IC: ASUS Xonar DX for 3.65 k

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obama said:
lots of bull shitting going on here by amarbir and predatorvj....
whats ur problem if redbull is selling the cards here at this price ?

Does he poke his nose in ur high priced products.?

as per ur commitment i had paid you Rs.8050/- on saturday for the essence stx card and you had twice confirmed that you will ship it by monday. only on that basis and with the assumption that you have the card in ur possesion i had made the payment.
but today you pm me that you dont have the card and are going to pre-order ....and will take 2 weeks or more for it to reach india. hence i chose to get refund of my payment which you have done so (have to check with my bank though).
fair enough, I will get my refund (Rs. 30 short though , meaning a loss of Rs.30/- through no fault of mine ((deposit amount = 8050 - 8020 (refund money) = Rs.30 loss)
but "Commitment" is an alien concept to you it seems. such unprofessionalism is not good.
if you had told me that you were expecting delivery from asus then i might have done pre-order from you (2~4 weeks delay) but since you did not i had no option but to take the refund option.
perhaps we should make a rule on TE that all small time, sub-sub- dealers (except KMD and media.home.in) have to sell stuff on strictly COD basis. atleast the members dont have to depend upon the whims and fancies or blatant lies and commitments of small time unprofessional sub dealers here.

This is for members information.
kindly insist on COD basis from unknown dealers / members. if the party does not agree then dont purchase from them. you will definitely get better deals from genuine people. just ask around here ...

very true !!

and again mods are too linient when it comes to dealers !!
if the thing which is sold in here with real vat paid bill , y create the unncesseary hoopla ?

dealers who were against each other a few threads back are now forming groups and attackin GO creators !

amarbir, had openly accused IC creators sayin they take money on the name of dell LCd`s n other SH1t.... but wat a flop show it was ...

remember 2209WA with 5yrs warranty 11k-12k :rofl:
The cards will be sourced via Rashi or similar AFAIK, and with full bill to boot, i can't understand the reason for the big fuss.
+++1 ................................

Dinesh_Malhotra said:
very true !!

and again mods are too linient when it comes to dealers !!
if the thing which is sold in here with real vat paid bill , y create the unncesseary hoopla ?

dealers who were against each other a few threads back are now forming groups and attackin GO creators !

amarbir, had openly accused IC creators sayin they take money on the name of dell LCd`s n other SH1t.... but wat a flop show it was ...

remember 2209WA with 5yrs warranty 11k-12k :rofl:
obama said:
lots of bull shitting going on here by amarbir and predatorvj....

whats ur problem if redbull is selling the cards here at this price ?

Does he poke his nose in ur high priced products.?


as per ur commitment i had paid you Rs.8050/- on saturday for the essence stx card and you had twice confirmed that you will ship it by monday. only on that basis and with the assumption that you have the card in ur possesion i had made the payment.

but today you pm me that you dont have the card and are going to pre-order ....and will take 2 weeks or more for it to reach india. hence i chose to get refund of my payment which you have done so (have to check with my bank though).

fair enough, I will get my refund (Rs. 30 short though , meaning a loss of Rs.30/- through no fault of mine ((deposit amount = 8050 - 8020 (refund money) = Rs.30 loss)

but "Commitment" is an alien concept to you it seems. such unprofessionalism is not good.

if you had told me that you were expecting delivery from asus then i might have done pre-order from you (2~4 weeks delay) but since you did not i had no option but to take the refund option.

perhaps we should make a rule on TE that all small time, sub-sub- dealers (except KMD and media.home.in) have to sell stuff on strictly COD basis. atleast the members dont have to depend upon the whims and fancies or blatant lies and commitments of small time unprofessional sub dealers here.

This is for members information.

kindly insist on COD basis from unknown dealers / members. if the party does not agree then dont purchase from them. you will definitely get better deals from genuine people. just ask around here ...

Well ,

You Did Not Bother To Read My Comments At all Do You .Who Has a Bloody Problem if You Are even getting This Card For Rs :1 .Well Instead of Blaming The Dealers Here Try Something ,Talk To some disti And Take The Rate of a Product and Than also Ask Him if there is stock for the same .then Take a Order And Go To Disti And Tell Him You want the product you asked about 1 hour ago .Might be they will tell you oh sir we just sold that 30 minutes ago .Lets check our stock in HO and then after 15 minutes he says sorry sir there is no stock in HO also,That Has to be backordered .What will you Do then .I Have has ths BS Many Many Times From disties ,Then The User Blames Just His Dealer ,Think Over It .And Secondly Get Over the Hatred against Me ,I Am PMing You My Mobile No So That You Could Vent Out anything That You Have in Your Heart And i Could Clear it Once And For All With You .I am a Normal PErson Who does What every Dealer in India Does simply Put Together .
Dinesh_Malhotra said:
very true !!

