You may be an unstoppable force but you have met an immovable objectAll these what?
This is the new India which is moved out with the vote bank Secularism baggage on a Hindu Majority nation...I was defending that user you were calling out. I have no love for either parties, I hate the way the UPA panders and bends backwards to the Muslim vote, ditto for the NDA for doing the same to defend Hinduism.
So the secular media is now trying fake news as well? Wow.This is the new India which is moved out with the vote bank Secularism baggage on a Hindu Majority nation...
This is an excellent piece by Shekhar Guptha.
As I mentioned earlier its a perception that's being created that the Govt is anti minority. The Govt is not appeasing the minority that's it. Since they're used to Appeasement all these years, equal treatment is being perceived as harassment and this view is being supported by media and opposition for their own benefits.
In fact the debate has gone to such an extent that on TV show BJP spokesperson inadvertently spelt that they don't need minority to vote for them hurriedly he clarified, Rather they do not expect them to vote for BJP.
Clearly BJP has nothing to lose if the Muslims do not vote for them. Now its the Muslims who are set to lose if they don't have a say in BJPs decisions. They have been isolated, politically sidelined and for the first time since independence they're feeling what its like to be a minority. They have nobody but themselves to blame, for being a vote bank. This won't work anymore.
Now The religion which is playing the victim card isn't a peaceful or innocent religion either. They're the torch bearers of worst human rights violations, bigotry, terrorist violence both nationally and internationally. They claim a victim hood if they are a minority and Annihilation of other religions if they are a majority. What happened Hindus of Pakistan? Or Jews of Saudi Arabia/Iran ? There are places in UK where even non Muslim women are advised to use a head scarf just to be on the safer side.
What's happening in West Bengal? A 14yr old is in Jail for a Facebook post & the Rioters are roaming free... There's no FoE debates no support for the 14yr old, even on TE??
There are other minorities in the country as well. Somehow this religion gets the best of the news and compensation. They attack other Minorities if required.
Every attack on a minority isn't beef related, which the Secular media tries to portray but naturally they are not getting any support. I think that should be enough and not open the Azaan debate to show how tolerant majority of Hindus are...![]()
What are you talking about?So the secular media is now trying fake news as well? Wow.
Oh I'm sorry they are food for many of us. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯So many people on this thread oppose cow worshipping because they are forward thinking "westerners" but heartless animal throat cutting or horn clinging is alright.
Just some baseless stereotype rant. If you have proof that we supported those moves please do entertain us.They were happy when congress or may i say your majesty was ruling this country and its poor were living without toilet and electricity, they didn't even bother with issues like these. They stole more money with all their scams over the years than GDP of some countries.
Oh I'm sorry they are food for many of us. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Many muslim countries not allow consumption of pork. So as a Hindu country India should not allow consumption of beef.
So we will saying things like Digital India and superpower in one breath and then emulate the towelhead dictatorships of the middle east?Many muslim countries not allow consumption of pork. So as a Hindu country India should not allow consumption of beef.
You are unhappy with the condition in India ? You guys are publically abusing centuries of old faith of the majority community in this thread and get away with it. And, India is bad ? Strange logic.
plant eating population of weak bodied
stay ignorant or step into the light.
Hinduism isnt as peaceful as it appears,
based in scientific facts,
>BlogEnclaveDude stop acting your getting offended about this whole beef fiasco. If you don't eat it, it doesn't affect you... leave it at that and move on.
I don't understand why do Indians love to get involved in other people's businesses and make it their personal mission to pull down a group people or minorities because those people don't conform to their religion's standards.
The idea is to live and let live....the same people who complain about mosque loudspeakers are the same hypocrites who part take and condone the commercial and loud distasteful mockery of god when Ganpati and other religious festivals come around. You may say otherwise but the majority are A-OK with it and would still support it even the bhajans woke them up at 5 am in the morning.
Hinduism isnt as peaceful as it appears, it s a nice concept but the amount of caste-ism and sheer amount of backwardness and ignorance about faith and religious symbolism that still exists make me laugh and sad at the same time.
Not to mention the segregation and subjugation that still exists in some parts of the country based on color that too...makes me question what good is any religion? The more I've learnt and seen over the years about how badly people's minds have been brainwashed with religious intolerance and bigotry for other faiths, the more I withdraw from it. I rather not associated with any one of them.
Screw these fundamentalists trying to ruin our country with their bullshit agendas, if you're so concerned with cows being slaughtered why don't go around the world trying to stop the millions who are being slaughtered right now? Arent they gods too? or have gods in them or whatever it is that you were told to believe they are. And while you're at it.... what about the cows that roam the streets and roads in between traffic, let to freely roam eating garbage on the streets.. I mean what's a godly animal doing eating garbage on the streets?
You wanna what i believe? they' are animals, and if they provide a food source for people who need to be fed so that they can about their daily lives contributing to society making everyone's lives better without personally affecting anyone...Then there should be no debate, end of story.
You can't have it both ways. you either live with a weak willed plant eating population of weak bodied and minded people, who wonder why they get laughed at around the world for not eating animal protein to get stronger due to their ignorant and frankly stupid beliefs.
Or you rise up and change your attitude and embrace what is real and based in scientific facts, rather than some bullshit religious fantasy stories.
The choice is really yours. stay ignorant or step into the light.
Didn't even get what the context was, just commented to remain relevant.Oh I'm sorry they are food for many of us. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Some of us like to bash other's faith and protect theirs. That's the irony here.[DOUBLEPOST=1501505325][/DOUBLEPOST]
Have you ever seen an elephant ? I guess not.[DOUBLEPOST=1501505368][/DOUBLEPOST]
The only worthwhile thing in your post.[DOUBLEPOST=1501505450][/DOUBLEPOST]
Secular, right ?[DOUBLEPOST=1501505610][/DOUBLEPOST]
What is actually, White man's science. We had a culture dating at least 3,000 years old. And, you have no value for it.