Excellent peice of advice, I hope there are no side effects with those meds. Will google myself, though, please do share your views as well.
No side effects, they are all natural supplements no chemicals

L-glutamine is the most prevalent amino acid in the blood. Human cells readily manufacture L-glutamine and under normal circumstances, dietary intake and production of L-glutamine is sufficient. However, in times of stress or increased energy output, the body's tissues need more L-glutamine than usual, making supplementation important.
One of the main reasons that supplements with L-glutamine are so safe for your body is that it already occurs naturally in your body. The benefits that you obtain when using such natural supplements as L-glutamine can be amazing such as the great anti-catabolic agent that it provides, protecting your muscles from hormone cortisol and the catabolic activities that are involved. Many people favor the way this supplement can help your recuperate much faster from weight training workouts and others love the fact that it helps to boost your immune system.
L-Glutamine is an amino acid, just like protein. It is the most abundant free amino acid in muscle tissue, and it plays a principal role in protein metabolism, cell volumizing, and anti-catabolism. Yes, lots of big fancy words, however, "anti-catabolism" is the reason that I started to use it and continue to do so. Catabolism is the breaking down of your muscles, which is something that you don't want to happen. Doing cardio or aerobic activity could have a catabolic effect on your muscles. Your body needs something to burn for energy when you jog, run, walk, ride a bike, jump rope, take an aerobics class or do any other form of cardio, and sometimes your body uses your own muscle for energy.
This is where L-Glutamine comes in. Since it is an "Anti-catabolic" it will allow you to maintain as much muscle as possible and prevents muscle cell breakdown, while allowing you to burn more fat.
Glucosamine is an important building block needed by the body to manufacture specialized molecules called glycosaminoglycans, found in cartilage.
For a long time, glucosamine dominated the market among supplements used to ease joint pain. Now, many practitioners prefer to use a combination of both glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate. Many have found this combination to be effective, particularly for runners, who tend to develop problems with their knees. Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate are well absorbed by the molecules that make up cartilage. They are not available from food.
I have problems with my wrists too... so I recently suggested another TE member tried Glucosamine for problematic wrist joints like carpal tunnel or repetitive syndromes... for me I have had some success, so I take it daily. I also take l-glutamine daily, this is also good for anyone. For athletes, runners, or people working out it will help maintain muscle while you burn fat, for other people it will help boost your immune system too.