Hitler Crazy!

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sunny27 said:
btw we owe a lot of things to hitler-our own independence - ww2 exhausted the british. look at the bright side - we've got loads of good ww2 games!!!!
Portugal did not take part in WW2, yet we pulled Goa fourteen years later.

Same would have happened with the Brits. So yeah, Hitler make it quicker but it would have happened eventually anyway.
Build a memorial and hail General Dyer then, why dont we?

Anyways to each his own, if everyone started thinking alike the world would not be such a great place to live in.

@Gannu: Did you just compare my hate for Hitler to my hate for the Indian Cricket team? Seriously? Theres no comparison,

My hate for the Indian cricket team is much more than my hate for Hitler (even after visiting Auschwitz, one harrowing experience).

The Indian Cricket team needs to be sent to a concentration camp too, to increase their concentration that is :lol:
blr_p said:
Simple, its an inferiority complex playing itself out.

Your typical young person is a grunt, he/she has no power whatsoever and is under more senior ppl ie parents or employers.

I see this admiration as a thirst to be more powerful amongst the mostly powerless :)
I agree. The same way ppl admire Indira Gandhi. The populace was not so admiring during the Sanjay Gandhi/ emergency phase, as the election afterward showed.

malhotraraul said:

Without Hitler, there would have been many other changes in the world. Instead of a Holocaust, six million Jews would have continued to live peacefully in Germany and the surrounding countries. Israel would have remained a pipe-dream of Jews, obviously blocked by British reluctance to agonize their Arab subjects and the lack of any threat to the very existence of the Jews.

Technical development might also be slower in this timeline. Atomic weapons won’t be invented until much later, which would also slow down the peaceful development of atomic power, while rockets and computers would remain undeveloped for a few more years. Without the military need, space program development would have been slow, tanks and planes will remain at 1930 levels without the need to improve them very fast.

I'm all for development, but at the cost of other families? Kids, brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers?I guess you're okay with it as long as they're someone else's family. Your choice, it's a free country. Personally, I won't sacrifice my dog for developing tanks, planes, atomic bombs, rockets and the like. I'd sacrifice him for a human life, though. But not my kids or family, even if it will help the world. Anyways, have you actually read of the so called research they did on humans? The popular opinion around the world is that it was quackery at best, totally despicable in truth.

But, hey, whatever gets you grooving! Enjoy!

P.S. What's so bad about tanks etc remaining at 1930 levels? How has the hi-fi tanks/ planes safe guarded us Indians? Think terrorism...
Can some one add a poll to this thread so we can have numbers of the haters/ admirers. On a side note like every other person he had virtues and vices.
Ying yang, darkness and light, hot and cold..........

I admire him for his virtues and not what he did. Period
I can never admire him.

For this:

If those numbers are not strong enough to shake one, god help them.
Naga said:
I agree. The same way ppl admire Indira Gandhi. The populace was not so admiring during the Sanjay Gandhi/ emergency phase, as the election afterward showed.

I'm all for development, but at the cost of other families? Kids, brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers?I guess you're okay with it as long as they're someone else's family. Your choice, it's a free country. Personally, I won't sacrifice my dog for developing tanks, planes, atomic bombs, rockets and the like. I'd sacrifice him for a human life, though. But not my kids or family, even if it will help the world. Anyways, have you actually read of the so called research they did on humans? The popular opinion around the world is that it was quackery at best, totally despicable in truth.

But, hey, whatever gets you grooving! Enjoy!

P.S. What's so bad about tanks etc remaining at 1930 levels? How has the hi-fi tanks/ planes safe guarded us Indians? Think terrorism...
exactly, one way of looking at it, but who is against that ?
AbhijithS said:
Take a look at your skin colour its still BROWN! :@

Seriously WTF? Whats wrong with you dude? Mods, dont let techenclave loose its fan-following because of racial crap like this, there are enough discussions on various boards about this stuff.
Lock this thread, kick this guy out!
Hitler was a mastermind no doubt... but I loathe him for the human being that he was.

The whole of Germany hates Hitler for the war.

I don't think that anyone should use that pathetic symbol whose philosophy caused such massacres and cruelties.

