Dude don't bother most members here are on same level as r/india.
Total left wing mentality and they will make fun of people who worships cow but will come on the street if they are not let to play with animals, in however brutal way they want.
So many people on this thread oppose cow worshipping because they are forward thinking "westerners" but heartless animal throat cutting or horn clinging is alright.
They are making it look like worshipping cow leads to mob lynching.
They were happy when congress or may i say your majesty was ruling this country and its poor were living without toilet and electricity, they didn't even bother with issues like these.
They stole more money with all their scams over the years than GDP of some countries.
So you are using a Western technology and Western language to say that our eastern ways are always better?
So the caste system and Sati were honorable institutions as well?
Cow worshipping is the not the main issue.Anyone can worship anything and let others do that well.That is what is meant by secularism.It is not a joke or anti-national mentality that you seem to opine about.
Lynching people or banning cow slaughter for food is akin to what the ragheads do by banning alcohol in the middle eastern dictatorships.Do we really want to go that way?
If you read the above link I am absolutely okay with whatever they are saying about Congress but banning Rabindranath Tagore or Miza Ghalib is the sort of thing we need to watch out for as this is just the beginning.
There was nothing to be happy about Congress.I myself voted for Modi but you need to keep in mind that criticism is the cornerstone of any democracy.
If we just ignore fact based criticism in the name of monolithic national identity then we are on the road to becoming a raghead theocracy ala Saudi Arabia which is the exporter of Wahabi extremism at the root of all terrorist activities in the world today.
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.