and again mods are too linient when it comes to dealers !!

if the thing which is sold in here with real vat paid bill , y create the unncesseary hoopla ?

dealers who were against each other a few threads back are now forming groups and attackin GO creators !

amarbir, had openly accused IC creators sayin they take money on the name of dell LCd`s n other SH1t.... but wat a flop show it was ...

remember 2209WA with 5yrs warranty 11k-12k :rofl:

Well DM


Why Just Keep Talking About 2209WA .Why Not Talk About Others Too .Whats The Problem You Can Still Take 2209WA Orders Did i Tell You To Close Your Go Or Anything ,Well As Far As My Taking Vijays Side Is Concerned I Am Inputting What Observations i had myself .Well Wait I am Still Trying To Arrange That 2209WA ,In TE The Mods Are Not Like Other Forums They Think And Act They Do Not Act In a Way That Undermines Thier Mod status ,Thats One Reason this Forum Rocks get that .
Mate ,
100% Correct ,I To Hate Rashi And Its Policies .
lol Mr Vijay has his uncle very high in Asus and still cant do anything about Rashi :rofl:...very high prices coupled with no service :D:D
Well DM
Why Just Keep Talking About 2209WA .Why Not Talk About Others Too .Whats The Problem You Can Still Take 2209WA Orders Did i Tell You To Close Your Go Or Anything ,Well As Far As My Taking Vijays Side Is Concerned I Am Inputting What Observations i had myself .Well Wait I am Still Trying To Arrange That 2209WA ,In TE The Mods Are Not Like Other Forums They Think And Act They Do Not Act In a Way That Undermines Thier Mod status ,Thats One Reason this Forum Rocks get that .

cmon dont praise the mods so much...
they do understand ur diplomatic behaviour :rofl:

BTW you started bull crapping in ur LCD thread abt IC creators, we are just returning the favor :)
^Ouch. :lol:

Seems like Redbull's dealer does offer a bill with VAT paid. A good deal indeed.
oye dont spoil my name in this way :P
and WTF is happening is here in TE
thats the reason I am away from here !
redbull yaar get those cards and finish the matter

its ok ,only POINT IS MONEY
EVERY one in TE are some what dealer :P ,dont want to comment on that more .

and yes I cant do anything about rashi as rashi is some what controlling ASUS :@
all my best are turning into worst ,still its my some contact via what i do manage to get deals from them (NOt what supra said ,for asus I keep talking to Tiwan not in india ) :(

@obama i had transferred your money on that day ,I had ordered 9 units to rashi and out of which i got 5 unit only which was all ready pre-ordered .However rashi told me that they shipped me 9 units but on landing it turned into some thing else .this is what happening with rashi :no:
pardon me for that deal ,wont trust on rashi any more and take any more orders even if its transit to me ,I think I allready spoked to you regarding that on PM and Transferred the money on monday itself ,hope that you it .

Supra said:
lol Mr Vijay has his uncle very high in Asus and still cant do anything about Rashi :rofl:...very high prices coupled with no service :D:D
First piece of DX is here with my dealer and have PMed Gunman abt it since he had PMed me with interest in buying a piece.

and i was NOT taking pre-orders as i prefer timely deliveries like if i were the buyer.and am also very much aware abt the 'availability games' that distris like to play on dealers.So, deciding not to take any risks or uwanted tensions, i will be accepting orders/payments ONLY once my dealer gets the card in his hands.

PS: Will update the first post with the details of the arrived card, so that no one remains sceptical abt its authenticity,
i guess predatorvj is not over-quoting but is giving us the best possible deal he can give.

however,redbull is giving a limited piece,cheap price offer.

c'mon guys,give the dealers a break.
Dinesh_Malhotra said:
cmon dont praise the mods so much...

they do understand ur diplomatic behaviour :rofl:


BTW you started bull crapping in ur LCD thread abt IC creators, we are just returning the favor :)

Well ,

Post Ignored Does Not Matter Any More What You Say .:rofl:
Well ,
Post Ignored Does Not Matter Any More What You Say .:rofl:

thats y u quoted it :) !!

nothin against u amar..
u are a good person .. but u need to understand or take into account that you should avoid takin digg at others.

wat redbull is doing here is good for the te community...
y harass him ?
y fall into unnecessary issues ?

chillax mate
Got a quote of around 7.4k-7.5k on Xonar Essence STX but availability is the big prob - will update the thread if i get any hint on that.
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