For all the supporters of Hitler, declaring your support on an online forum is easy.

Come to Germany with a reverse swastik and I will promise you that you will regret it... immediate arrest... no questions asked!!!

Saying Hail Hit**r is also against the law...

For the admirers

Please keep your opinions to yourselfs.... next thing we know, India will start having Hitler pride rallies :)
orangewrath said:
Seriously WTF? Whats wrong with you dude? Mods, dont let techenclave loose its fan-following because of racial crap like this, there are enough discussions on various boards about this stuff.
Lock this thread, kick this guy out!
Yep take it out on the guy who tries to talk some sense into you knuckleheads!
^^you sound like our resident jingoist -l33tsniper! wonder where he is now? would like him to comment on this thread! was fun reading his comments!
Pulled this out of the other thread so nobody could shout OT :P

kauzy said:
dunno why he has so much problems wid hitler and co.. maybe coz he was rejected a german visa.. :rofl:

How odd it is that non-white ppl could admire a symbol of white supremacy ?

Picture the scenario, Indian guy, alone of course, vs a bunch of neo-nazi skinheads :)

What happens next ?

Same thing if he came across a bunch of non-whites looking for some 'fun'.

Indian dude's geting his ass whacked unless he can pull off a Ussain Bolt.

So what is the difference ?

Please watch American History X
Damn now that was one frigging ultimate movie! :O

American History X - I regret it for not having watched it for so long.
AbhijithS said:
I'm glad I dont belong to that group!
Idolizing hitler for the right reasons makes sense to me , Wiemar republic broke down and then the serious repercussions which took place after that would make any mad man go frickn insane ! The way the allies took action against an already war ravaged , POOR country (the german depression was the worst in the world ) all these and the my friends jews made this an intoxicating concoction . Hitler was an ideologist , he had the strength to command 15 million German soldiers (more like guts than strength) also ideas to employ people like Hjalmar Schacht who revived the german economy in a matter of 5 years when the americans were struggling to get on their knees ... he truly had admirable qualities ...but some devilish ones too ! and after Mr. Fuhrer died ...Wirtschaftswunder baby ! Desecrator the true VW Beetle Hip thing began after the war in the west - bundesrepublik :D

Abhijith , do something like what hitler had done for the greater good of the NORDIC ARYAN SOCIETY u'd be in the history books as well ...

And yes I do read my textbook well :P


gizmoholic said:
This is turning out to be better than Linux vs Windows. :D

^ +1 There , :P

Just my $ 0.02 !
l33t said:
Desecrator the true VW Beetle Hip thing began after the war in the west - bundesrepublik :D
But not until Hitler decided to envision a Maruti 800 for the masses of their nation. ;)
ragzdiablo said:
I read in some one's signature..

"It does not take balls to be brave..

Hitler had only one.."

Hail him for that..


your raavan example is spot on..

he is still idolized for being a scholar...
yes its my sig and it reads on the similar lines :P

as about the topic.

i just want to make clear that i for one, and like many others.. do not respect and praise hitler for wrong reasons.

certainly do not approve racism and mass murdering.

hitler and his propaganda which lead to WW II is one of the reasons why industrial revolution began in germany and spread worldwide later.

the whole of the world has learn alot about politics and tactics from one man and i think he does deserve some credit on these some of the things irrespective of his ultimate motive.

the had a personality which interested almost every german, and it was not religious faction but patriotism...that is what makes him so charismatic and bold for some of us despite of the deeds.

He surely went crazy later but he had conquered the most of europe and russia at a moment. it only reflect a great management skill along with political and military.

heck even russians wanted hitler to rule than stalin.

unlike hitler, stalin did not come into power by election.. russians hated his ruthlessness, but surely the world odes not look upon him with similar disgrace as he joined forces with UK later on.

@OP, British almost looted india in their time, do you think about british rulers in same manner?

and lastly, hitler is kind of a comedy character for some of us... for example those xbox and iphone videos on youtube...
^why close each and every debate?

people will always have difference in opinion, debate as long it is logical and civil.
l33t is l33tsniper?

btw everyone's copy pasting from the wikipedia articles!!

close the thread !!!! its getting broing people repeating same references.
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