliabilty)... checkif seasonic 520W is available...
What is your budget?
Current rig Specs
Athlon X4 635, 4gb 800mhz ram and Dell U2311

Which PSU/SMPS will you be using? Rating + Brand
VX 450

Primary use? (Casual gaming, Hardcore gaming, Just for display, Movies/HTPC)
Hardcore Gaming (mostly rts/rpg) and ocassional racing/fps

What resolution do you game on?

Currently still using my old 8600gt which struggles to play most current games even at the lowest settings. Will a 5770 be adequate for gaming(~30fps settings maxed out for current games) at 1920x1080 or is it better to go for a 6850? Going by the reviews the price/performance ratio of the cards is the same and so I want to go for 6850 only if there are games that would be unplayable at 1920x1080 on a 5770. Also are gtx460/560 cards worth considering?
^^ budget?

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

6850 wont be able to handle some games at 1920x1080 in maxed out details...But still a definite eyecandy and VFM for the price at which 6850 sells. According to your question which says "Also are gtx460/560 cards worth considering?" I would suggest Get a 6950 2gb or 560ti if budget not a constraint. (but 6950 2gb the way to go if you are not nvidia fanboi ;))
Budget is ~10k but I'd be happy enough if 5770 were sufficient. So 560ti/6950 etc are not in consideration. If I go for 6850 which is better; HIS or MSI power cyclone?
^Get the HD6850. MSI would be a nice choice.

People having HIS dont recommend it and im having sapphire and wont recommend that too.

My card is giving a lot of problems.
You mentioned 560 in your post thats why I suggested 6950 or 560, well then you can take 6850 cyclone for sure...

^^ Mine is also sapphire 6850, no probs at all.. :) ... just some chips go bad, some dont.... If you can then get the ASUS DIRECT CU 6850 one....great looking card and great cooling, but slightly expensive
I am buying hd 6850 gpu, which brand should i choose?

and which is the lowest price will i get and where in mumbai?
aksdad said:
Which card should I get for gaming at 1280x1024?
Wanna keep on gaming on max for like a year or so :D
OverlorD said:
Overpowered at the resolution, but it will give you very naaiice framerates. ;)
i would suggest an HD6570 or HD6670 or HD5670 for that resolution

pros over 6850 are
  1. much lesser costs about a half of that of HD6850
  2. lesser power so any good PSU rated at 400w will do
  3. lesser noise and lesser temps
  4. no visible difference in performance between 6850 and 5670 at the said resolution
  5. 5670/6670 should max out every game for at least a year at said resolution
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