^ More than my approval its your ear's approval that matters.

See , what you will get out of RE-0 is -
highly detailed and neutral sound ,everything will be balanced and sound natural, medium / decent soundstage and imaging . amazing transparency , each musical beat just flows through the other so it's very easy to pick up different detailed notes which you must have never heard before in your music.Also keep in mind that the RE-0 doesn't show any mercy to lower bit rate files or poor recordings which means its very revealing and will rip apart low quality files resulting in distortion.Using 320 kbps Mp3s or lossless(FLACs) is highly recommended for pure audio nirvana.
What you
DONT get is -
warm sound/ upfront sound or any sort of artificial colouration which will make your music sound more musical/fun etc.No thumping and pumping bass .
If that's what you want , go for the RE-0 eyes closed. If you are looking for what the RE-0 is NOT - you will have to look at the Kilpsch S4 or other IEMs.
The reason I sold of the Clip+ is I needed more memory , and a better UI,browsing etc .The clip+ has a poor/decent batter life of 8-10 hrs depending on the volume , bit rate of files used. With an addition of a microSD card it drops further.With 320/FLACs loaded and a microSD card ,I was hardly getting 6-7 hrs of battery life.
I got to try a Sansa Fuze 8GB few days back and fell in love with it.The perfect PMP ,Ive been looking for . Audiophile quality audio,amazing screen,slim form factor,20hrs + battery life and also a microSD slot .Also it looks really sleek and sexy in person , the snaps online don't do any justice to it . Mine should be here in 2-3 days